de:Ryzom API/Charakter en:Ryzom API/Character
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2023-05-27)

Access character information.



<base URL>/character.php?apikey=key
<base URL>/character.php?apikey[=key1&apikey[]=key2

URL Parameters

Character API key starting with 'c'

Cache Duration

<character> xml element has attributes *created* and *cached_until* (utc timestamp)

XML structure

API is able to return information about multiple characters at once and so each <character> element is child of <ryzomapi> root element:

  <character apikey="key1" created="1387369332" modules="C01:P01" cached_until="1387369632">
  <character apikey="key2" created="1387369332" modules="P01" cached_until="1387369632">

Invalid key error:

<character apikey="key1" created="1387369873">
  <error code="404">invalid key</error>

Possible error codes are listed on API error codes.

PHP interface

$apikey can be either string (single key) or array of strings.
On success, function returns associative array of SimpleXMLElement with apikey as array index.
On failure, function returns boolean false.
require_once "ryzomapi_lite.php";
function info($char) {
  if (isset($char->error)) {
    $apikey = htmlspecialchars($char['apikey']);
    $error = htmlspecialchars($char->error);
    $code = (int)$char->error['code'];
    echo "Character API key '{$apikey}' failed: {$code}:{$error}";
  } else {
    $name = htmlspecialchars($char->name);
    echo "Character name: {$name}";
$apikey = 'cABCDEF';
$chars = ryzom_character_api($apikey);
if ($chars !== false) {
} else {
  echo "Character API failed";
$apikeys = ['cABCDEF', 'c123456'];
$chars = ryzom_character_api($apikeys);
if ($chars !== false) {
  foreach($chars as $char) {
} else {
  echo "Character API failed";
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