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Common Phrases

Phrase English
Aiya(e) Hey (lit. "blessed"), used to address a person
Davae naia Good evening (lit. "sweet night")
Deles aiye Greetings! (this is less formal than "Deles silam" but stronger than "Aiya")
Deles silam Good day, (lit. "good time", this phrase contains no notion of time)
Deles necat Goodbye (lit. "ending time")
Meria naia Goodnight
Deles cherae Good luck! (lit. "Chance time")
Erates file Congratulations! (lit. "Be proud!")
Naete Please
Fila(e) Thank you
Neis You're welcome
Jena aiye Blessed be Jena!
Ser(ae) Mr/Ms
Nec used for negation, eg. nec mindaleis = I dislike
Nec No
Sil Yes

Note: letters in brackets indicate the letter to be added for the word's feminine form.


For individuals:

  • -wivan : underling, honorific used for someone beneath your standing
  • -modin : equal, honorific used for someone equal to your standing
  • -kin  : lord, honorific used for someone of higher standing i.e a superior or noble
  • -karan : king, reserved honorific for the Matis king

For adjectives and passive forms

  • -a  : masculine singular
  • -ae : feminine singular
  • -ai : plural (masculine or feminine)

For nouns

Note: matal = to fight

  • -e  : singular
  • -ei  : plural
  • -ena  : a contraction of "-e nar". Marker indicating a person performing an action, eg. matalena = the (male) warrior, one who fights
  • -enae  : feminine form of -ena, the person performing the action is a female, eg. matalenae = the (female) warrior
  • -enai  : plural of -ena, eg. matalenai : the warriors
  • -a/ae/ai : marker, used in the passive voice, to indicate the person or object undergoing an action, eg. matala = the battle, the fighting

For verbs

Note: mindal = to love

  • -eis  : present tense marker, eg. mindaleis = I love
  • -eiti : past tense marker, eg. mindaleiti = I loved
  • -ias  : future tense marker, eg. mindalias = I shall love
  • -ates : imperative marker, eg. mindalates = love!


Personal pronouns

Word English
Ne I, me
Le you (singular)
Se he, she, it
Nye us
Lye you (plural)
Sye they

Possessive Adjectives

Plural English
Na Nae Nai my
La Lae Lai your
Sa Sae Sai his, her, its
Nya Nya Nyai our
Lya Lya Lyai your
Sya Sya Syai their

Note: Possessive adjectives agree with the number and case of the noun they modify, eg. na mane e nai sanei = my food and my thoughts


  • sa nar : his homin
  • sae narae : her homin

  • la mindalena : your lover
  • lae mindalenae : your lover

  • na mindala : my darling
  • nae mindalae : my darling

  • na mate : my labour
  • nai matei : my labours

Interrogative pronouns

Word English
Ma which/what?
Il when?
Lar where?
Manya how?
Ye who?

Derivatives from Interrogative Pronouns

Word English
Mailya everything
Mamine something
Mane* anything
Ililya all the time
Ilmine perhaps
Ilne* ever
Larilya everywhere
Larmine somewhere/anywhere
Larne nowhere
Manyailya by all means
Manyamine somehow
Manyane by any means
Yeilya everyone
Yemine someone
Yene* anyone

* By adding "nec" in front of these words the word is negated, eg. Nec mane = nothing; Nec ilne = never; Nec yene = no-one


Matis Language