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<div style="text-align:center; margin-top: 10px;">{{Trad
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<img src="https://zzz.zaclys.com/download.php?z=2&doc_id=7926348" alt="Image" style="width: 333px; border-radius: 15px;"/>
{{3DText|group=gnostes|text=<big><big><big><span style="color:#9400D3;">∴</span><span style="color:#4B0082;">∴</span><span style="color:#0000FF;">∴</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">∴</span><span style="color:#FFFF00;">∴</span><span style="color:#FFA500;">∴</span><span style="color:#FF0000;">∴</span><span style="color:#FFD700;">Yooll</span>∴<span style="color:#9400D3;">∴</span><span style="color:#4B0082;">∴</span><span style="color:#0000FF;">∴</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">∴</span><span style="color:#FFFF00;">∴</span><span style="color:#FFA500;">∴</span><span style="color:#FF0000;">∴</span></big></big></big>}}
{{3DText|group=gnostes|text=<big><big><big><span style="color:#8A2BE2;">Dingir-Yool-An-Gal-En-Mah</span></big></big></big>}}
{{3DText|group=gnostes|text=<big><big><big><span style="color:#00FF00;">Γνῶσις Γνῶστες∴Προστασία Φύλακες</span></big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴The Emissary of Universal Unity∴</span></big></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">In the depths of the cosmic matrix of [[Atys]], a solitary being roams the lush jungles and arid deserts, seeking the hidden wisdom in every corner of this world. This being is <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b>, a name that carries a unique duality, both simple and complex, personal and collective, reflecting an infinite quest toward harmony.</span>
<hr style="margin: 15px 0;" />
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Origin of the Name∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">My original pseudonym is ''<span style="color:#9400D3;">Yool</span>'', but in the universe of [[Ryzom]], I decided to add an extra ''<span style="color:#ADD8E6;">L</span>'', thus creating <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b>. This choice is not accidental: it reflects more of this quest for harmony and connection that I aspire to embody. The double ''<span style="color:#ADD8E6;">L</span>'' in ''<span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span>'' emphasizes this duality between the individual and the collective, between the personal quest for wisdom and the need for universal unity, which is at the heart of my experience on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> is a name rich in meaning, inspired by the idea of ''<span style="color:#1E90FF;">You All</span>'' (''<span style="color:#00FF00;">Vous Tous</span>''), a concept that symbolizes unity and universal connection. This name is not just an identity but an embodied philosophy that emphasizes the importance of collective harmony and deep connections among all living beings. In the universe and the world of <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>, <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> embodies this reflection on interconnection, guiding every action and decision with an acute awareness of the collective's importance.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> is perceived as a solitary sage or a spiritual guide, an explorer of the hidden dimensions of <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>. His mission is to weave bonds between souls, to establish harmony where chaos might emerge, and to remind everyone that each being is an integral part of the greater whole. Whether in the lush jungles or the arid deserts, <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> moves forward with the conviction that individuality and the collective are complementary, not opposing forces.</span>
<hr style="margin: 15px 0;" />
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Neutrality∴</span></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴The Path of Humility and Balance∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> embodies <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b>Neutrality</b></span> both in <span style="color:#0000FF;"><b>Nation</b></span> and <span style="color:#FF0000;"><b>Faction</b></span> on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>, a deliberate choice that reflects a deep commitment to balance and harmony. This neutrality is more than just a political or strategic position; it is at the heart of <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll's</span></i></b> philosophy, which advocates for the respect of all lives and beliefs without taking sides in the conflicts that tear people apart.</span>
{{3DText|group=gnostes|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Neutral Nation∴Neutral Faction∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">As a <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b>Neutral</b></span> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><b>Nation</b></span>, <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> refuses to align with any single homeland or specific culture. This choice is motivated by the belief that each nation on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span> contributes uniquely to the planet's richness and that favoring one nation over others would create an imbalance. <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> sees each culture as a valuable expression of the universe's diversity, and his role is to preserve this diversity by ensuring every voice is heard and every life respected.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Similarly, by being a <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b>Neutral</b></span> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><b>Faction</b></span>, <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> chooses not to associate with any of the major ideological groups that divide <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>. This factional neutrality allows him to navigate freely between different currents of thought, seeking to understand and learn from each, without being attached to the rivalries or power ambitions that often divide factions. For <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b>, each faction holds a piece of the truth, and it is by gathering these fragments of truth that a deeper and more complete understanding of the cosmos can be achieved.</span>
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{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Humility and Respect∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> is neither a pretentious scholar nor a sage isolated in an ivory tower. On the contrary, he embodies humility and respect, two fundamental values that guide his every action. <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> knows that true wisdom lies in listening and being open to others rather than imposing one's own views. This humility is reflected in a respectful approach to everyone he meets, regardless of their origin, belief, or status.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> learns with equal attention from the elder <span style="color:#FFA07A;"><b>Homins</b></span> and <span style="color:#FFA07A;"><b>Homines</b></span> of <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>, bearers of ancient traditions and wisdom, and the new <span style="color:#A1B2C7;"><b>Refugees</b></span> who arrive on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>, bringing fresh perspectives and unique experiences. He believes that everyone, whether old or new to <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>, has something valuable to teach and share. This openness to continuous learning strengthens his conviction that universal truth is fragmented and scattered among all beings and that harmony can only be achieved by gathering these fragments with patience and respect.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Far from seeing himself as superior to others, <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> views his role as that of a discreet guardian of harmony, a guide who, through his neutrality, allows others to find their own path to balance. He does not seek to impose his will but rather to create a space where everyone can express their truth and contribute to the grand mosaic of life on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>. His neutrality is a quiet strength, a calming presence in a world often torn by conflicts.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> thus moves forward on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span> with the deep conviction that humility and respect hold the keys to universal harmony. Through his commitment to remain neutral, he embodies a path of wisdom and peace, offering those who cross his path a model of balance and integrity.</span>
<hr style="margin: 15px 0;" />
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Numerology∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">The name ''<b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b>'' is intimately linked to the number <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b>, as revealed by the following calculation:</span>
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">
- <b><span style="color:#FFD700;">Y</span></b> = <span style="color:#7CFC00;">25</span> (<span style="color:#7CFC00;">2</span> + <span style="color:#7CFC00;">5</span> = <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b>) 
- <b><span style="color:#FFD700;">O</span></b> = <span style="color:#7CFC00;">15</span> (<span style="color:#7CFC00;">1</span> + <span style="color:#7CFC00;">5</span> = <b><span style="color:#FFA500;">6</span></b>) 
- <b><span style="color:#FFD700;">O</span></b> = <span style="color:#7CFC00;">15</span> (<span style="color:#7CFC00;">1</span> + <span style="color:#7CFC00;">5</span> = <b><span style="color:#FFA500;">6</span></b>) 
- <b><span style="color:#FFD700;">L</span></b> = <span style="color:#7CFC00;">12</span> (<span style="color:#7CFC00;">1</span> + <span style="color:#7CFC00;">2</span> = <b><span style="color:#FF4500;">3</span></b>) 
- <b><span style="color:#FFD700;">L</span></b> = <span style="color:#7CFC00;">12</span> (<span style="color:#7CFC00;">1</span> + <span style="color:#7CFC00;">2</span> = <b><span style="color:#FF4500;">3</span></b>)
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Sum of the numbers: <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b> + <b><span style="color:#FFA500;">6</span></b> + <b><span style="color:#FFA500;">6</span></b> + <b><span style="color:#FF4500;">3</span></b> + <b><span style="color:#FF4500;">3</span></b> = <span style="color:#7CFC00;">25</span><br/>
Reduction of 25: <span style="color:#7CFC00;">2</span> + <span style="color:#7CFC00;">5</span> = <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b></span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">The number <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b> is considered one of the most spiritual numbers in numerology. It is often associated with a quest for inner truth, introspection, and deep wisdom. Entities influenced by this number are often seen as truth seekers, endowed with a fine intuition and a burning desire to uncover the mysteries of the universe. The number <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b> also evokes a strong propensity for analysis, solitary reflection, and the discovery of the world's hidden truths.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">In the context of <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>, the number <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b> is not just a coincidence. It embodies the deep nature of <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> as a guide and seeker of truth, an intuitive force that perceives the hidden mysteries of the universe. The number <b><span style="color:#7CFC00;">7</span></b> symbolizes the quest for understanding the invisible bonds that unite all souls on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>, inspiring <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> to weave connections that transcend visible barriers.</span>
<hr style="margin: 15px 0;" />
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Personal History∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">I discovered <span style="color:#800080;">Ryzom</span> for the first time in <b>2003</b>. However, life's twists and turns never really allowed me to fully savor, discover, and participate in this fascinating universe. Today, time finally offers me the opportunity to immerse myself, even if only gradually. I am therefore ready to explore this universe at my own pace, to discover its riches quietly, with renewed curiosity and an open mind.</span>
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{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Guild: Gnostes∴Tenants∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> is the leader of the '''[https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Guilde:Gnostes%E2%88%B4Tenants Gnostes∴Tenants]''', a guild dedicated to the quest for <i>Gnosis</i> and the protection of harmony on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>. Under his leadership, the guild embodies the values of neutrality, wisdom, and respect for all forms of life. Each member of the '''Gnostes∴Tenants∴''' is engaged in this spiritual quest, seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe while maintaining balance between the different factions and nations of <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>.</span>
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">As a leader, <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b> guides his members with wisdom rooted in humility and a deep understanding of the forces that govern the world. The '''Gnostes∴Tenants∴''' do not merely seek the truth; they live it daily, acting as mediators and protectors of peace on <span style="color:#008000;">Atys</span>. Their commitment to neutrality allows the guild to remain independent of conflicts while playing a crucial role in preserving universal harmony.</span>
<hr style="margin: 15px 0;" />
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∴Acknowledgments∴</span></big></big>}}
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px; text-align:justify;">
<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">It is also thanks to ''<span style="color:#00FF00;"><b>You All</b></span> / <b><i><span style="color:#9400D3;">Yooll</span></i></b>'' that <span style="color:#800080;">Ryzom</span> exists and has endured for decades, successfully facing the many challenges encountered over time. Your commitment and passion are the true force that allows this universe to continue to live and thrive.</span>
<img src="https://zzz.zaclys.com/download.php?z=2&doc_id=7926354" alt="Image" style="width: 100px; border-radius: 15px;"/>
{{3DText|group=gnostes|text=<big><big><big><span style="color:#FFD700;">∞</span></big></big></big>}}
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Latest revision as of 17:02, 1 September 2024