On first page of this essay I showed few rows from table below. Bare with me as I am Tryker and Marauder... I will concentrate on that combination ;-)

Template 1/8 2/7 3/6 4/5 5/4 6/3 7/2 8/1
Ryzom dn-Ryzom dn-Ryzom dn-Ryzom dn-Ryzom dn-Ryzom dn-Ryzom dn-Ryzom dn-Ryzom
Tryker dn-Tryker dn-Tryker dn-Tryker dn-Tryker dn-Tryker dn-Tryker dn-Tryker dn-Tryker
Marauder dn-Marauder dn-Marauder dn-Marauder dn-Marauder dn-Marauder dn-Marauder dn-Marauder dn-Marauder

If we would to agree with many CSS designers on internet we should need only five colors to create modern clean layout. By no means I will defend that statement nor I will try to dismiss its value, I am proposing here things to open discussion... BUT, if we would consider CSS designers idea we should, or at least try, to restrict amount of colors used. That's why I posted this contraption:

dn-RT1 dn-RT2 dn-RT3 dn-RT4 dn-RT5 dn-RT6 dn-RT7 dn-MR3


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