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the spoiler template, as on FR wiki does NOT exists
'''Final pathways map'''
[[File:Carte des tunnels ranger.jpeg|thumb|left|Ranger pathways map]]
'''So there are 25 tunnels in all:'''
*4 tunnels between capitals and the 250 zone (of the same land)
*4 tunnels between capitals and Prime Roots
*5 for Nexus 'transitional place to Prime Roots)
*3 Abyss of Ichor (of which 2 already named)
*9 Lands of Umbra (of which 2 already named)
*3 Under Spring (of which 2 already named)
*5 Wastelands (of which 1 already named)

Revision as of 17:29, 5 November 2020

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The last editing was from Craftjenn on 5.11.2020.

en:Ranger TP fr:Téléporteur Ranger
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) : fr:Téléporteur Ranger
Notes: seems to me urgent... (Craftjenn, 2020-11-05)

To Neutral Teleport

The rangers have access to neutral + ranger teleporters.

Ranger transporters require either amber or card (both are useful)

These teleporters are called paths, or tunnels and some Rangers call them nutelas.


The rite

It is necessary to :

The Amber


How to get it?

It is necessary to have validated the rite Aspirant Ranger (it is thus necessary to have recovered the title Aspirant Ranger and the amber)

And then go to the Almati Wood to see Trino Lichio who gives you the amber Ranger q150

What is it used for?

It allows you to teleport from zone 50 to zone 250 where you are (and vice versa).

Like a vortex, you can only TP from a specific location:

How it works?

"Vortex" opened using the amber

1. Open the inventory and double click on the amber

2. The light appears, and, an access "entering the lane" to teleport to zone 50 or 250 of the continent where you are.

3. Click on the light and wait


Sometimes the amber breaks, you have to go back to the NPC at Amalti Wood to get a new one.

Amber transport is free, but you must reach the tunnel entry points to use it.

Be careful not to lose renown (otherwise the amber will not work anymore).

The Ranger map (artefact)

How to get it?

The map in game, in reduced mode (here near the hand bar)

It is necessary:

The map in Inventory

Thus, you get the Ranger q200 map at Almati Wood from Pero Antorini.

What is it used for?

It allows you to be teleported to Prime Roots zones (including Nexus).

On the other hand, you must follow a well defined path through the tunnels (you jump from one point to another, on a map). So you can't access directly to the 250 Prime Roots zones, you will have to go through other tunnels before.

It can also be used to reach the 250 continents zones without using amber but the trip will be "paying".

How it works?

At the beginning, you only have the 4 old paths (all in green), the ones you validated with amber. It will be necessary to validate all the exit points of tunnels, one by one, on foot, to access all the tunnels.

New card with integrated magnetic amber having a maximum counter of 9

To validate all tunnels 1. Go to the "reloader" for the card (see below "reload card")

2. Go on foot to the tunnel exit to be validated

3. Once you are ready, open the map.

4. Click on the logo of the "amber" artifact integrated in the map (under counter 9 above) to validate this point.

Once all the tunnels have been validated on foot, you can teleport.

Find a new pathway

1. Open the card that is in the inventory.

2. Check that the counter of the "amber" artifact (under counter 9) is not at 0 because otherwise it is death.

3. Click on this frame to update the teleport map. The tunnels accessible from our position will appear in blue.

A message is displayed under the map

3.a. The 1st time, you will have to validate the point (which is indicated by a ? on the image). You will see at the bottom of the map the question "yes or no, do you want to take this new path". "Yes" will teleport you

3.b. The following times, there are no more ? on your card

4. Click on the drop point to be teleported

Reload the map First you need to find a Quatermaster Assistant.

PNJ carte ranger.jpeg

Then, you have to pay 25 000 dappers for an update (see the number from 9 to 0) which reloads our card for 9 days of use.

If you lose in renown, the update will not be possible. It is thus necessary to think of remaining above 45 and ' especially not to go below 42 . You will not lose the ranger rite if one of your renames goes below 42. You won't be able to "just" use the ranger gameplay until you have the correct renames again.

PNJ carte et refus.jpeg




 France road sign A14.svg  Spoiler : Click on [Expand] to unfold


Final pathways map

So there are 25 tunnels in all:

Ranger pathways map


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