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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-08-16)

The Rendor [1]

    A stocky hoofed mammal with a short thick neck and belonging to the same family as the capryni. It has a heavy front body and a hump on its back. Its large head is covered with a helmet-like leather carapace which constitutes a formidable ram for defense. Like caprynis, rendors are grazing animals noted for their docility, though when provoked can be deadly to even the most aggressive predator.

― Type: Herbivore.
― Behavior: Peaceful, will defend itself in case of attack.
― Habitat: Forest and desert.
― Exceptional specimen(s):
― Sociability: Moderate group instinct., will run to the defense of other herbivores that are preyed upon.
― Speed of movement: Rapid.
― Natural armor: Moderate protection against slashing blows.
― Type of attack: Melee (smashing)..
― Special defense: Ricochet (the rendor's skin is so resistant that shots can ricochet off back to the aggressor or to another predator standing nearby).
― Valued resources: Claw (firing pin), shell (lining), meat, skull, blood.

Rendor Eye Uses: Jewel, Magic Focus, 2 Rendor Skin Uses: Grip, Clothes, 3 Rendor Nail Uses: Trigger, Jewel Setting, 4 Rendor Pelvis Uses: Hammer, Counterweight, 5 Rendor Tooth Uses: Ammo Jacket, Lining,

Icon Material Uses
Eye Jewel, Magic Focus,
Skin Grip, Clothes,
Nail Trigger, Jewel Setting,
Pelvis Hammer, Counterweight,
Tooth Ammo Jacket, Lining,

  1. ENCY_THM_TXT_05_14

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