Water Breakers secure the lake in Oflovak's Oasis.

In the summer of the second cycle of Jena Year 2551, the terrible drought that had hit the Burning Desert the cycle before continued on. The extra water that had been delivered to the inhabitants of the desert the cycle before began running out, and the Fyros government had to request a second delivery of water from the Tryker.

For this second delivery, the Water-Carriers were asked to provide 510 barrels of water...

Before the shipment could be sent, the situation the Burning Desert became so dire that the tribes started sending expeditions to the local lakes to secure the water for themselves by force. And then when the shipment was delayed further, they moved their armies to right outside the Fyros towns. Various battles took place.

When the water caravan was finally sent, it was not able to carry enough water to meet the needs of the desert inhabitants completely. While the worst need was relieved, a water shortage remained, and the tribes remained posted outside the towns.



Buildup for this event began around Sunday, 20 June, 2010.

Summer, 2nd Atysian Cycle, Jena Year 2551

It was well expected after the last cycle that the drought would not end so quickly, thus it was planned well in advance that the Akenak and the Taliari would meet again in the summer of the second cycle.

The drought did indeed last on, so it was quickly agreed another shipment of water would be needed. A call once again went out to all Water-Carriers:

Citizens of the Federation and interested parties! The Akenak have again asked for assistance in acquiring water for their constituents, who are experiencing a major drought. This new request is an even greater undertaking and will require homins who have the Water-Carrier occupation to gather components to prepare the water for transportation. A minimum of 510 small barrels has been stipulated as required by the various people of the Desert.

Bresky Mac'Naroy will periodically collect the components needed to assemble the shipment for transport using the provided conversion chart:

A bonus is given for donations of every 20 barrels.

All components must be turned in by Holeth, Floris 6, 2nd AC 2551(JY) to allow ample time for packaging.

Any homins wishing to assist in the transport (supplying packers or acting as security) are to meet Bresky Mac'Naroy at in Fount. Please plan on bringing your packers early to have enough time to secure the loads. The caravan schedule will be updated.

  Official Website[1]

Autumn, 2nd Atysian Cycle, Jena Year 2551

In the fall of that cycle, explorers in the Burning Desert reported that all tribes had sent out expeditions to the nearest water source. Apparently the need for water drove them to secure what they could.

There are large numbers of tribesmen at all the springs in the high areas of the desert. We had already seen the Dune Riders and Scorchers in Thesos. There are Barkers and Lawless at Troubled Water in the Sawdust Mines region, Water Breakers and Watchers at Oflovak's Oasis, and Renegades and Frahar Hunters in the area of the Dyron Lake.

  Explorer's report, ingame forums

Adventurers in the desert, seeing this as a threat to the water supply of the Fyros cities, clashed with these tribe expeditions on occasions.

Winter, 2nd Atysian Cycle, Jena Year 2551

As winter came and still no additional water arrived, the tribes became more desperate and more aggressive. They moved their forces from the lakes to just outside the Fyros towns Dyron and Thesos, and then proceeded to attack any travellers that came across them. The Fyros army, reluctant to start a civil war with tribes that were usually their allies, did nothing to stop them.

A new arrangement for relief was made and announced:

The caravan for emergency aide has been arranged for Prima, Germinally 1, 3rd AC 2551(JY) at 6h. All interested parties transporting water should meet Bresky Mac'Naroy in Fount prior to the scheduled departure time to secure the loads on their packers.

Prior to departure Bresky Mac,Naroy will periodically be available to homins with the Water-Carrier occupation to collect the components needed to prepare the water for transportation. A minimum of 510 small barrels has been stipulated as required by the various people of the Desert using the provided conversion chart::

A bonus is given for donations of every 20 barrels.

All components must be turned in by 18h on Quarta, Winderly 28, 3rd AC 2551 to allow ample time for packaging.

Any homins wishing to assist in the transport (supplying packers or acting as security) are to meet Bresky Mac'Naroy at in Fount. Please plan on bringing your packers early to have enough time to secure the loads.

  Official Website[2]

Main Event

This part of the event started at 18:00 GMT, Saturday, 3 July, 2010.

The water caravan left in the spring of the third cycle. As this was the second caravan of it's kind and homins already had the experience of the first one, it proceeded rather smoothly. As last time, the homins gathered in Fairhaven with packers in tow, then moved to Fount to load the water barrels onto the packers. They then proceeded again into the Trench of Trials.

After a long and mostly uneventful trip through the Prime Roots, the caravan then suffered a break from routine as it reached the Burning Desert and was ambushed by parties of thirsty frahar. They were no real threat to caravan's escort however, and caravan safely made it to the water distribution point that had been set up in Imperial Dunes, where the cargo was unloaded.

The aftermath

However, not enough packers had been available to carry to carry the required 510 barrels of water. So although the lack of water in the desert had been dimished, it had not been relieved. The tribes continued to camp outside the Fyros towns in protest.

Master's Instruments

Once again, the Tryker Water Company handed out Master's Instruments as rewards to all Water-Carriers who had donated large amounts of water.


  1. http://atys.ryzom.com/news/264
  2. http://atys.ryzom.com/news/267
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