SE is the entry to the Scenography Editor,
The Island window and toolbars, 2 ways to quit the Island
in the toolbar of the Island window (OOC: using G, which opens / closes the Guild window, the part in blue white yellow and red) once you are on a Guild Island. In red, Leave the guild Island, and the SE button is on its left.

Clicking on this SE opens a second window :

SE Window and tools

the 3 icons at the top right: adding a group (of objects), hide / mask the collisions, reset (delete all your objects and groups).

Now, let's see below the two windows, with some tests: the Batiments has 17 objects, Divers 1, each group is on its line and has 3 buttons: Hide Edit Remove.

The two windows: SE and SE Shape List (with preview)

A tree test

Create a group, name it (here A tree test, better to name it according to the place, for ex: northeastern trees). It then appears in the list, then clic EDIT and
the line is transformed (edit remove are hidden, an icon appears, next to HIDE) and it's this little yellow icon that opens the beautiful (new) object selection window - with hover preview - named SE Shape List (see the picture above, showing the 2 windows).

Better close the Guild / Island window now (G)...

We will add trees here (on the left, choose Plants).
Go to the desired place, choose a tree (the window SE Shape List is automatically reduced), don't clic yet... Then, make 2 clicks to add two trees, and then right click to exit.

The red cross, on the right, will erase those in excess. Save.

Note, links...

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