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The Kitin Song
From EncyclopAtys
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It was in the reign of Cerakos, the one they called the fated
That befell the greatest loss in history ever related
The leaves were gold in other lands, the sun had ceased to glare
When Fyros bold with miners' hands came upon a lair
With watchful eye and ready sword did the captain look inside
To find his fate and meet his Lord, for the soothing silence lied
There came a terrible clamor, from the source of an imminent bane
The company could but stand and stammer, the kitins was their name!
The kitins crawl the kitins come and woe betide the lagger
But we'll stand and fight till kingdom come with gun and blade and dagger
The bigger they come they harder they fall, we'll learn to zigger and zagger
We'll find their chink, we'll brave the brawl and woe betide the lagger!
The miners spared not a beast for their chief and twenty lay by smitten
When a din from the holes announced their grief and it seemed their fate was written
But a noble hand threw a fireball to hold off the tide of death
Our heroes sped to alert the mayor who cried at the top of his breath:
The kitins crawl the kitins come and woe betide the lagger
But we'll stand and fight till kingdom come with gun and blade and dagger
The bigger they come they harder they fall, we'll learn to zigger and zagger
We'll find their chink, we'll brave the brawl and woe betide the lagger!
But then came a sight to blacken the brow and melt the mettle inside
A terrible blight, a marching file as evil as t'was wide
Fighting a losing battle will sap the will of war
Best flee the serpent's rattle and live to settle the score
The kitins crawl the kitins come and woe betide the lagger
But we'll stand and fight another day with gun and blade and dagger
The bigger they come they harder they fall, we'll learn to zigger and zagger
We'll find their chink, we'll brave the brawl and woe betide the lagger!
The legions ploughed across the lands of desert, woodland and lake
Strewing death and destruction in their wicked wake
But as long as breath shall fill our lungs our hearts shall beat bold and true!
And as long as the night shall bring the day we shall struggle through and through!
The kitins crawl the kitins come and woe betide the lagger
But we'll stand and fight till kingdom come with gun and blade and dagger
The bigger they come they harder they fall, we'll learn to zigger and zagger
We'll find their chink, we'll brave the brawl and woe betide the lagger!
- Lyros Melion, a Fyros troubadour
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