Amber: Tribes of Atys
Please migrate to the new template template:Taxobox_Tribes. ᐅ Liberty Lake
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Region Liberty Lake
Race(s) Tryker
Faction Kami
Notables Anonymous
Friends Everybody?
Enemies Nobody?

The Corsairs are a brazen tribe of Tryker based in Liberty Lake. Though fiercely loyal to the Tryker nation, the Corsairs have a rebellious side that shows in their rejection of the Karavan and allegiance to the Kami, as well as in the fact that they barely tolerate the other homin races.



Nothing will put the breeze up these unruly but brave battlers who are always ready to attack foreign enemy convoys under the slightest pretext. The authorities of Fairhaven have no interest in curbing the Corsairs' keenness for action, and leave them a loose rein. They are, after all, loyal partisans trained to play a preponderant role in warfare. Many a Tryker has been a Corsair in his or her younger days in order to learn the art of combat, the most illustrious being Still Wyler, the great Governor. Once the fervor of youth has abated, however, Trykers generally prefer to turn to less violent activities.


The Corsairs coat of arms
Fyros -33
Matis -33
Tryker +50
Zoraï -33

Tribe Members

Ba'Nakry Codgan, Tribe Chief of the Corsairs


Wandering the region


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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (CeNobiteElf, 2010-01-02)

Aeden Aqueous
Home of the Tryker
Bounty Beaches Dew Drops Enchanted Isle Fount Lagoons of Loria Liberty Lake Resting Water Winds of Muse
Beachcombers Corsairs Cuzans Lagoon Brothers Silt Sculptors Slavers Smugglers
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