de:L Matis Regierung
en:Matis Government
es:Gobierno Matis
fr:L Matis Gouvernement
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zamoor, 2022-02-06)


The Karan or King

Appointed by Jena, currently Stevano, Son of Yrkanis and grand son of Yasson, father of Aniro and Manalitch.

The Karan has absolute power over the Matis people. He is the model and the icon of his people. His shoulders must be broad to bear the burden of the power of life and death of everyone residing in the kingdom. He does what he thinks is best for his people.

The Karae or Queen

Currently Tamiela Fera, mother of Aniro and Manalitch.

Karin or Prince(s) of the Kingdom

Currently Karin Aniro and Karin Manalitch, sons of Stevano.

The Princess(s) of the Kingdom

The Karanā€™s Court

The Royal College

Grand Nobility (Uma Filar)

This title currently is held only by people with a hereditary title of nobility, such Duke Rodi di Varello.

Grand Noblesā€™ duties:

The Chamber of Nobles (Feria Filira)


The Clergy

The Hand (Nerhtenaei)

Note: One Nerhtena, more Nerhtenaei.

The Karaeā€™s Court

Recruiting members of the Karaeā€™s Court

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