Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2019-01-22)


Under Construction Panel.png !!!! WIP !!!! Under Construction Panel.png
There are currently still 74 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Zorroargh on 22.01.2019.

Shape handles.png Nom interne de la fonction : weAShapeManager_v2
WeAShapeManager IG

WeAShapeManager permet de poper des objets dans l'espace de Ryzom. Ici, un sac à dos magique apparaßt en lévitation au dessus du personnage.

WeAShapeManager Main Window
  • 1) clear

Bug.png some strange problem with calculated position.

←ARK, guide
Last version 2019-01-22‱ᐒ
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