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Revision as of 21:23, 31 July 2019

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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Lanstiril, 2019-07-31)

Taxonomic Amber
Wyttcran in winter
Kingdom {{{king}}}
Category {{{species}}}
Main Ecosystem(s) Lakes
Counterattack type n.a.

The wyttcran is actually neither a plant nor a seaweed but an animal.

Its anatomy displays a foot that anchors on a lake's bottom or attaches to hard substrates by adhesion such as a sucker, surmounted by a body from which radiate smooth sharp stinging tentacles arranged in concentric circles around at least one central flexible "mast" bearing a yellow quiff.

This organism is a predator that can engulf an imprudent swimmer after knocking him unconscious with its poisonous tentacles.

Last version 2021-08-27•
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