


Taki Zoraï Basic Meaning
kami li'ata welcome (informal)
kami zo'ata welcome (formal)
kamia'ata hello (lit. the Kami greet you)
ata'kami* hello (lit. I greet the Kami)
kamia'ata miko-ito hello homins (the Kami greet you homins)
woha hello! (upon arrival)
woha mik'ito hello homins
mata hey (initiating conversation)
mata zinkéan I'll be there in a second
ataa I'm back (remplace le « re »)
mata waki see you later
mata né'puké goodbye, bye for now
mata nékéan farewell
mata Zora goodbye (on se retrouve à Zora)
mata yumé goodnight (lit. we meet in dreams)
lao'zénui sleep well

* This is in reponse to "kamia'ata"

How are you?

Taki Zoraï Basic Meaning
lao né lao How are you? (lit. "(You) well or not well?")
y lu and you?
lao well
li'lao very well
zo'lao great
né lao not well
né li'lao not very well

Note: Lao, li'lao, zo'lao, né lao and né li'lao in this context can be translated as "I am well", "I am very well", etc.


Zoraï Language

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