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en:Linux generic installation
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2018-07-22)

In this tutorial, we will cover the installation and configuration of the Ryzom client itself. We will not document how to install dependencies for it can change from a distribution to another.

From the official archive

First, you may need to install wget and 7z. Then, retrieve the compressed Ryzom archive using the following commands:

mkdir -p "$HOME/ryzom"
wget -O "ryzom_live_client_linux.7z" "https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/files/installer/ryzom_live_client_linux$(test $(uname -m) = 'x86_64' && echo 64 || echo 32).7z/download"
wget -O "ryzom_live_data.7z" "https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/files/installer/ryzom_live_data.7z/download"
7z x "ryzom_live_client_linux.7z" -o"$HOME/ryzom/"
7z x "ryzom_live_data.7z" -o"$HOME/ryzom/"
rm -f "ryzom_live_client_linux.7z" "ryzom_live_data.7z"

Starting script (optional)

If you do not already have one, create a custom directory where you can store executable files:

mkdir -p "$HOME/bin"
echo '[[ ":$PATH:" == *":$HOME/bin:"* ]] || export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >>"$HOME/.bashrc"
source "$HOME/.bashrc"

Create the $HOME/bin/ryzom file with the following content and change your_account_name_goes_here with your account name.


set -euo pipefail


if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then

hash pass 2>/dev/null && pass -c "$RYZOM_DOMAIN/$ACCOUNT"

Now set the starting script executable:

chmod a+x "$HOME/bin/ryzom"

You can now start Ryzom using the ryzom command. To start Ryzom with another account, you can use the ryzom account_name command.

Password management (optional)

pass can be used to handle your account password. The starting script already handles it providing you store your password under ryzom.com/account_name. At startup, your password will be in your clipboard for a few seconds so you can simply paste it into the field. Obviously, you can store passwords for multiple accounts using the same pattern.

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