Tunnel of Woe/Topographic analysis

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en:Tunnel of Woe/Topographic analysis
fr:Tunnel des Malheurs/Analyse topographique JA 2610
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: from french (Craftjenn, 2020-11-23)

At the Knoll of Dissent is the Tunnel of Woe (with a Kitins' Lair). Here, topographical maps (surface and subsoil), drawn by homins in JA 2610 (Year of Jena).

Kitins to one of the 7 entrances


About this topography

  • Carried out during the year 2610 by members of the SKA, CEK, Rangers/N'ASA...
  • Measurements made with a stake-alidade with rewinding chalk line, in relative point to point.
  • Description and final maps by Zendae, keeping the conventions of the old matis card (color codes).
  • Translation into Davae and Natae languages to come.

General information

  • Massif deformed, no elegance if not that of a heap of mektoub dung.
  • 7 doors (legend)
    7 entrances, for two and a half networks of galleries.
  • 3 underground rooms.
  • Varied kitin activity, organization noted.

The 3 different networks (map 1)

  • In black: Deep Network
  • In blue: Superior Network
  • In red: Insulated Wells
Networks: Deep Network, Superior Network, Insulated Wells


  • Superior Network: All the galleries above the bark level.
  • Deep network: All the galleries below the bark level. Separate entries of the other network.

Species noticed

Exterior map

Land movement: promontories, ramps and paths

Land movement: promontories, ramps and paths


  • Balcon des Kiros (Balcony of the Kiros): overlooks the Great Gate, often occupied by kirostas in faction.
  • Belvedère des Enragés (Enraged's Belvedere) : Point of view mainly used by the kinchers, but also regularly used by the kizarak and his escort of kinreys. Note : located just above the Prince's room. *Question* : Magnetic singularity ? Question: magnetic singularity?
  • Chemin de ronde (Chemin the round): Lower perimeter of the Hammerhead, taken on one side or the other by the kizarak for its round between the belvedere and the big door.
  • Col de l'apparition (Apparition collar): You may come across surprises along the way, including kidinak mirages making a fleeting appearance.
  • Humpy buttresses: Series of small mounds to the east, low kitins presence.
  • Dôme Tricéphale (Tricephalous Dome): The highest elevation of the massif, one dome and two spikes. Presence of intermittent kinchers. Passage of torbaks.
  • Esplanade de la Lacération : Zone guarded by the kirostas, it is the pediment of the nest with the two entrances of the deep network.
  • Goulet Assassin : narrow passage leading from the North Promontory to the Esplanade via the heights. Rarely inoculated: danger.
  • Grande Porte (Big Door): Passage used by the Kizarak, high density of soldier and elite kitins.
  • Piton Sacrificiel (Sacrificial Piton): Very pointed mound which seems artificial, and slightly tinged with red. Abandoned camp just to the west. It is located below the kizarak's outer station point. Hypothesis offerings to the kitins made by the homins at this place. To go deeper into the First Deserters' history and their attempt to train the kitins.
  • Porte de la Captation (Capture Gate): Gate into which the winds rush, and in front of which the kizarak comes to stand. Hypothesis of capture and long-distance pheromone emission. Idea: Bring in an aerodynamics expert.
  • Porte Haute (High Gate): Gate overlooking the South Promontory, used by kincher hunters to melt on their prey below.
  • Porte des kizoars : Dead-end well in which kizoars come and go, all the way to the undergrowth of the carnage.
  • Porte Nord (North Door): Very active outing of hunters and gatherers raids.
  • Porte Ouest (West Gate): Exit of kincher hunters and presence of harvesters
  • Porte des Soldats (Soldiers' Gate): Entrances and exits of Kirostas.
  • Promontoire Nord (North promontory): platform on which Kinchers, kinreys, kirostas regularly circulate.
  • Promontoire Sud (South promontory): platform used by kinchers, kipees, and sometimes kirostas coming up from the soldiers' gate.
  • Rampe des armas : Often occupied by armas unaware of the danger.
  • Rampe du charnier (Ramp of the mass grave): Passage with a high concentration of bones.
  • Rampe des chasseurs (Hunter's ramp): Passage often used by kincher raids towards the undergrowth of the carnage.
  • Rampe dorsale (Back ramp): Rear passage, often guarded by kinchers or kirostas.
  • Rampe frontale (Front ramp): Front passage, used by the kitins to go to the heights.
  • Rampe de l'observation (Observation Ramp): Easy access for the approach of homin observers
  • Rampe des kipees : Kipees go up from the West Gate to the South Promontory.
  • Rampe des torbaks : Easy access to the summit, except for the pack of torbaks that crosses the massif in East-West alleys.
  • Sous-bois des kizos (Undergrowth of the kizos): Back of the Kitin Nest in a wood of Salinas. No notable danger but reduced visibility due to the foliage.
  • Sous-bois du carnage (Carnage undergrowth): The most important hunting and harvesting area for the nest. Sometimes the spectacle of a carnivorous frenzy. Regular convoys of harvesting kipees from the North Gate and Kizoars for hunting remains. A large kizoar spotted on the edge of the woods, probably with no direct link to the nest.
  • Sous-bois guet-apens (Undergrowth ambush): Treed area near the west door, often with a kincher hidden by the trees.
  • Tête de Marteau (Hammerhead): Second peak, like a large block of wood with a weathered patina. Relatively quiet observation point except for a visit from a kincher or kinrey.

Approach tips

  • Secure observation of the North Promontory from the ruins of the Col Vallonné research centre.
  • Close observation of the Belvedere by the hunters' ramp or the Apparition Pass.
  • Ascent from the Torbarks Ramp.
  • Aerial observation from the Hammerhead
  • Infiltration of the Resource Gallery from the West Entrance.
  • Infiltration of the Great Lacet through the Soldiers' Gate rather than the Great Gate.

Inner map

Galleries by function

Galleries by function


  • Allée Princière (Principle Lane): Dense gallery in kitins, and used by the kizarak to go out. Kirostas, kinreys, Kibans.
  • Carrefour de la garde (Crossroads of the Guard): Reinforced presence of kirostas and kinrey. Sometimes kizoars. We are there just under the dead end of the kizoars' well. Question: invisible passage to the Well?
  • Carrefour Social : High concentration of elite kitins mixed with kibans. Hypothesis: exchanges of food between kitins by regurgitation of kiban.
  • Chambre du Prince : Inside location of the Kizarak. Strongly guarded by the kidinaks. Note: absence of kitin larvae. Hypothesis: Male kizarak, correlating with Keale family studies.
  • Chambre Gastrique (Gastric Room): Middle of the resource gallery, convergence of kitins flows going on external supply missions. Presence of a kipucka (the only specimen of this nest) in semi-lethal, wedged against the wall. Question: what is the role of this kipucka?
    • Hypothesis 1 : Food grinder.
    • Hypothesis 2 : food taster.
  • Chambre Occulte (Occult Room): Relatively empty chamber, crossed by kinreys and kibans. Place where a passage was recently discovered, and more anciently found a kipekoo.
    • Hypothesis 1: secret Portal.
    • Hypothesis 2 : Guest room for ambassador Kipekoo.
  • Galerie Aérienne (Aerial Gallery): Makes the quick junction between the North and South promontory. Occupied by the kinchers. Hypothesis : from there the kinchers can easily sense the presence of prey.
  • Galerie des chasseurs (Hunters' Gallery): Spiral descent traversed by the kinchers to reach the North and West gates. Regular comings and goings.
  • Galerie des ressources (Resource gallery): Great kitine activity (kipees, kinchers, kibans, kizoars), this area seems to be the "stomach" of the Kitin Nest. Can be crossed relatively easily.
  • Galerie des soldats (Soldiers Gallery): Gallery mainly occupied by kirostas and some kinreys. Average density.
  • Grand Lacet (Grand Lace): Large tower that forms the continuity of the Soldiers' Gallery and the Allée Princière. It corresponds quite well to the periphery of the massif on the surface.
  • Petit Lacet (Small Lace): Internal gallery traversed by kinreys and kibans, low density. Hypothesis: Allows you to bypass the large lace to send reinforcements from one side or the other and take invading assailants in reverse.
  • Porte des Chasseurs (Hunter's Gate): Internal junction between the Hunter's Gallery and the Resource Gallery.
  • Porte Princière : Junction between the princely chamber and the big lace. Very guarded by kinreys and kidinaks.
  • Puits des Charognards (Well of the Scavengers): Downhill in turns and dead end. Presence of kizoars only. Counted for a "half" network. Hypothesis : Waste evacuation pipe, purged by the kizoars.


Addendum to the color codes of the galleries according to the old matis map


  • Blue : Aerial Gallery, because the day and the wind crosses it.
  • Red : Resource gallery, because it is the one that keeps the kitty alive. It is also a strategic gallery to infiltrate the nest with care from a distance.
  • Black : Aisle and Principle Room, because the memories of terror that these homin kitins provoke is associated with this color.
  • Violet : Small lace, because it seems precious and mysterious, as is this color in the Matis culture, a color common to all the highest quality outfits of the woodland people.
  • Beige : Well of kizoars, because they are scavengers, and as if by chance a fyros color.
  • Green : Gallery of the soldiers, a report on the kirostas soldiers whose texture melts easily in nature, and also a culturally important color for the matis.



Zendae, 1er CA 2611, pour le S.K.A.

Avec les participations aux relevés de terrain de :

Compilation des relevés par Nilstilar.

Notes and links

Source: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/31266/1