!!!! WIP !!!! 
There are currently still 80 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Amosys on 8.06.2019.
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Amosys, 2019-06-08)
User Manual v4
For the Manuel Utilisateur v4, see on French wiki.
Ch 1
Account to open game (other players don't see it)
it's the account name (and Billing page use it)
Login on RC chat using toon name
This Webapp requiers a API key
See FR Install the game, Create an Account and Avatar,
Need some EN images (and using windows or mac)
On Ryzom.com choose your system among 3 icons
a little software will download what you need
choose the folder location when installing (this can't be changed later)
Configuration screen (very handy to change lot of thinks, without opening game)
Configure display: parameters for the window of the game: full screen or not (and position)
Once installed, the Ryzom installer show last patch information, manage profiles (menu Preference/Profiles), the configuration and to launch the game
Ch 2
Controls on the User Interface
Writing your bio in Identity Info
Identity Advanced Stats: see nation and faction points, ranger/marauder, PvP points, Rewards points (RRP)
The Task-bar has now 4 themes, this is the smaller
On chat window, search to get the border then drag
If the border don't display, on the chat windows border, then try to unlock (image after)
Right clic on empy space (right of the last channel name) will open a menu to Unlock it
On USER Tab, on the free space after the last Tab right clic then unselect the channel to hide on USER tab. Save will backup your dynamic channels (under save, in channels_toonname.xml)
Ch 3
Ch 4
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