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|DE = Der Stamm der Wasserbrecher |DEs= 4
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<big>"La Tribu des Dresseurs d'Eau", cube d'ambre remis par le Sénateur [[Abycus Zekops]] à l'akenak Na-Tara sur la tribu des [[Dresseurs d'Eau]] en [[2545]]</big>.
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<big><big><big><big>'''The Water Breakers Tribe'''</big></big></big></big>
An amber cube about the [[Water Breakers]]'s tribe given by<br />
Senator [[Abycus Zekops]] to the akenak Na-Tara in [[2545]]
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{{Quotation| in ''“Memoirs of [[Fyre]]”'', by Xercus Xalon, of the [[Water Breakers]] tribe.|
<poem>“''Work on that skin, lil'chap, it's not clean enough for my taste''!” said the master tanner, spitting in the river with an ungraceful gesture.
“''And hurry up, lil'chap, we don't have all day, for kamis sake! The last thing we want to see now would be one of these good-for-nothing [[Tryker]] thugs to come and kick your butt by stealing your dappers…''” he mumbled as he walked away from the water hole.
It was a beautiful day beginning. The cool morning foreshadowed a hot afternoon under the oppressive heat of the desert, which favored my work as an apprentice tanner from the Water Breakers tribe. But heat meant thirst, and the herbivores would soon arrive in droves at the water hole. And herbivores mean predators lurking around… But for the moment, it was enough not to think about it. I worked for more than two hours on the same skin of [[varinx]] by rubbing it with chips of [[tama wood]]. At the end of those two hours, not only was the skin not as "perfect" as the master tanner wanted it to be, but my daily supply of chips was almost exhausted, not to mention the splinters I collected in the palm of my hand. As for the water of the oasis, it was getting more and more dirty and would be soon unusable. So, when the call for a break sounded, I had a moment of panic: after the break, the master tanner would come back to see me and, noticing my task had not progressed a bit, would take a malicious pleasure in tearing a strip of me.
It had been two weeks since we had received the order from the imperial palace to redo the room of the little [[Dexton]]. Bedspread in varinx skin. But not the standard model, nor the basic model, of course. And, when it was not orders for very luxurious products like those we had been asked to produce this time, the Empire ordered heavy armor from us. But, that morning, many sighs escaped me as I looked at the state of the dirty skin that had fallen on me. I was achieving absolutely nothing with these varinx skins, not to mention the grease stains on the coat. And all this for a mission to be accomplished quickly. The whole tribe had been busy for two weeks. Drapes, clothes of all sizes, various carpets... It was necessary to do everything for a being who one day would be the Emperor of the Fyros people, our Emperor. And each day, the water was a little more dirty, brownish, and the air a little less breathable... the wind did not help. Some people said that the storm was about to break. I'm still waiting for it.
{{Quotation| Mémoires de [[Fyre]], par Xercus Xalon, de la Tribu des [[Dresseurs d'Eau]].|
<poem>− ''«Travaille-moi donc cette peau, p’tit gars, elle est pas assez propre à mon goût»'' fit le maître tanneur en crachant dans la rivière d’un geste peu gracieux.
− ''«Et qu’ça saute, p’tit gars, on a pas toute la journée, nom d’un kami sans poils ! Manquerait plus qu’un d’ces voyous bon à rien d’Trykers vienne te botter l’train arrière en te piquant tes dappers»'' marmonna-t-il en s’éloignant du point d’eau.
    C’était une belle journée qui avait débuté. Le matin frais présageait un après-midi brûlant sous la chaleur oppressante du désert, ce qui favorisait mon travail d’apprenti tanneur de la Tribu des [[Dresseurs d'Eau]]. Mais qui disait chaleur disait soif, et les herbivores ne tarderaient pas à arriver en masse au point d’eau. Et qui dit herbivores dit prédateurs… Mais pour l’heure, il suffisait de ne pas y penser. Je travaillais depuis plus de deux heures la même peau de varinx en la frottant avec des copeaux de bois de tama. Au bout de ces deux heures largement dépassées, la peau n’était pas « parfaite » comme le voulait le maître tanneur, ma réserve de copeaux pour la journée était presque épuisée, sans parler des échardes que je collectionnais au creux de ma main. Quant à l’eau de l’oasis, elle commençait sérieusement à devenir sale et donc inutilisable. L’appel pour la pause retentit et j’eus un moment de panique. Après la pause, le maître tanneur repasserait me voir et mon travail n’ayant pas avancé d’un poil, il se ferait un malsain plaisir à me remonter les braies.
    Cela faisait deux semaines qu’on avait reçu cette commande du palais impérial pour refaire la chambre du petit Dexton. Descente de lit en peau de varinx. Mais pas le modèle standard, ni le modèle de base, bien entendu. Et quand ce n’était pas des commandes pour des produits hautement luxueux comme ceux que l’on avait la charge de produire, l’Empire nous commandait des armures lourdes. Mais à ce moment là, maints soupirs m’échappaient en regardant l’état de la peau impropre qui m’était tombée dessus. Je n’arrivais strictement à rien avec ces peaux de varinx, sans parler des taches de graisse sur le pelage. Et le tout pour une mission à accomplir rapidement. Toute la tribu s’activait depuis ces deux semaines. Tentures, vêtements, divers tapis… Il fallait faire de tout pour un être qui un jour serait l’Empereur du peuple Fyros, notre Empereur. Et chaque jour, l’eau était un peu plus viciée, marronnâtre. L’air était un peu moins respirable et le vent n’arrangeait pas les choses. Certains disaient que l’orage allait éclater. Je l’attends toujours.
[[File:Empty Oflovak Oasis.png|500px|Frameless|center]]
[[File:Empty Oflovak Oasis.png|500px|Frameless|center]]
    L’après-midi, comme prévu, fut chaud et brûlant. Mais rien n’aurait pu m’empêcher de finir ma douloureuse tâche après la violente correction offerte gracieusement entre deux chicots de la part du maître tanneur. Généreux il était. Je finis par enfin réussir à nettoyer correctement la peau, comme il le fallait, et, fier de mon travail, relevais la tête pour regarder les troupeaux d’herbivores s’abreuver au bord de l’eau. Mais là, rien. Rien de chez rien. Pas l’ombre d’un herbivore. Pourtant, l’astre du jour était haut dans le ciel et les bestiaux auraient dû se trouver en ces lieux. Oui, mais non. Plus tard, je m’étonnerai du fait de n’avoir vu aucun prédateur non plus. Etrange.
The afternoon, as expected, was hot and burning. But nothing could have prevented me from finishing my painful task after the violent correction graciously offered between two snags by the tannery master. Generous of his blows, he was! I finally managed to clean the skin properly, as it should have been, and, proud of my work, raised my head to watch the herds of herbivores drinking at the water's edge. But nothing there. Nothing at all. Not the shadow of a herbivore. Yet the star of the day was high in the sky and the beasts should have been there. Yes, but no. Later, I will be surprised that I didn't see any predators either. Strange…
− ''«Hé Xerc’, fit mon amie matisse de deux années de Jena ma cadette, t’as r’marqué ? Trois jours qu’on a pas vu d’brouteur ni d’bouffeur d’mektoub ! Moi j’parie qu’le Ma-Duk, et ben ’y va nous tomber d’ssus ! »''
    Jeune sot énamouré que j’étais, je souris bêtement à la petite homine au visage brûlé par le soleil du Désert tout en mangeant mon brouet infect. « Pas l’temps »'' disait le maître tanneur, il fallait se contenter de rations quasi-militaires immangeables pour finir la commande impériale dans les temps. Et l’absence des herbivores ne facilitait pas les choses. Je soupirais encore une fois, sans prêter attention aux chuchotements qui se propageaient dans le campement de la tribu. Au bout d’un moment, les chuchotis se turent et, intrigué, je sortis ma tête du plat infect que l’on était obligé d’ingurgiter et manquais de justesse de m’étouffer avec une infecte bouchée de brouet.
“''Hey Xerc!” said my matis friend, two Jena years my youngest, “''Did you notice? Three days we haven't seen no grazer nor bodoc-eater! I bet that the Ma-Duk, well, he's'' going to fall down upon us soon!''”
''«Est votre métier bien, tanneur, mais pas de respectueuse Nature. Il faut arrêter activité polluante votre car animaux plus veulent boire dans l’Oasis d’Oflovak et mourir desséchés sont dans le désert en train. Sont les Kamis attristés par morts ces par centaines ! Vous comprennez ? Devriez-vous. »''
As the young, enamored fool I was, I stupidly smiled at the little homina with a face burned by the desert sun while chewing my stinking pittance. “''No time!''” the master tanner had say: we had to be content with hastily swallowing filthy, almost military rations if we wanted to finish the imperial order on time. And the absence of herbivores did not make things any easier. I sighed again, without paying attention to the whispers that were spreading through the tribe's camp.  After a while, the whispers suddenly fell silent. Intrigued,  I took my head out of the disgusting dish we were forced to eat... and almost choked on a particularly ignoble bite of my ration.
    Deux sentinelles se dressaient majestueusement devant le maître tanneur de la tribu des [[Dresseurs d'Eau]] très pâle et peu fier. Les yeux mauves reflétant une immensité insondable fixaient l’homin avec une froideur peu engageante.
− ''«Mais, … Nous avons des délais très courts imposés par le Palais de Pyr, et …»''
''Is good your job, tanner, but not respectful Nature. Necessary is to stop polluting activity your, 'cause animals drinking in [[Oflovak's Oasis|Oasis Oflovak]] no more can and dying desiccated in desert are. Kamis saddened are by deaths these by hundreds! You understand? Should you!''
− ''«Silence fais tu, homin, n’est l’eau pas bonne pour vie. Pas de vie, pas vous de sur Atys. Vous arrêter votre travail devez jusqu’à ce que l’eau bonne soit et buvable aussi. Sinon Ma-Duk punir vous pourra décider. »''
Two sentinels stood majestically before the master tanner of the Water Breakers tribe, very pale and not proud. Purple eyes reflecting an unfathomable vastness stared at the homin with an uncomfortable coldness. The purple eyes, reflecting an unfathomable immensity, were staring at the homin with an uninviting coldness.
    Le pauvre maître tanneur perdait consistance comme neige de forêt au soleil du désert. J’en eus presque de la peine pour lui, mais comprenais que s’il décidait d’arrêter la production, nous risquions de perdre le marché, notre renommée et beaucoup de choses encore. Peu de temps après, les kamis partirent, non sans un rappel de nos devoirs d’homins envers eux.
− ''“But... we have very short deadlines imposed by the Palace of Pyr, and...”''
    La journée passa au ralenti, chacun errant d’un plan de travail à un autre. La présence des kamis ne présageait rien de bon et des aveux à mi-voix parcouraient le campement, comme s’ils étaient dans l’attente d’un jugement divin. Au soir, le maître tanneur rassembla la tribu à la lueur d’un feu de camps et annonça sa décision : ils n’arrêteraient pas ce qui touchait au travail de rivière, que les eaux se purifieront d’elles-même et que les herbivores finiront bien par revenir, stupides bestioles qu’elles étaient. Certains jurèrent, prièrent, pleurèrent, mais le maître était le maître.
− ''“Silence do you, homin, is water not good for life. No life, not you of Atys. You must stop your work until the water is and too drinkable good to be. Otherwise Ma-Duk punish you may to decide. ''
The poor master tanner lost consistency like forest snow under desert sunshine. I almost felt sorry for him, but I understood that if he decided to stop production, we were in danger of losing the market, our reputation and much more. Soon after, the kamis left, not without reminding us of our homin duties towards them.
    Je fus parmi les cinq membres de la Tribu des [[Dresseurs d'Eau]] à me dresser contre le maître tanneur. Tous réclamaient le droit de se battre contre lui afin de savoir s’il était toujours digne de diriger les opérations. Si l’un d’entre nous gagnait, nous pouvions faire ce que nous voulions, et le maître tanneur se ferait bannir de la tribu. L’inverse marchait aussi. Les quatre autres avaient tous échoué et reposaient leurs espoirs sur moi. Si je gagnais, ils resteraient. Si je perdais… Nous serions bannis. Toute la tribu assistait à la lutte. Elle ne dura pas longtemps. Je glissais sur une sorte de peau tannée à terre et entraînais mon adversaire déjà fortement fatigué dans ma chute avec moi, et Ma-Duk sait comment, je me retrouvais au-dessus de lui. Au-dessus de tous les membres de la Tribu. Humilié, le maître tanneur s’enfuit et ma première décision fut d’arrêter tout travail de rivière. Tant pis si nous prenions du retard, les Kamis n’ont pas à être mécontents.
The day passed in slow motion, each one wandering from one workbench to another. The presence of the kamis did not bode well, and whispered prayers ran through the camp, as if everyone was waiting for a divine judgment. In the evening, the master tanner gathered the tribe by the glow of a campfire and announced his decision: the river work would not be abandoned, for the waters would soon purify themselves and the herbivores would eventually return, stupid beasts that they were. Some swore, some prayed and some even cried, but the master was the master.
    Finalement, la commande fut honorée avec seulement quelques semaines de retard et ma tribu fut largement récompensée. Nous entretenons depuis d’excellents rapports avec le Palais Impérial dans tout ce qui touche au cuir. J’espère que mon fils Boeseus sera mon digne successeur.</poem> }}
I was among the five members of the Water Breakers tribe to rebel against the master tanner. We had all asked for the right to fight him in order to find out whether he was still worthy to lead the operations, and he had to grant it to us in the face of general grumbling. If one of us won, we could do as we pleased, and the master tanner would be banished from the tribe. If not, it would be us who would be kicked out. The other four had all failed and all their hopes now rested with me. If I won, they would remain in the tribe. If I lost... we would become outcasts. The whole tribe was watching the hand-to-hand struggle. It didn't last long. I slipped on some kind of tanned skin on the ground and dragged my already tired opponent down with me, and Ma-Duk knows how, I found myself on top of him. On top of all members of the Tribe. Humiliated, the master tanner clear out and my first decision was to stop all river work. So much the worse if we were late: the Kamis must not be irritated.
Finally, the order was fulfilled with only a few weeks delay and my tribe was amply rewarded. Since then, we have had an excellent relationship with the Imperial Palace in all matters relating to leather. I hope that my son Boeseus will be my worthy successor.</poem> }}
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{{WikiMerged| [[:fr:C Dresseurs d'eau]] }}
{{Portal|Chronicles 2485 - 2525|Tribe|Fyros}}  
{{Portal|Chronicles 2525 - 2562|Tribe|Fyros}}  
[[Category:Chronicles 2485 - 2525]] [[Category:Chronicles of the Burning Desert|Category:]]
[[Category:Chronicles 2525 - 2562]] [[Category:Chronicles of the Burning Desert|Category:]]
[[de:Der Wasserbrecher Stamm]] [[en:The Water Breakers Tribe]] [[es:La Tribu de los Rompe Aguas]] [[fr:La Tribu des Dresseurs d’Eau]] [[ru:Племя водорезальщиков]]{{last version link|The Water Breakers Tribe}}</noinclude>
[[de:Der Wasserbrecher Stamm]] [[en:The Water Breakers Tribe]] [[es:La Tribu de los Rompe Aguas]] [[fr:La Tribu des Dresseurs d’Eau]] [[ru:Племя водорезальщиков]]{{last version link|The Water Breakers Tribe}}</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 20:17, 20 September 2021

de:Der Stamm der Wasserbrecher
en:The Water Breakers Tribe
es:La Tribu de los Rompe Aguas
fr:La Tribu des Dresseurs d’Eau
ru:Племя водорезальщиков
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2021-09-20)


The Water Breakers Tribe

An amber cube about the Water Breakers's tribe given by
Senator Abycus Zekops to the akenak Na-Tara in 2545

Work on that skin, lil'chap, it's not clean enough for my taste!” said the master tanner, spitting in the river with an ungraceful gesture.
And hurry up, lil'chap, we don't have all day, for kamis sake! The last thing we want to see now would be one of these good-for-nothing Tryker thugs to come and kick your butt by stealing your dappers…” he mumbled as he walked away from the water hole.

It was a beautiful day beginning. The cool morning foreshadowed a hot afternoon under the oppressive heat of the desert, which favored my work as an apprentice tanner from the Water Breakers tribe. But heat meant thirst, and the herbivores would soon arrive in droves at the water hole. And herbivores mean predators lurking around… But for the moment, it was enough not to think about it. I worked for more than two hours on the same skin of varinx by rubbing it with chips of tama wood. At the end of those two hours, not only was the skin not as "perfect" as the master tanner wanted it to be, but my daily supply of chips was almost exhausted, not to mention the splinters I collected in the palm of my hand. As for the water of the oasis, it was getting more and more dirty and would be soon unusable. So, when the call for a break sounded, I had a moment of panic: after the break, the master tanner would come back to see me and, noticing my task had not progressed a bit, would take a malicious pleasure in tearing a strip of me.
It had been two weeks since we had received the order from the imperial palace to redo the room of the little Dexton. Bedspread in varinx skin. But not the standard model, nor the basic model, of course. And, when it was not orders for very luxurious products like those we had been asked to produce this time, the Empire ordered heavy armor from us. But, that morning, many sighs escaped me as I looked at the state of the dirty skin that had fallen on me. I was achieving absolutely nothing with these varinx skins, not to mention the grease stains on the coat. And all this for a mission to be accomplished quickly. The whole tribe had been busy for two weeks. Drapes, clothes of all sizes, various carpets... It was necessary to do everything for a being who one day would be the Emperor of the Fyros people, our Emperor. And each day, the water was a little more dirty, brownish, and the air a little less breathable... the wind did not help. Some people said that the storm was about to break. I'm still waiting for it.


The afternoon, as expected, was hot and burning. But nothing could have prevented me from finishing my painful task after the violent correction graciously offered between two snags by the tannery master. Generous of his blows, he was! I finally managed to clean the skin properly, as it should have been, and, proud of my work, raised my head to watch the herds of herbivores drinking at the water's edge. But nothing there. Nothing at all. Not the shadow of a herbivore. Yet the star of the day was high in the sky and the beasts should have been there. Yes, but no. Later, I will be surprised that I didn't see any predators either. Strange…

Hey Xerc!” said my matis friend, two Jena years my youngest, “Did you notice? Three days we haven't seen no grazer nor bodoc-eater! I bet that the Ma-Duk, well, he's going to fall down upon us soon!
As the young, enamored fool I was, I stupidly smiled at the little homina with a face burned by the desert sun while chewing my stinking pittance. “No time!” the master tanner had say: we had to be content with hastily swallowing filthy, almost military rations if we wanted to finish the imperial order on time. And the absence of herbivores did not make things any easier. I sighed again, without paying attention to the whispers that were spreading through the tribe's camp. After a while, the whispers suddenly fell silent. Intrigued, I took my head out of the disgusting dish we were forced to eat... and almost choked on a particularly ignoble bite of my ration.


Is good your job, tanner, but not respectful Nature. Necessary is to stop polluting activity your, 'cause animals drinking in Oasis Oflovak no more can and dying desiccated in desert are. Kamis saddened are by deaths these by hundreds! You understand? Should you!
Two sentinels stood majestically before the master tanner of the Water Breakers tribe, very pale and not proud. Purple eyes reflecting an unfathomable vastness stared at the homin with an uncomfortable coldness. The purple eyes, reflecting an unfathomable immensity, were staring at the homin with an uninviting coldness.
“But... we have very short deadlines imposed by the Palace of Pyr, and...”
“Silence do you, homin, is water not good for life. No life, not you of Atys. You must stop your work until the water is and too drinkable good to be. Otherwise Ma-Duk punish you may to decide. ”
The poor master tanner lost consistency like forest snow under desert sunshine. I almost felt sorry for him, but I understood that if he decided to stop production, we were in danger of losing the market, our reputation and much more. Soon after, the kamis left, not without reminding us of our homin duties towards them.

The day passed in slow motion, each one wandering from one workbench to another. The presence of the kamis did not bode well, and whispered prayers ran through the camp, as if everyone was waiting for a divine judgment. In the evening, the master tanner gathered the tribe by the glow of a campfire and announced his decision: the river work would not be abandoned, for the waters would soon purify themselves and the herbivores would eventually return, stupid beasts that they were. Some swore, some prayed and some even cried, but the master was the master.


I was among the five members of the Water Breakers tribe to rebel against the master tanner. We had all asked for the right to fight him in order to find out whether he was still worthy to lead the operations, and he had to grant it to us in the face of general grumbling. If one of us won, we could do as we pleased, and the master tanner would be banished from the tribe. If not, it would be us who would be kicked out. The other four had all failed and all their hopes now rested with me. If I won, they would remain in the tribe. If I lost... we would become outcasts. The whole tribe was watching the hand-to-hand struggle. It didn't last long. I slipped on some kind of tanned skin on the ground and dragged my already tired opponent down with me, and Ma-Duk knows how, I found myself on top of him. On top of all members of the Tribe. Humiliated, the master tanner clear out and my first decision was to stop all river work. So much the worse if we were late: the Kamis must not be irritated.
Finally, the order was fulfilled with only a few weeks delay and my tribe was amply rewarded. Since then, we have had an excellent relationship with the Imperial Palace in all matters relating to leather. I hope that my son Boeseus will be my worthy successor.

  in “Memoirs of Fyre, by Xercus Xalon, of the Water Breakers tribe.

Last version 2021-09-20•
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