Implemention of a categorisation that suits the 6 wikis, knowing that "Forge" and "Lore" are integrated in the 5 "linguistical" wikis (and the "common" images as far as possible).
We have now 6 wikis, written by different homins, with different history, with different kind of content and even the structures are different. We would like to :
You can create new content (and new categories too, if they doen't exists), and you'll find here some help to search and find the best category for your content, and find the best category for your new categories. And why add your article to a Portal, or use this nice tool bar ?
There are for each wiki (DE, EN, ES, FR, RU) the same roots. These are:
The main categories, near the root, are associated with portals themselves pointed by navigation templates thru Portals, and answer questions: About the game:
Then comes the "Encyclopedia" co-managed by the "'players and animators"':
With the exception of the "Forge" items, the goal is to attempt to categorize all items directly or indirectly into at least one category in the following table. It is not useful, and even harmful, to define and freeze all the categories of levels lower than those in the tables. Players and writers can create and manage the categories they want, as long as they link them to those written in the current tables and above all avoid creating "root" categories, otherwise the Sysop will integrate them where it suits best, the aim being to have some harmonization between the 5 language wikis.
All missing bricks ("category" and "template") must be written in English by default. This does not apply to old bricks already made. When two bricks co-exist, one in English the other in local, the wisest, in general, is to redirect the English brick on the local. The reason is that developers( including Sysop) are comfortable in English, but not necessarily the players / contributors.