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===II.13 <span style="color: purple">The Temples and Elias (end)</span>===
===II.13 <span style="color: purple">The Temples and Elias (end)</span>===
''"Here we are again with the story of the temples. So, where were we?''
''— You were getting beaten up.'' *laughs*
''— Oh, yes! The visit of both sides. So I visited these Old Lands but there were there only homins fighting. When enough resources had been collected to build the temples, the battles stopped. [http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=19731The construction of the temples] was made near each capital city…
''Following the construction of the temples, cZZame the outposts, platforms rewarding our battles during the war. Only there wasn't enough for everyone. So, as I have already told you, there was a cloud of homins on mektoubback flying faster than their shadows, to be the first on each outpost. It has even been said that some large houses have locked the areas down; such as the 12 houses of Yrkanis that have shared the Forest among themselves… As [http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=19780 rumours] ran around that there were some trytonist [http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=20518 meetings]
''Others rumours were spreading about the hunt for trytonists hidden in the ranks of the Kara and Kami guilds.'' *See [http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=20012 Dyron & Pyr, cities of lies] & [http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=20268 A new threat]*
''— Was that when the Circle protected you? Even though they had seen you on the opposing side during the war?
''— Oh yes !'' *sourit* ''Shen and I were planning our wedding.
''— What! You were beaten up by his folks and you married him nevertheless?''
''— Yes, the Circle was faithful to Jena but they all granted that I was a ''pick head''<ref>OOC note of the translator – Perhaps "thick head" would have been a more accurate translation of french "''tête de pioche''", but, as the pickaxe ("''pioche''" in french) is for Eleanide something like an emblem, "pick head" was preferred.</ref> they liked.
''— So you're a trytonist?
''— Me?'' *sourit* ''I am an homina, that's already quite much. So let's resume: during [http://ryzom.kervala.net/logs/2005-12-30%20Reunion%20Guilde%20d%27Elias.txt this famous Fairhaven meeting], Nicho advised the trytonists to stay hidden and indicated that the safest place was the Lakes, where homins are most open-minded…
''But the trytonists wanted more, they didn't want to stay hidden for a thousand years, they didn't want to be pacifists who don't equip OPs with drills, and who miss out on beautiful, precious materials. They decided for a next meeting, far from the cities, in Darkmoor, in the Cave of Love.
''— Oh, the Cave of Love, that's a funny name.
''— Yes, many couples were coming there to chat ''*smiles*'' or get married.
''— Did you get married there with your Shen?
''— Nope, we didn't like the Lakes and Shen was faithful to his forest. After all, we all had our memories there.
''— Did they have OP, those trytonists?
''— Yes, and other neutrals too. From memory, in each country there was a neutral OP: in the Desert, it was MVG who owned it, in the Lakes, the guild Harmonie. And thereafter they distributed their harvest in marketplaces open to all. We'll talk about it later. Going back to the trytonists, I heard that there have been [http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=20616 other meetings]…
''And in 2532 a rumour was spreading that [http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=21950&highlight=elias they were recruiting]…
''But, after Still Wyler's death, they became more discreet and most certainly more distrustful. I think some homins still try to get in touch with them. But that's them who choose you…" <ref>OOC – Below are some documents of [[:Category:The Great Library|the Great Library]] which offer you, readers of Elea's memoirs, details that, of course, she did not give the young guards of the Marauder Camp:
*[http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/A_l%E2%80%99origine Various excerpts from the ''Very confused memoirs'' of Gibbaï Rusé, Elias' researcher]
*[https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Hiaoi,_seeker_of_Elias ''Hiaoi, seeker of Elias'']
*[http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Guilde_d%27Elias ''Guild of Elias]</ref>

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Memoirs of an homina
——-¤0§ Chapter I ¤ Chapter II ¤ Chapter III §0¤-——
en:Chapter I - The Beginning
fr:Chapitre I - Le commencement
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Lanstiril, 2019-12-12)

II.1 First vigil

Elea did not know how to take up the first vigil. But with a resolute step, she made her way to the fire in the back of the camp. She immediately recognized the voice of the guard which had become so familiar to her.

"Hey! The seamstress, come and sit here and tell us one of your stories."

And then, it all began. She no longer had to mull over. You had to get going.

"Hello, I am Eleanide.

— Blah blah, don't worry, all of them know you. They see you come and go in the camp and beware your pickaxe.

— OK! So, what you want to know?"

Elea kept her diary, of which she had reread some pages the day before.

"In the beginning, when you arrived, how was it going without Chiang?

— Whoa! Not yersterday's stuff.

— Which year was it?"

— Uh... Let's see *opens her diary, reads the date* in Germinally 2526. My mother left me on the Matis island thinking that I would better integrate considering the whiteness of my skin. During this first winter on Atys, I walked the Bark with great curiosity and discovered a territory where I was free.

I met Glorfindel and Ephemede, two young refugees with whom I was hunting.

"A Matis and a Fyros girl?

— Fail! At that time on this island, Matis only were accepted at the reception, the other races were relegated on other islands with their races. Even guards and merchants were all Matis. And so we had access only to Matis craft.

— Oh? No thong-kirt? Nor shorts?

— Hu! Nay, only nun's gowns... sober, I mean. And Chiang was not there to tell us that it existed, nor to guide us, to help. Luckily, there was the beautiful Sithi in her violet outfit and some older, older refugees to watch over us newbs as we were then. I stayed on the island to discover foraging that I did not know at all. From where I came from a child could not access it. I discovered new techniques of magic and combat too. I watched the merchant's pretty outfits while Ephesus, more pragmatic, watched for the most effective weapons. *Hihi* One day she bought a pistol that was of no use to her, as no merchant and none on the island could craft ammunition.

— Oh! No launchers?

— Whoa, nay! Only old-school, as liked by Glorfindel: blows of sword and magic. One day Glorfindel and then Ephemede, more seasoned than I, set out for the continent leaving me alone to my apprenticeship. I then concentrated on the thorough discovery of the territory.

— Yeah... You farted around, that's it! Were you afraid to follow them?

— Pfff... I did not feel ready to join a bigger land and I was hoping my mother would come back. Then, on spring, I was called out "Are you Eleanide?" I answered "Yes." And the guard gave me a fold that I opened with haste, hoping it was from my mother, but I did not recognize the writing.

"Eleanide, bring your bottom to the mainland, stop daydreaming. It is not on the island that you will learn much. Join me in Yrkanis tomorrow, I'm waiting for you!". And it was signed "Moonblades, your brother". Ah, here is the half-brother my mother had spoken me of and whom I had to join. I obeyed, and the next day, bundle on my back, I set out for the mainland. And that's how I got here. That will be all for tonight, a long day awaits us tomorrow. Night all."

Elea stood up leaving them to their barrels and chatting. On her way, she heard "Night", "Bankun".


II.2 Arrival in Yrkanis

Elea arrived near the fire where young people were already waiting for her.

"Hey, the seamstress, how was your brother? Did he launch pickaxes as you do?

— My half-brother? Well he was red-headed, Matis and he loved the desert. Well, yes, it's in the genes. *smiles* Uh, for throwing pickaxes … *hihi* Nay, he hated foraging, so yes maybe he was throwing picks to get rid of them. Here we are? Everyone is installed? *passing the basket of cookies* So, let's resume my arrival in Yrkanis.

— Why did you get to Yrkanis and not Zora?

— Ah, at that time, we were left with no choice: the Fyros came from their island by the desert, the matis by the forest, and so on.

— What?

— Well, yes, the guards on the island were stricter than they are now. When I arrived in town, I hoped to find Moonblades or my friends of the island. But no one I knew. I was looking for my brother's apartment, the address of which he had written on the letter addressed to the caretaker. Arrived at the bottom of her tree, his caretaker said to me:

"Sorry, young homina, your brother is not here. He left this for you." He handed me a purse and a fold which I hastened to read. "Eleanide, I went on a hunt with Damaa, my homina."

— Hu what? He did not welcome you?

— Hey, that's my half-brother! Not my mother. I go on: "You should meet Tregian and Dante in town, I leave you a dapper purse for your expenses. See you tonight. Moonblades" Then I thanked the caretaker and visited the town.

Suddenly a blond appeared in front of me. "Are you Eleanide?" I thought it was Tregian or Dante, I answered yes and suddenly he proposed to marry me and give me a mount, saying the mount was beautiful and brave. Young I was… I ran as fast as I could, thinking he was a madman. I learned later that Tregian and Damaa, to get rid of this young Matis named Kaanor, had send him on my way telling him I was worth marrying.

— Roh... the smart ones!

— Running straight in front of me I bump in the stall of the tattooists and hairdressers. The hairdresser seeing me all ruffled, gently did my hair and offered me a hat.

— Oh, a hat? Are you talking about the Tryker hat?

— Yes, at that time, we could have everything." I chose the macaroons with pretty violet ribbons that were cheaper. I continued my visit. I discovered the palace, the officials, I noted everything on a plan to get my bearings. In the evening I returned to the entrance of the town. I found a redhead who presented himself as my brother, and a pretty Matis homina with green hair, Damaa, a great Matis homina with an axe, Tregian and a grumpy Tryker, Dante . We spend the evening at the bar, where I related my meeting with the blond. All of them laughed. We all dozed off on the bar. And we stop there for tonight. Night all.

— Banrund the seamstress."


II.3 Animi Limina

"Come on, let's set up around the fire, I brought cookies.

— And me some beer.

— Uh yes ... Bah gently, eh! We are there for your learning. So where were we?

— You met your brother and his friends.

— Ah yes. Dante, the Tryker, watched over me while I was training with the sword. The girls, meanwhile, made me visit the region in search of the small yellow dots.

'— Small yellow dots?

— Yes.*Elea laughed*We listened to know where we were needed. As soon as we heard screaming "Oucchhh!" or "I'm going to massacre you!" , we would go to heal the homin alone, often wounded. The more cute he was, the more points we got.

— What! You were grading?

— Uh yes, the homin had a grade between 1 and 10.

— Rhoo, you imps.

— That's how I learned to heal.*coughs*

— And your brother?

— Moon, he was behind me every moment, he taught me how to heal while staying safe, observing the mobs' rounds and sometimes rushing into the pile with my shield. We were a fine team. At fall Animi Limina was created "The Gates of Mind". Moon left the Ombres Atysiennes (Atysian Shadows) and his desert, Damaa and Tregian left Aegura.

— Who was the chief?

— There were none, we were all adults, all agreeing to be together, to help and to progress. Moon was with Damaa. They were cute, sometimes they bickered about who would do the dishes. They often ended up in Thesos under the waterfall to do the dishes together. *blushes* Tregian was with Dante. They preferred to take refuge in the Lakes, to discover the islands.

— Yeah... not only the islands that they discovered.*a guard laughs*

— They were preparing for their wedding, yes. As for me, I visited the forest, foraged at Towerbridge. The guild grew bigger with the arrival of friends: Ravenak, our darling, a nice fyros of the Ombres Atysiennes, who always signed his letters with "Kind regards" and who, poor man, tailored all my purple light armors, a homage to Sithi. Khouffou, chief of the Aeguras, a great friend of Moon, joined us too; he was a crazy Matis, when he saw a herd of mobs, he would jump on it and shout "Banzaiiii" , hence his nickname: the mad puller. From there, other Aeguras joined us: Xoian, Atom ... It was the time of the big powerful guilds in the forest, as everywhere. I was comfortable in Animi, far from the "12 Houses".

— What was that?

— The 12 Houses were 12 powerful ancient guilds that lived in Yrkanis. Haughty, disdainful Matis, sometimes imbued with their person, who didn't care about the little ones not following their ideas, like Animi. But we did not care, we grew up, we had fun, we learned and our melting pot of races disturbed but was recognized a bit at a time, not always for good *hihi*, I confess. Especially after the temples when everyone had to choose. But this is another tale, related to the temples and Elias. For now it's time for me to go dreaming about all those little yellow dots I've known. Night, guard.

— Banrund Elea.

— Banrund the seamstress.

— …"


II.4 The alliances

The circle was again formed around the fire and all were quietly chatting. Elea arrived, settled down and yet the question fell.

"Say, seamstress, the 12 Houses still exist?

— Nay, they don't since long ago. Together, they advanced, together they disappeared. They were powerful. Like the assembly of the Lakes with our friends the "Lames d'Aeden" (Blades of Aeden) with grampy Fei and his diapers and Nepherkan the most flattering, womanizing of the trykers I have known but not as perverse as Ulukyn who was watching under the petticoats. Oh, those imps, they were emptying the barrels of beer at FH's bar as fast as the bartender received them.

— What! At that time already the bar of FH was squatted?

— Well, yes *smiles* first-class boasters they were, they had to show the example to the new arrivals and to perpetuate the tradition *thinks of Kaon* In the desert also there was a pool, it was the Fyros Alliance among them extremists like the "Rôdeurs d'Atys" (Prowlers of Atys). Well! Kalbatcha was not an extremist, when one approached him *thinks of a Fyros who treads upon the Bark these days and who resembles him and smiles* . There were also the "Ombres des Kamis" (Shadows of the Kamis)... Ah, and others, more posed, like the "Ombres atysiennes" (Atysian Shadows) whose Moonblades was a part. Besides, it was at that time that I met Req, who crafted me medium armors for many small materials that I could forage. Bah, yeah, I was not quite seasoned. So, I also met Misugi, the second maddest puller of the Animi team.

— Why mad puller?

— Oh! smiles as she remembers the scene . The Animi often went hunting to the bridge at Thesos. Khouffou the go-getter would pull two occyx and Misugi pulled them too. So, they were enchaining. But suddenly the heal did not follow. Sometimes the healer forgot to care for them the time to recharge everyone *hihi*.

— The champions were your friends?" They were Kamis, nay?

— Oh, that's for sure, Meteer, their leader, was training them like kamis *laughs*.I still remember hearing him shouting: "What did you do? Walk around the lake twice with your heavy armor on the back" . At that time, we did not care of the cults but Animi was not always well-judged, as I told you. Thanks to Animi I was free to choose my craftsmen like Req or Caska and their average armors, or Meteer and his heavy armors and before him Molitor, or Misugi for his axes, and Tinigliath and Gemma for their jewelry, but even more so Omira and Mallo for their light armors.

— Old people who do not exist what?

— Yes, elders who have given way to young, like you. Besides, where are you with your crafts? *seeing that some dropped their heads * OK, I won't bother you with that. There was also a Zoraï alliance with the "Compagnons des Kamis" Companions of the Kamis), the "Graines des Kamis" (Seeds of the Kamis) and the "Ordre des Questeurs (Order of Quaestors) but I was not dragging along with these blues, I sometimes saw quaestors including Schetana. They were hunting at the Void and I rather hunted at the Grove of Confusion.

— They were powerful?

— Yes. At that time on the outposts, the battles were tough and the fighters numerous. On the other hand there were only tin cans and mages on the fields.

— Tin cans?

— Yes, it's the nickname for the tanks, the warriors in heavy armor *hihi*. There was no shooter. We had not yet taken too much interest in this tactic. Those were fair, or almost fair *winks* battles, fights of honor, of peoples.

— Roh? No low blow? No surprise blows? Bah, it was crap, they had to get bored, the cans.

— All I can tell you is that I was already healing with bombs *hihi* and I was not yet used to throw pickaxes *smiles* . But I was watching and I know that there were yet agreements between guilds, dubious a bit sometimes. We'll stop there for tonight. Night all."

Elea went to rest, thinking of all the negotiations she had heard when she lived in Yrkanis. In her wake she did not even hear the "banrund" anymore.


II.5 The calm before the storm

"Let's go! We settle down and get back. *smiles*

— Where ?

— In the past. So let's see we were... Err... *reads his diary* Ah yes in 2528, before the outposts.

— Bha, you did not say alliances were on OPs?

— Yes, but that was much later, after the construction of the temples in 2530. There we are in 2528, everything was calm, joy and laughter. There were parties here and there. As the first major raffle, organized by a famous villain, Holkan.

— Ah? How villain?

— There was a rumor that he was killing those foraging in Primes Roots. But I confess that I never suffered his wrath. He had sold 20k dappers the ticket. The lots came from different crafters, foragers. On the day of the raffle, in the Agora, each had two dice and the biggest number won the prize. Animi has got many sympathetic lots, especially weapons. In fact, this raffle gave Animi Limina the idea of ​​making an auction of foraged materials. We all began to forage intensively, each in her/his preferred region and each according to her/his level. Moon and Damaa foraged at the Magic Source.

— Magic Source?

— Oh yes, that's true, this source no longer gives as much as before. It is located near Yrkanis, below, where one validates a foraging rite. It was possible to forage excellent Beng of quality 200.

— All year long?

— Yes all year long, whatever the weather. *smiles* Dantes foraged in Lakes and Ravenak in Desert. And me? Well, little forager that I was, I contributed with my forest foraging in the Bog, next to Wyac and its lickings. *laughs* We picked up a lot of materials to help the crafters to improve themselves. Everything was ready for our auction in 2530. Alas, the temples had just been built. We had to go on the OPs. *laughts*I still remember this cloud of homins on the back of mount rushing to the OPs to own them.

— What do you mean? Didn't you have to fight?

— The first time, no. But, thereafter, we had a long period of battles before the balance was reached and the instincts subsided. *laughs more loudly*

— Were the battles so funny for you still laughing?

— No. In fact, I was thinking about another auction that marked my mind.

— Ah?

— Yes, a Kara Matis named Beathnic put himself up for auction. Besides, many Matis hominas appreciated him, like Tregian, an Animi; and I think Beathnic loved to look at her. But it was Nikkou, a pretty Zoraï homina of Harmonie (Harmony), a neutral guild, who won the pot with 9,302 dappers *rit*

— Uh... Most likely the dishes." *smiles*


II.6 My encounter of Shen

"Hey, seamstress, we wanted to know, did not you participate in the auction? Beathnic was yet not devoid of charm.

— Me? Nay, I only had eyes for Shenshantag at the time.

— Oh, who is he?

— He was a dark Matis of The Cercle (The Circle).

— How did you know him?

— Oh,*sigh* I met him in Davae's stable. At that time he was married to Eleanin, a beautiful and noble Obsidienne (Obsidian). I met him one day, proud with his crossbow. This is how I discovered range weapons that then were not fashionable. She looked like an Amazon with this weapon, the gorgeous Eleanin. I think that then she already wanted to travel, to see something else, to see other horizons...

— And Shen-whatshisname, how was he?

— When I met him, he was very obscure. He always had a Tryker with him, as Deed was once, whom he used as servant. He drank a lot of shooki liquor and sometimes stayed whole nights in his Yrkanis lab. He used to go out to hunt with his guild, his family, the Cercle des Profondeurs d'Atys (Circle of Atys' Depths).

— Karas?

— Yes.*smiles* Their leader Shaarm was gentle and firm. She was inspiring respect. She was a leader. As Lilithe was when succeeding her. It was better because there were pigheaded ones among them including Bouigyssimo, Kresselack. There were also great crafters like Mearthis and her jewels, and later Abyssandra, always accompanied by her guynouille even when she crafted heavy armors*laughs* and Shen and his amps. At the time of the Temples, their choice was to continue following Jena and especially her technology. They were welded, a genuine family.

— But Shen, if he was so dark, why were you with him?

— Ah, the heart has its reason that reason has not.*smiles* When one is in love, one is sometimes troubled or one accepts the other as he/she is.

— A bit like you and Oshi?

— Yes,*smiles* except that Shen at my touch was opening himself to others, to other ideas. He was trying to understand what I was seeing. He respected my friends even if they were his enemies. Besides, he some day offered flowers to Req.*laughs Bouille was to deliver his flowers to her. What he did, but with great caution.

— Ah?*not understanding her laugh*

— Yes, Bouille had to hold the flowers in heavy gloves so much thorns there were.*they all laugh* One day, Shen said to me: "Hey, I met your friend the Fyros on the OP... You know, the one who always says "Kind regards" by saying goodbye.

— Oh, Ravhoney?

— Yes that's right, Ravenak.

— Hope you didn't hit him too hard.

— Uh... No, no... He was healing Req, so she served me as a target.

— And he bursted laughing. Usually, I was asking Ravhoney or Misugi or Reqsweet to find out if Shen did not hit too hard and they answered me

"Don't worry, he also took." or "Don't worry, li'l Elea, he just tickled me." We all laughed and I left reassured despite the bruises and bandages I was seeing.

— Say, were you so naive?

— No, my friends were nice. I just made sure they were all right and that everything was fair. And then, sometimes, I avenged them.*laughs* I sometimes took Shen in Primes to escort me on my foraging. He hated that. He was bored.

— He was not foraging?

— Oulla! Shen, forage? *laughs* I made him do foraging in Forest to finish his training in amp crafting, and I even helped him finish his apprenticeship in heavy armor crafting with materials I foraged in Primes. All I foraged there was for him. Then he discovered the autolauncher. And that has been the beginning the end. His love for Fangfang took over and I transferred love to Bipbip, which I had just received from Makita, one of my protégés. There I go, it is getting late, the wake was long this time. Sorry. Do not delay to go to rest, there is battle tomorrow.

— Banrund, seamstress."


II.7 Atys Fleur

"Tonight, I'll talk a little more about Bouille and his friends.

— Ah yes! The one who brought the thorny flowers to Req.

— Yes *smiles* that's it. we are in 2527.

— Ouch! Good grief, it's getting long in the tooth.

— Sure, that's nothing new. Bouille and others created the guild of the Tireurs Célestes (Celestial Shooters), which aimed to deliver bouquets of flowers to bring some poetry to the Lakes. They then try to expand their business to all Atys. And it works. Volunteers propose to take over in other countries, so much orders were firing. Time passed and unfortunately came the construction of the temples.

— Ah yes! You tell us about it, tell, tell.

— Another time, the temples. For now, we will stay on poetry *smiles*. You must not be so impatient. Well, we are in 2529, the temples built, the outposts created, we had time again for us. So that meant the love affairs resumed. In 2530, Interfloratys resumed service but it becomes Atys Fleur (Atys Flower), with an even more dynamic service than before. They had to rebuild their stock and that's then the flowers found on the outposts were going to have their role. And the deliveries of bouquets of flowers burst on the Bark.

— Flowers, you have received a lot of them?

— Hu-ho yes! From my homins, my proteges, my wooers *blushes*. You know, he did not only deliver flowers, he sang odes and read aloud poems. Sometimes it was a bit daffy because the author was not always good... Or worse: I think sometimes the deliveryman forgot the lyrics. So that meant we were laughing well… But in 2532, Bouille wanted to harvest flowers much further and disappeared, leaving his business to Amano his second, which resumed deliveries with Ezkerra. One day in 2534, we heard about a sponsor for a fashion contest: it was Atys Fleur with Bouille. Then much later, in 2544, there was again talk about Bouille, who had become the husband of Batavia, for another contest.

— But there are no more delivery services nowadays? There are plenty of florists, yet. I see them picking flowers everywhere.

— Well, yes *sigh*, reams of flowers to deliver… Maybe someday, a daring one will revive this lovely business. In the meantime, I store the flowers in my greenhouse in Thesos. I even had to hire an apprentice to water these flowers, so many there are."


II.8 Miss & Mister Atys

"Bankrut, teenies. *hears a laugh*

— It's bankun, seamstress.

— Yes, yes, well... Bless you! I could never remember these damn new languages. Go get a cookie, a beer, and get settled.

— You going at last to tell us about the temples?

— Nay, not yet this time*smiles*. I will tell you about the elections.

— Elections? *a young looking at her with surprise* Elections of what?

— Miss and Mister Atys. [i]*smiles*[/i] At one time we loved to entertain ourselves other than by fighting. [i]*teasing*[/i] It is summer 2529, the young Aularia embarks on a great organization for an election of the prettiest homina and the most beautiful homin. Everything was in camera. There was the selection period, during which you have only to send your autolucios. The goal being to retain 40 participants: 20 homins and 20 hominas, of any race, any horizon.

The first ballot began shortly after with closed votes. We had to put ballot papers in the ballot boxes in town. Then everything was routed to Aularia so she could count the votes.

— Uh... No convoy was attacked?

— Nay, *laughs* everything was under protection, under seal. There were about 160 voters.

— Oh?

— At that time, the word on the street ran slower than nowadays. Only the curious ones went to the billboard. So the first ballot passed: we had to choose two hominas and two homins in the selection. From 40 the number of participants fell to 16. Alas, Tregian, an Animi, and Beathnic were eliminated on that ballot.

— Ah, we know this one, the one who sold himself at auction. *says a young she-guard, blushing*

— Then *smiles* in the fall, came the semifinal. And came the finale. For the homina side, there were Angia, Horion, 2 Fyros, Melowen, a Tryker, and Zortine, a Zoraï. For the homin camp, there was Bloudi, Ufo, two Fyros and Berku, a Matis. And the votes went on in camera. Voting was ultimately more of popularity than beauty or value. But even so the lucky ones were a nice couple of winners. Horion and Bloudi were at the top of the podium. There were about 160 voters in the beginning and 250 on the final ballot.

— Oh, no kidding!

— Yes *smiles*. For the next edition, Aularia was thinking of a little change in the rules, like hiding the names of the participants under their lucios so that popularity was not taken into account. She would also have liked the election to be announced elsewhere than on the billboard because at that time, there was no town crier as we have today.

— Huh? No drum announcing important events?

— Nay! None of that, just the billboard.

— You participated, did you?

— Hu-ho! I was young, reserved, and Tregian already wanted to participate. An Animi was enough in the contest and I did not want to be in the spotlight. Some time later, in Yrkanis, there has been a parade of some of the participants and we discovered the bi... *oups* the strong she-Matis, a spoilsport. The homins laughed a lot seeing her marching with so much zeal and nonchalance.

Alas, we had to wait till 2534 to see a fashion contest organized by Miena and a friend, Prysma. There occured even a claim, then an invalidation of a Miss Atys for breaking the rules.

We had to wait 2551 to have a new edition of Miss & Mister Atys.

— Waow! Nothing in the meantime?

— Nay! Nobody who had feel like organizing them again in the meantime. Let's go! To be continued tomorrow. Night all.

— Banrund the seamstress."


II.9 Miss & Mister Atys (continued)

"Kikoo, teenies! Come on, let's carry on with yesterday's story.

— Yeah, tell us about the following elections. There were sexy hominas? Some plots?

— In 2551, Anesia put in a revival of elections. She choosed five judges (Kiwalie, Venosya, Oneirae, Malvogil and Shinygami) whom she asked to grade the originality of the outfit and its matching with the physique and tattoos of the candidate. Lokido was classified standout because he wore the new turquoise marauder attire.

— Pfffff…

— Ah! Nizyros was sexy in his pretty medium Fyros vest. And one of my protégés, Carishima, wore a pretty outfit she had named "Burning Spring".

But it was Manysama and Valandrine who were elected http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/2300/1 Miss and Mister Atys 2551]. Then, in 2555, the election organized by Stcentor had for judges Kiwalie, Misugi, Armand and me hihi…

— We had to judge the outfit, of course, the presentations of the candidates and their speeches or actions during the parade. Valerof paraded with his casual demeanor in his pretty red shorts *blushes*. Among hominas, the average Zoraï vest was fashionable. I think it had pleased the homins well.

— No kidding! *one youth winking to another*

— There has been a free part, too. There, Anesia reminded us that the real threat was the Kitins and not the battle for some little mattering materials. Zeynah made us a lovely song… Uh, wait till I remember… *smiles* Oh yes! *starts humming at a fast pace* "You're so cute cute but big big!!! Cute cute cute but big big big!!! On summertime you create shade and when winter you keep us warm! And when you're finished eating you'll drop us a big fart!" *All laugh when hearing Zeynah's famous song*

— Oh yes, we were having nice times then. From this election followed a calendar for the year 2556, as nice as Playhomin, I confess.

— Rohh, what's this magazine?

— But that's another story. *Elea hides the old page in her diary while smiling* Come on! Night all!

— Banrund the seamstress!" *ogling on the diary containing the famous magazine*


II.10 The Fairs

"Bankun, seamstress. Say, was there any other cool stuff back then? Like Playhomin? *Elea smiles and sits in the circle around the fire*

— Kikoo, teenies! Yes, there were other good times. Let's see… *takes over his diary and sees a green and blue tryker outfit* Here we are: the first Lakes Fair. It all began in 2526 with a meeting at the bar of Fairhaven, where Chrys began to sing the epics and legends of Trykoth while drinking liquor. Always said that Trykers don't hold their drink, oh my… *A festival in Fairhaven & Tryker fair in Avendale*

— Boy, it's getting long in the tooth.

— The Lakes have indeed always been animated. The Trykers weren't just squatting in the bar, they were trying to give life to the Lakes. There were even poetry contests a la tryker… *smiles*

— Then came the Temples. But once those erected, the tradition resumed even more. There has been a party where a light outfit was created. It was a medium-finish green Tryker vest with a blue high-finish dress. At a Stcentor event, that is to say much later, for another party in the Lakes, I made it again from memory.

— The Lake Fairs became known throughout Atys. We saw other fairs being created, in the Jungle included. In 2528, the Zoraï Alliance organized the first fair. They were far away from Tryker binges. *smiles* Wongfeihung even ran a portrait booth while Origami ran a stand of dating between singles with a haïkus contest. *Zoraï fair in Jen-Laï & Haïkus of the Jen-Laï fair*

— Oh? That's definitely the Zorai, dark horses behind their mask! Were there other fairs elsewhere?

— The Matis were too focused on preparing for weddings and the Fyros were focused on tournaments preparation. But these are other stories. *smiles* Night teenies.

— Bankun seamstress."


II.11 The Temples and Elias

"Let's go! Tonight, it's time for the exciting adventure of the temples.

— Ahhhh!!!! At last!

— It all started in the year 2481 with the Greaty Swarming... *laughs at seeing their stunned looks* Naay, was joking!. *laughs* I will start in 2528, when Elias Guild appeared to homins to tell them that Elias was not dead. It reminded them that he had saved the homins from certain death facing the kitins, during the Great Swarming, by escaping through the "Rainbow Gates". It also foretold a great plague to come, a sacred war between the great powers…

— In 2529, we were going about our usual business. At that time we saw tournaments spring up here and there. One took place in Pyr to find the most valiant desert warriors, and another in Lakes organized by Licena. Everything was calm…

— Then, in 2530, rumors were heard spreading on the Bark. There were calls for census everywhere. Each leader called on the guilds of his country for them to choose whether or not they would follow him in his action without knowing what was cooking up for the next phase. The atmosphere became heavy… *Census of Matis, Zoraï, Tryker and Fyros guilds*

— The troops were equipping themselves, litlle by little. The crafters and foragers worked day and night. We were all getting ready but we didn't know for what

— It was then that various meetings were held, of which one has been decisive for many homins… *Call to the disciples of Jena and Address of Elias Tryton*

— It took place in Fairhaven. Nicho spoke for Elias: neutral guilds should choose their way, either follow a camp or follow Elias' advice that was to hide in the ranks in order to balance forces…

— Appeals were heard from all sides. That's then appeared the OPUA and held a meeting in Windermeer reminding that the priority was the homin, not some deity…

— I'm sorry about teenies, but I have a big order to complete tomorrow. I have to get up early. We'll stop here for tonight.

Elea heard a general "Oh" of discontent but she was feeling tired after this intense day of foraging, and, yawning, said:

"Night teenies, the following tomorrrow!"


II.12 The Temples and Elias (continued)

"So, come on, let's go back to temple warfare.

— Yeah, you left us a bit hungry for more yesterday.

— The battles began in the Aelius Dunes. Desert foragers worked to harvest as much solid material as possible to build their temple while the warriors defended their camp. Unfortunately, as resources were running out, the materials had to be fetched further away in the Old Lands. So we went to Olkern Lake. There, we were quite surprised because the foraging was still that of the desert. But after all, it was still sawdust that was under our feet. But, again, the resources were not abundant enough. We had to go even further, to Almati Wood. Here, once again, desert foragers were favored. Nothing was no use, the drillers were falling asleep on their pickaxes, the warriors got up to defend their plot of sawdust.Speeches of encouragement were even delivered.

Day and night, battles were fought. There were even rolls of honor where you could read great names of craftsmen such as Keewi, Kyo, Tsoukasa, or foragers such as Iah, Silicia, Lost, Bratakk, or warriors such as Gemma, Matsu, Damakian, but also guilds who became known as Les Jardins d'Atys (Gardens of Atys), Les Seigneurs de l'Aube (Lords of the Dawn), La Glorieuse Atys (The Glorious Atys), La Fédération du Commerce (Trade Federation), La Ballade d'Atys (Ballad of Atys)... oh dear, all those guilds that fought day and night. How can one blame them today?

— Blame them? *staring at her with an amazed look* — Yep, because many of us were not taking part in those battles. I was one of them, just like the Amazons.

But, young and curious, I visited both parties. In one, there were beautiful blue lights and there I have been chased and beaten up by warriors like Misugi, Meteer and Req [i]*laughs*[/i]. In the other one, there were nice yellow lights. Here too, I was beaten by Lilithe, Dorcile, Belldandy, Mysticus and many other friends. On that day, I understood that their faith in their god was stronger than me. I then returned to the path of the Grove of Confusion to forage, far from this rage, of this hatred I was seeing everywhere. Well, we'll stop there for the night. *smiles*

— Ohhhh, already? Ah, yes: 3:00 in the morning, still! Banrund the seamstress.

— Night teenies."


II.13 The Temples and Elias (end)

"Here we are again with the story of the temples. So, where were we?

— You were getting beaten up. *laughs*

— Oh, yes! The visit of both sides. So I visited these Old Lands but there were there only homins fighting. When enough resources had been collected to build the temples, the battles stopped. construction of the temples was made near each capital city…

Following the construction of the temples, cZZame the outposts, platforms rewarding our battles during the war. Only there wasn't enough for everyone. So, as I have already told you, there was a cloud of homins on mektoubback flying faster than their shadows, to be the first on each outpost. It has even been said that some large houses have locked the areas down; such as the 12 houses of Yrkanis that have shared the Forest among themselves… As rumours ran around that there were some trytonist meetings

Others rumours were spreading about the hunt for trytonists hidden in the ranks of the Kara and Kami guilds. *See Dyron & Pyr, cities of lies & A new threat*

— Was that when the Circle protected you? Even though they had seen you on the opposing side during the war?

— Oh yes ! *sourit* Shen and I were planning our wedding.

— What! You were beaten up by his folks and you married him nevertheless?

— Yes, the Circle was faithful to Jena but they all granted that I was a pick head[1] they liked.

— So you're a trytonist?

— Me? *sourit* I am an homina, that's already quite much. So let's resume: during this famous Fairhaven meeting, Nicho advised the trytonists to stay hidden and indicated that the safest place was the Lakes, where homins are most open-minded…

But the trytonists wanted more, they didn't want to stay hidden for a thousand years, they didn't want to be pacifists who don't equip OPs with drills, and who miss out on beautiful, precious materials. They decided for a next meeting, far from the cities, in Darkmoor, in the Cave of Love.

— Oh, the Cave of Love, that's a funny name.

— Yes, many couples were coming there to chat *smiles* or get married.

— Did you get married there with your Shen?

— Nope, we didn't like the Lakes and Shen was faithful to his forest. After all, we all had our memories there.

— Did they have OP, those trytonists?

— Yes, and other neutrals too. From memory, in each country there was a neutral OP: in the Desert, it was MVG who owned it, in the Lakes, the guild Harmonie. And thereafter they distributed their harvest in marketplaces open to all. We'll talk about it later. Going back to the trytonists, I heard that there have been other meetings

And in 2532 a rumour was spreading that they were recruiting

But, after Still Wyler's death, they became more discreet and most certainly more distrustful. I think some homins still try to get in touch with them. But that's them who choose you…" [2]

  1. OOC note of the translator – Perhaps "thick head" would have been a more accurate translation of french "tête de pioche", but, as the pickaxe ("pioche" in french) is for Eleanide something like an emblem, "pick head" was preferred.
  2. OOC – Below are some documents of the Great Library which offer you, readers of Elea's memoirs, details that, of course, she did not give the young guards of the Marauder Camp:


To be continued…

——-¤0§ Chapter I ¤ Chapter II ¤ Chapter III §0¤-——
Memoirs of an homina
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