Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Lanstiril, 19.09.2019
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Lanstiril, 2019-09-19)

Taxonomic Amber
A sailtree, aka “sailgrass”
Kingdom {{{king}}}
Category {{{species}}}
Main Ecosystem(s) Lakes
Counterattack type n.a.
A sailtree in winter

Also known as sailgrass, the sailtree is an underwater plant which develops two distinct crowns of leaves around a swollen trunk anchored in the lake bottom, which sometimes unmoors itself to float with the currents and the winds.

The first crown is made of green supple palmate leaves, while the second is made of beige leathery leaves that look like insects wing covers.

The Trykers use these latter to make oars and tillers.

Last version 2021-11-08•
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