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There are currently still 79 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Moniq on 9.04.2020.

This document attempts to give you information about how you can request a testing to be done by the Test Team. To prepare such task is not easy and we need your cooperation and help. There are several steps we need you to do that will help team coordinators to prepare testing. First part is dedicated to steps that are necessary to undertake when a new task is created. Second part describes what will happen with your task and when your attention will be needed again.


Creating new task

First of all you need to create a task on the [Team] Test board. We understand that you also have your work to do so feel free to contact team coordinators to perform all the following steps.

Server to perform testing on

There are three columns where to start. Choose the one related to a server where the testing will take its place. Please do not place your task to any other column and wait a team coordinator to review task details, your change on the server and let him to prepare a testing. Please make sure that desired change you want to test is really present on the selected server.

Provide task details

After you choose a column corresponding to desired server, we need you to provide all necessary details. We need to know what is the matter of the testing, if there are any testing/debug tools we can use, where and how we can test your change on the server and what is the overall deadline for testing. Optionally link us all necessary documents and other tasks related to this task but remember that testers will probably not have permissions to access these information either...

Do the task adjustment

Next thing you need to do is to adjust the task.

What next?

Once the task is created on the board, you have to wait until one of Test team coordinators will overtake the task and prepare a test. Feel free to alert them on the team chat. Optionally you can take the role of coordinator yourself and do necessary steps yourself. Basically, the following progress will follow these steps:

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