Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2023-04-29)
The groups with specific color are:
- basic groups:
- nations-races
- fyros
- matis
- tryker
- zorai (no ï [umlaut I] in the parameter)
- factions
- other groups
- organized
- individual not hostil, not officially organized
- neutral (stateless, pacifist... without allegiance)
- gnost (agnostic, laico)
- specific groups
- primes or Grey (and used for any not classifiable data as: archives, spoil, obsoleted...)
- RP (for RP text)
- Amber (amber cube, infobox RP and Lore)
- OOC (infobox IG and IG rules)
- Techno (Kara box, i.e. infobox patch and any Ryzom development informations)
- technical groups
- OK
- KO
- Alert (somethong to do or to chose)
- Sleep (state of task waiting something)
- Status (state of evolution of an active task)
- Info (default value)