
System Requirements

Official specifications for Ryzom:

Minimum System Specification

Recommended System Specification

1Required only for installation of boxed versions of the game. Boxed versions' client will most likely be incompatible and will require a special patch.


For help with problems running the game when your system meets the above system requirements, look at the official support site, where you can also ask for help from a support representative if you cannot find a solution to your problem in the current support forums or the old support forums.

There is also live support available, it can be accessed from outside the game by using CeB (former Klients) and from in game by using the /supportChat command.

A preconfigured CeB for Windows can be found here, for binaries for Mac OS and Linux you need to go here.

Server info for the english Support Chat:

Name: Arispotle
Port: 6001
Description: English technical support chat for Ryzom

Command line arguments

Command line arguments are startup parameters that can be used to alter the game's behavior. For a complete list and instructions on how to use these see command line arguments.


Ryzom currently supports four different languages; English, German, French, Spanish and Russian. As of patch Patch 1.8.0 the client fully supports the Cyrillic alphabet.

Running the game on other supported systems

Supported operating systems

Currently Windows (XP, Vista, 7), Linux and Mac OS are being supported by Ryzom. Below you can find details about the Linux and Mac OS versions of Ryzom and how to get them working.

Linux (any variation)

It is recommended to use a Debian based System such as Ubuntu, however any other distribution should work. To install the Client on Ubuntu, follow this guide.

To manually install the Client and precompiled binaries, follow this guide.

It is also possible to download the source and build your own binaries, see this page for details.


Ryzom can be downloaded in the App Store. Due to the limitations of the App Store, Ryzom is not allowed to update itself. Every update has to be downloaded from the App Store and is currently as large as the original download (3Gb).

It is possible to bypass this limitation and update the Client manually with the following commands:

rsync -rtzv --progress --stats data
rsync -rtzv --progress --stats .

Further details and binaries can be found here.

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