

Rite Type: Crafting

Race: Fyros

Reward: Permanent durability boost to all items you craft

This rite can be completed by homins of a fairly low lvl; the highest quality item you are required to craft is q95. Items may also be crafted by a teammate of the rite taker; but it is recommended that, when doing the Trial itself, you take your tools and crafting materials with you, as some of the crafting tasks have very short timers. No real combat skill is required - the most dangerous experience the rite taker must endure is a run around Oflovak's Oasis.


The locations of the various NPCs you will need to speak with can be found here:

You Will Need...

Prerequesite Missions

Aeseus Zessen (Pyr Forge) wants made-to-order armour

Aeseus Zessen (Pyr Forge) wants new armour

Aeseus Zessen (Pyr Forge) wants made-to-order armour

Zenix Mekops' (Barkgully Workshop) Water Breakers friends need armour

Rite Mission

Rite Walkthrough

Having done all the prerequesite missions:

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