For new comers
You can open your current missions Journal with key
J. Check the compass and map too (M).
put a mark on your compass for the trip
- On Silan (the tutorial map when you just create a toon), take the first mission with Chiang (in the camp, on the hill), then with the 4 trainers (better start with the fight).
- Need a team, an issue? ask in Region, then on UNI. Forum and wikis can be useful too.
- Some packages (or rewards) may be large (either in volume or weight). Check that your Inventory (I) has enough space and speed factor on P (when you are too heavy, you can't move anymore).
On main land
Throughout Ryzom are small missions to accomplish.
The mission givers are welcomers in each city, suppliers, captains, sergeants, corporals, ambassadors and many others (such as tribes).
These missions pay sometimes in fame points, or race points, or dappers. Some packages (or rewards) may be large (either in volume or weight)
Most may be taken multiple times, after a cooling-off period.
More on Quest and Rites.