Matis Government
From EncyclopAtys
Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Dorothée, 05.05.2022
[hide]The Karan or King
- Appointed by Jena, currently Stevano, Son of Yrkanis and grand son of Yasson, father of Aniro and Manalitch.
The Karan has absolute power over the Matis people. He is the model and the icon of his people. His shoulders must be broad to bear the burden of the power of life and death of everyone residing in the kingdom. He does what he thinks is best for his people.
- Diplomatic role: The Karan ratifies and signs peace treaties, alliances and trade agreements. He has the absolute right to revoke treaties and declare war on a people nearby. His main envoy is the Prince Aniro, his first son.
- Military role: Supreme Leader of the Matis armies, the Karan may decide to send his troops where he feels it is important to make campaigns. He may delegate this responsibility to a Grand Noble (in mateis, Uma Filar.) In the event of war, he may raise taxes and conscript any Matis subject of proper standing.
- Social role: The Karan represents Jena on Atys. She speaks through him, making him the religious leader of the kingdom. He has the right to raise the social social standing of a Matis who demonstrates devotion to him and the Kingdom. He may ennoble guilds that have sworn allegiance to the Matis Kingdom, making them Noble Houses (in mateis, Feria Filira.) If a guild is doing well in his eyes, and his house is happy, he can pronounce a House or Noble House to be a Great House (in mateis, Feria Umae Filar), and give the rank of Grand Noble (in mateis, Uma Filar) to the leader and high officers.
- Religious role: Established by the Karavan, and high priest of Jena, a descendant of Zachini, the Matis Karan governs the faith of his people. He may decide upon a trial before Jena at the request of two complainants if no decision so far has been appropriate. This trial, before the goddess is final.
- He has a veto on all areas and all the decisions. If it is his will, he alone will decide without consulting his advisers. He is the Karan.
The Karae or Queen
- Currently Tamiela Fera, mother of Aniro and Manalitch.
- Cultural role: Like the Karan, she holds her own court with her own companions, she selects and dismisses them. She handles all matters relating to poetry, songs, and also of botany and the appointment of the botanists, and the matis language.
- Political role: She has certain rights with regard to the Karan, such as the right to advise her husband in other areas, and may pass along demands of the people to the Karan.
Karin or Prince(s) of the Kingdom
- Currently Karin Aniro and Karin Manalitch, sons of Stevano.
- Political role: Ambassador of the Kingdom. The son of the Karan travels the world, representing the Karan before the other peoples, to make treaties or to embody the friendship of the Karan. The movement of Karins are always under heavy escort.
- Priest of Jena: The eldest son of the Karan, from the age of 12, being a descendant of Zachini, will have the voice of Jena, so must be learned in her ways. He spends much time with the Clergy of Jena, and is their leader. He will only be accountable to the High Priest, his father the Karan.
The Princess(s) of the Kingdom
- Members of the Karae’s Court, will take part in the cultural work and represent the Karae in the Kingdom.
The Karan’s Court
The Royal College
- The Royal College is an institution of recognized scholars of the Kingdom and funded by the Karan. Duke Rodi di Varello, adviser to the Karan, is currently the guardian.
- Administrative cases such as the census, trade taxes, the Royal Archives, etc. are within its jurisdiction.
(Matis youth from wealthy families or nobles often work there, against their liking, because the function is rather daunting.)
Grand Nobility (Uma Filar)
- This title currently is held only by people with a hereditary title of nobility, such Duke Rodi di Varello.
- The title of Grand Noble may only be given to a Noble. If the King likes the Noble and he is conscientious in the duties that the King entrusts him with, the King may choose to raise him to that rank.
- Grand Nobles may decide at one time or another to become Herena (mateis for Guide). Often these are older Grand Nobles. This makes it possible for Grand Nobles, who are also leaders of the matis warriors, to withdraw from the business of war without losing their power over the political and diplomatic affairs.
- Herenai no longer “officially” participate in matters of war, but can still influence decisions, especially where religion is taken into account. But also, more simply, by advising a Grand Noble of their House or allied Houses. The Karan must give his approval, of course, for a Grand Noble to become Herena.
- Grand Nobles can aspire to become part of the Karan’s Counsel, but this is a difficult post to obtain.
Grand Nobles’ duties:
- To lead the royal army under the command of the Karan.
- As Herena, to decide at end of an apprenticeship, if a candidate will become a cleric or not.
- To express opinions on the discussions of the Chamber of Nobles.
- To behave in an exemplary manner and display all the matis attributes.
- They may request the removal of a Noble, as they owe obedience to the Grand Nobles. Grand Nobles answer only before the Advisers (who are themselves Grand Nobles) and the Royal Family.
The Chamber of Nobles (Feria Filira)
- Heads of a House (guild) with more than five active members, and follower of the Karavan.
- They discuss politics, the social organization of the kingdom for the people, wars and diplomacy.
- They discuss matisian traditions, and coordinate with the Clergy for ceremonies and other festivities.
- They may take their decisions to the Karan’s advisers who will keep the Karan informed.
- They meet every winter and every summer (every 9 days IRL).
The Clergy
- When a Noble makes the decision to become a Cleric, he must be an apprentice for a term of unspecified length. The Herenai will decide on his ascension, in the purest Matis traditions.
- Within the Clergy, the Herenai are the apostles of the Priest of Jena, the Karin.
- The guardian of a novice or cleric determines when the novice should be recommended for promotion to higher courts.
- The Clergy keep religious Matis traditions alive. It is also responsible for promoting them among the other peoples.
- The Clergy is responsible for all religious ceremonies.
- The Clergy assists the Karavan in crowning the new Karan after the period of Royal Mourning.
- The Clergy meets every fall and every spring (every 9 days IRL).
The Hand (Nerhtenaei)
- Note: One Nerhtena, more Nerhtenaei.
- The Nerhtenaei-Karan is a secret organization. They bring royal punishment on traitors or those who have deceived, or are planning to deceive the King of Yrkanis.
- At a ceremony of ennoblement of a house, he appoints a homin to be representative of Nerhtenaei-Karan, who will be called “Yene” (mateis for “nobody”). This homin will execute missions of punishment on behalf of the Karan.
The Karae’s Court
- Composed of bards, minstrels, scholars and Ladies-in-waiting, the Karae’s Court assures the continuity of the Matis culture throughout the Kingdom but also throughout Atys.
- They have a duty to compose and create everything that members of the Lower Court need for religious ceremonies.
Recruiting members of the Karae’s Court
- Subjects wishing to belong to the Karae’s Court must petition the Karae and her court through their works (poems/songs/crafting).