de:Die Empfänger der Städte/Pyr/Actors & places
en:The Cities' Welcomers/Pyr/Actors & places
es:Los recibidores de las ciudades/Pyr/Actors & places
fr:Les Hôtes des cités/Pyr/Actors & places
ru:Глашатаи городов/Pyr/Actors & places
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-02-10)

$city$ = Pyr
$dunes$ = Imperial Dunes
$place_crafteur$ = Upper Piros Street
$taxeurs$ = Leviers
$goari$ = egg-carrying goari
$kitin$ = Moderate Kipees (10)
$termitiere$ = Termite mound
$player$ = You
$givervar$ = Ulyron Zessen, Pyr city welcomer.
$archeologue$ = Lucius Dominus, archeologist, Pyr;
$barman$ = Lydix Deps, Bartender, Pyr;
$chasseur$ = Xamus Zessen, Hunter, Imperial Dunes;
$chef$ = Abytheus Apocaps, Pyr Guard Chief, Pyr;
$crafteur$ = Deups Gacaps, Upper Piros Street, Pyr;
$cuisinier$ = Atus Gromulus, impérial head chef, Pyr;
$intendant$ = Eutis Apocaps, Pyr Intendant, Pyr;
Volubis Gargatus, Baths manager, Pyr.
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