!!!! WIP !!!! ![Under Construction Panel.png](https://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/thumb/0/0f/Under_Construction_Panel.png/32px-Under_Construction_Panel.png)
There are currently still 79 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Dorothee on 18.02.2022.
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothee, 2022-02-18)
How to test a new appart object (in .shape)?
- 1 - Create the .shape (ex tasse_matis.shape)
- 2- In "user": copy the NewObjectName.shape, rename it in MA_appart_chaise_00.shape (to see it in a Matis appartment, otherwise replace this .shape by another one in the list below)
- 3 - Go ingame and see how looks the modified object.
Sheetnames for all available apartment objects
bed - FY_Acc_Lit.shape
table - FY_Acc_Table_appart_joueur.shape
stool - Fy_Acc_Tabouret_A_appart.shape
wardrobe - FY_Acc_Armoire.shape
campfire - ge_feudecamp.ps
wall lamp - FY_Acc_AppliqueMurale_A_1.shape / brazier.ps
bed - MA_appart_lit.shape
table - MA_appart_table_01.shape
stool - MA_appart_chaise_00.shape
wardrobe - MA_appart_coffre.shape
flower - MA_appart_fleure.shape
wall lamp - matis_alcove.ps
bed - TR_Acc_Lit.shape
table - tr_acc_table.shape
stool - tr_acc_pouf.shape
wardrobe - TR_Acc_Arrmoire.shape
barrel of beer - TonneauClosed02.shape
wall lamp - ge_mission_reverbere_blue.ps
bed - ZO_Acc_Lit.shape
table - ZO_table.shape
stool - ZO_chaise_01.shape
wardrobe - ZO_Acc_Armoire.shape
sphere with insects- ZO_bt_mon_flare_couloir.shape
wall lamp - Zo_table_lampe.shape/zorai_ambre.ps
- Note 1: that won't work if you're not on the official server with an access to the Rybambel stuff: by default, every objects in the flat are hidden.'
- Note2: Do NOT rename the relative texture file, only the .shape!