de:Zerstörer gefallener Blätter
en:Fallen leaf ripper
es:Destripador de hojas caídas
fr:Ripeur de feuilles mortes
ru:Разрушитель опавших листьев
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-06-01)

Page created by Zorroargh to delete zombies categories.


"Zombie categories" are in red in the list of categories.
Sometimes some empty categories displayed in blue do not have (or no longer have) reason to exist. For this, it is necessary to make these categories into "zombie categories", and, the fastest way is to delete the category.

The funny name that Zo' gave to these categories is inspired by the Zombie processes of Unix/Linux.
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