From EncyclopAtys
Common Phrases
Note: letters in brackets indicate the letter to be added for the word's feminine form. Aiya(e) : Hey (lit. "blessed"), used to address a person Davae naia : Good evening (lit. "sweet night") Deles aiye : Greetings! (this is less formal than "Deles silam" but stronger than "Aiya") Deles silam : Good day, (lit. "good time", this phrase contains no notion of time) Deles necat : Goodbye (lit. "ending time") Meria naia : Goodnight Deles cherae : Good luck! (lit. "Chance time") Erates file : Congratulations! (lit. "Be proud!") Naete : Please Fila(e) : Thank you Neis : You're welcome Jena aiye : Blessed be Jena! Ser(ae) : Mr/Ms Nec : used for negation, ex. nec mindaleis = I dislike Nec : No Sil : Yes
For individuals:
- -wivan : underling, honorific used for someone beneath your standing
- -modin : equal, honorific used for someone equal to your standing
- -kin : lord, honorific used for someone of higher standing i.e a superior or noble
- -karan : king, reserved honorific for the Matis king
For adjectives and passive forms
- -a : masculine singular
- -ae : feminine singular
- -ai : plural (masculine or feminine)
For names
Note: matal = to fight
- -e : singular
- -ei : plural
- -ena : a contraction of "-e nar". Marker indicating a person performing an action, ex. matalena = the (male) warrior, one who fights
- -enae : feminine form of -ena, the person performing the action is a female, ex. matalenae = the (female) warrior
- -enai : plural of -ena ex : matalenai : the warriors
- -a/ae/ai : marker, used in the passive voice, to indicate the person or object undergoing an action, ex. matala = the battle, the fighting
For verbs
Note: mindal = to love
- -eis : present tense marker, ex. mindaleis = I love
- -eiti : past tense marker, ex. mindaleiti = I loved
- -ias : future tense marker, ex. mindalias = I shall love
- -ates : imperative marker, ex. mindalates = love!