Displays the list of all guilds.



<base URL>/guilds.php

Cache Duration

Returned XML has <cache> element with attributes created and expire (utc timestamp)

XML structure

  <cache created="1387371064" expire="1387374664"/>
    <description>Here you are the Keeper, your destiny is to make the rules to be respected</description>

PHP interface


Function returns SimpleXMLElement object on success or boolean false on error.

  require_once "ryzomapi_lite.php";

  $guilds = ryzom_guildlist_api();
  if ($guilds !== false) {
    echo '<pre>';
    foreach($guilds->guild as $guild) {
      $gid = (int)$guild->gid;
      $name = htmlspecialchars($guild->name);
      echo "{$gid} {$name}\n";
    echo '</pre>';
  } else {
    echo "API failure";
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