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Little trytonian notebooks

Anonymous collections of Trytonian propaganda, found in the underwater libraries of Fairhaven.

Translation courtesy of Daomei, thanks to her.


Notebook 1

Notebook 2

Notebook 3



What I will reveal in the pages that follow may cost me my life! The Karavan and the Kamis would not hesitate to hunt me down and blow up the city where I will take refuge! I therefore keep anonymity in order to preserve my life and that of those close to me! Nevertheless, all that you will read is the truth and the fruit of very long scientific research, extremely dangerous explorations and fruitful readings in the underwater libraries of Fairhaven!

Second Notebook

This second little notebook analyzes the Files of Flanagan (the gamelore can be found here)! http://mirror.kaetemi.be/www.ryzom.com/game-lore/higher-power/the-flanagan-files.html here]) !

It presents a deep and documented study of the Karavan and its myths. I will repeat sentence by sentence what this old thug of Flanagan presents us!

The Karavan

The members of the Karavan are mysterious humanoids clothed in black with a face covered by a helmet. Their mission is to spread the word and serve the interests of the goddess Jena. With the exception of deep prime roots, the Karavan is present everywhere on Atys. Its members travel in groups and crisscross the planet on gigantic metallic vehicles. They carry weapons from a technology unknown to all. Most Homins fear them and respect them.

Let us analyze these data:

If we read that correctly, we only see that the Karavans are but a civilization that has reached a very high technological level ... so honestly we can eventually become their equals ...

But do they want it? I doubt it when I read this: - Keep and extend their influence on the Homins - Keep the secret about their technology and their origin from destructive forces.

In short, we are treated as incorrigible children whose actions must be strictly monitored and limited to a low level of development, this impression reinforced by the following sentence:

Homins' curiosity about the past. It causes them to doubt the precepts of the Karavan and was at the origin of great disasters: the Fire_of_Coriolis#The_Fire_of_Coriolis_.282435.29 and the The_Kitin_War#The_Kitin_War_.282481_-_2483.29.

Their organization

  1. Guides help their allies in their search. For example, they can tell them how to find the Karavan teleporter.
  2. The guards are the soldiers of the Karavan.
  3. Teleporters are responsible for helping Homins travel to Atys.
  4. The hosts welcome the Homins of good will and entrust them with small missions.
  5. The ambassadors are representatives of the Karavan among the tribes that inhabit Atys.
  6. The officers give more important missions, the rites.
  7. The commanders are the chiefs of the Karavan.

Let us analyze these data:

The Karavan clearly has a military organization! No civilian !!! And they are everywhere to control everything, which strengthens the totalitarian aspect of the Karavan and the religion they impose!

Their goals

  1. Maintain and develop the worship of Jena in order to prepare her return
  2. Preserving the planet and its resources from Goo
  3. Preserve and extend their influence on homins
  4. Oppose the Kamis and prevent the worship of Elias Tryton from spreading
  5. Keep the secret about their technology and their origin towards destructive powers .

Let us analyze these data:

When one reads their goals, one realizes that the Karavan relies on the worship of Jena to control the planet ... and at the same time it rejects Elias Tryton who, nevertheless, is an envoy of Jena! Paradox!

Certainly, if the Karavan is not really Jena's spokesman, on the contrary, use the name and the mythical memory of Jena to assert his totalitarian domination over the Homins! And worse, they refuse to share their knowledge while for millennia, we serve them faithfully!

And I will end by saying that their war against the Kamis adds only to the idea that they colonize Atys and that the planet rejects them! Or they need to rebuild their ships but the planet is afraid of this repair (I'll explain it when we talk about the Dragon!).

Possible threats

  1. The Kamis are serious rivals. Not only do they rally to their cause many Homins to the detriment of the Karavan, but in addition they are not vulnerable to their technology. The Kamis also prevent them from installing basic camps on Atys.
  2. Goo corrupts the planet and may weaken natural resources.
  3. Elias Tryton, who appeared at the darkest hours of the Kitin invasion, risks diverting many Homins from the cult of Jena.
  4. Homins' curiosity about the past. It causes them to doubt the precepts of the Karavan and was at the origin of great disasters: the fire of Coriolis and the war of the kitins..

Let us analyze these data:

On this reading, one realizes the Kami / Karavan war, which is based on the rejection of the planet of the Karavans, on the industrial colonization of Atys by the Karavan and on the will to infantilize the Homins so that they remain Blind servants!

Finally, the hatred against Elias Tryton hides something: Elias and Jena would be, in the end, enemies of the Karavan and that the Karavan uses this name of Jena only to keep the Homins in slavery thanks to the memory of this extraordinary woman (see below for better understanding)!

Myths and Prophecies

The Homins lived on an impoverished planet until the Great Dragon, the Prince of Darkness, came and seduced them by visions of pure waters and fertile lands. After having led them to Atys, the Dragon made sure to hide the sun and, in the cold and darkness, to reduce the Homins into slavery.

But Jena, the Goddess of the Sun, the creator of Atys, heard of the Dragon's plans and filled it with eternal fire to prevent it from maintaining a cold climate and extinguishing the light of life. The Goddess then rebirthed the light, causing the Green Push that would allow the Homins to live again in harmony in a world of abundance. Jena sent her disciples, the Guardians of the Karavan, to settle the Homins in different places of the planet so that each race had a role in the preservation of Atys.

Since that day, the faithful Homins have learned to express their gratitude by worshiping Jena and making offerings to his disciples. The Dragon, meanwhile, took refuge in the depths of Atys where he has since slept. The Homins are forbidden to descend into the depths of the prime roots in search of the Dragon's den for fear of awakening his anger.

It is said that before dying, the Great Dragon will awaken again to spit out all the fire of his body causing the end of Atys. Those who remain faithful to the teachings of Jena and who live on the surface of Atys will be saved and transported to a new world of abundance.

Let us analyze these data:

There, we must analyze these myths sentence by sentence:

This phrase clearly shows our extra-Atysian origin ... We would have come with the great Dragon. Logically the Great Dragon must be an allegory of an immense spacecraft of colonization ... But if we were enslaved by it, it is because we were a slave population on this ship ...

But whose slave? Pilots of the ship ... Now, what do we already know? Our planet was dying ... The Karavan comes from another world ... The Karavan needs the resources of Atys as if it wanted to save a planet ... Hummm ... Would not the Karavan Pilots of the spaceship where we were slaves?

This passage seems to evoke the space voyage in the cold and the night of the sky outside Atys and confirms our slavery.

Jena appears at that moment! The Green Push seems to correspond to an attempt to prepare the arrival of the colonization vessel on Atys (a terraform). Jena is represented in the likeness of Homins and Karavans ... so Jena would have been a leader of the Karavans of the colonization ship. She may have gone ahead to prepare the host world ... And returning to the Dragon, she contemplated slavery, which revolted her ... hence our liberation!

But then, the present Karavan is lying to us because there are two Kararan camps: the Karavan of the Dragon which currently dominates us and the Karavan of Jena of which Elias is the Messenger (he is always called the Messenger). When one sees the totalitarian message of the Karavan, personally, I have no doubt about the lying character of the present Karavan! Another point: the Karavan can not live on Atys without its complete combinations ...

Now, if we consider ..

Two cases then:

  1. Either the Homins were removed from their original worlds when the Karavan settlement ship was passing over these original worlds ...
  2. or we are descendants of the Karavan people who have been genetically modified ... which seems to be confirmed with the degenerate Homins (Cutes and Frahars) which would be the first genetic experiments of Karavan transformation ...

Or worse, we would only be genetic products invented ... Whatever the truth, it horrified Jena and his followers to trigger a civil war Kararan whose goal was the liberation of Homins!

And hop ! A master stroke! The Karavan recovers and perverts the message of Jena to recover us and enslave us by the religion ... I am viscerally sick and intellectually admiring!

So, these last phrases are very important because they can explain everything ... First, the civil war inside the ship had to crash on Atys ... hence the presence of the Dragon in the deep prime roots ... The Karavans do not want us to discover this, hence the invention of this evil Dragon that should not be awakened ... The fire of the dragon are its reactors ...

And when the Karavan has repaired his ship, his takeoff will definitely burn Atys! Hence Karavan / Kami's merciless war, where the two camps dare not confront each other: if the Kamis use their magic, the Karavan can use its reactors to destroy the planet and thus the Kami ... If the Karavan kills The Kamis, they kill the soul of the planet and therefore the planet ...

Finally, the Goo ... By crashing, the ship had to let escape its fuel which had to infiltrate and mingle with the sap of the roots of Atys, creating and corrupting Atys ... this seems to confirm by the Willingness of the Karavan to use goo as fuel. (Remember the invasion of the Beaches of the Abundance of the Cutes and Gibbais or the Antekamis made such an experience in the Roots).

And it would also explain why the Karavan formally forbade us to go down in the Roots ... we would discover the ship ... Moreover, this already happened: the Fire of Coriolis triggered by the Dragon when miners Fyros discovered it in the Roots ... One can imagine the Fyros discovering the ship, pressing a button ... and boom !!!!!!

I will end up with Kitins ... The Kamis do not fear the Kitins ... even created them (Go visit the secret oasis of the Kamis) ... If the kamis are the soul of atys living on its surface ... the Kitins present in its roots must be its immune system. (It is necessary to recycle the dead spars of Atys) ...

Now, the goo had to make mad the Kitins that spread on Atys killing everything without the Kamis controlling anything! Hence the Swarm after the Fire of Coriolis (when activated, the reactor had to empty fuel again, in large quantities!).

As for the Kamis, Karavan like Homins are not Atysiens ... We are parasites ... I will not be optimistic: but if the Kamis defeat the Karavan ... they will destroy us mercilessly, even their faithful ... We Are dangerous parasites! You only have to see the kamic tolerance of drilling! They use us and only want our total death once the job is finished!

For mercy, Jena comes back and saves us from these fools!

Between slavery and genocide, I choose freedom and Trytonian revolt.

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