en:Help:Quotation mark
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-02-25)


This page does not pretend to be a reference on typography, but describes the "conventions" that should be used in the body of this Wiki. For more information, please refer to the wikipedia pages [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] referenced here.

🇩🇪 German

First level: „ Anführungszeichen“ or »Gänsefüßchen«
Second level (nested): ‚ halben Anführungszeichen ‘
Exemples : „... ‚...’ ....“ − »… ‚…‘ …« − „… ›…‹ …“

🇬🇧 🇺🇸 English

First level: “Primary”
Second level (nested): ‘Secondary ’
Troisième niveau (niché) : “Tertiary”
Example: “... ‘... “...” ...’ ....”

(US convention)

[...] those “good Samaritans’ ” crimes and not: [...] those “good Samaritans’” crimes .

🇪🇸 Spanish

First level: «comillas latinas or comillas españolas»
Second level (nested): “comillas inglesas”
Third level: ‘comillas simples or comillas sencillas’
Example: «... “... ‘...’ ...” ....»

🇫🇷 French

First level: « French Quotes »
Second level (nested): « French Quotes »
Third level: « French Quotes »
Example: « ... « ... « ... » ... »... »
Note the spaces between the Quotes and the text...

🇷🇺 Russian

First level: «french quotes»
Second level (nested): „german quotes“
Third level:  ?
Example: «... „...“ ....»



Usual straight quotation marks:  '...'  et "..."

How insert quotes fast

Fig. 1
  1. In edit mode click on “Special characters”, then select “Symbols” in the left column. Now select you text and click the desired quotes button and you're done (fig. 1).
Fig. 2
  1. Alternatively, you can use the edit tools on edit page bottom (fig. 2).

Last version 2021-02-28•
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