See the Emote page for a complete list of emotes.
Player information
- /who Displays the names of all the players in a region, sorted by account age.
- /who gm Displays all the CSR and GM presently online. Note that CSR and GM have a special flag they can activate to hide their online presence, even from this command.
Guild Commands
- /guildmotd <message> Updates the guild message of the day. Can only be used high officers and the guild leader.
- /guildinvite <name> Invites a player to the respective guild. Can only be used by officers, high officers and the guild leader
- /afk Activates the afk tag so that other players can see you are away from your terminal.
- /assist Targets the target of the targeted entity.
- /chatLog Creates a chatlog in the save folder located in Ryzom's main directory.
- /follow Follows the targeted entity.
- /ignore <name> Adds a player to your ignore list
- /invite Invites a player to your team. Can only be used by the team leader or by someone who is not teamed.
- /supportChat Opens the support channel tab.
- /tar <name> Targets the nearest entity. Use parentheses to when the entity name contains two or more words.
- /target <name> Same as /tar
Chat commands
- /g Send a message to the guild channel
- /p Send a message to the team channel
- /u Send a message to the universe channel
- /r Send a message to the region channel
- /s Send a message to the around channel
- /y Send a message to the around channel, this differs from /s however in the fact that it has a greater range than the around channel itself and the text appears red (by default)
- /shout Same affect as /y
- /tell <name> <message> Send a whisper to a player
- /tell <name>(<server name>) <message> Send a whisper to a player on another server
Developer and GM Commands
Developers, GMs, CSR and the events team have special commands that they can use for debugging, support, and for hosting live events.
See also