

Common Phrases

Phrase English
Aiya(e) Hey (lit. "blessed"), used to address a person
Davae naia Good evening (lit. "sweet night")
Deles aiye Greetings! (this is less formal than "Deles silam" but stronger than "Aiya")
Deles silam Good day, (lit. "good time", this phrase contains no notion of time)
Deles necat Goodbye (lit. "ending time")
Meria naia Goodnight
Deles cherae Good luck! (lit. "Chance time")
Erates file Congratulations! (lit. "Be proud!")
Naete Please
Fila(e) Thank you
Neis You're welcome
Jena aiye Blessed be Jena!
Ser(ae) Mr/Ms
Nec used for negation, ex. nec mindaleis = I dislike
Nec No
Sil Yes

Note: letters in brackets indicate the letter to be added for the word's feminine form.


For individuals:

For adjectives and passive forms

For names

Note: matal = to fight

For verbs

Note: mindal = to love


Matis Language

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