Amber: Tribes of Atys
Please migrate to the new template template:Taxobox_Tribes. ᐅ Void
Sub-continent Please migrate to the new template template:Taxobox_Tribes.
Region Void
Race(s) {{{races}}}
Faction {{{cult}}}
Notables Anonymous
Friends Everybody?
Enemies Nobody?

This tribe is made up of intelligent gibbaï. It is unknown when the tribe was founded, although it is speculated that it was around 2494 JE when Zo-Kian, an outpost built by a group of Zoraï hunters, was completely destroyed by unknown creatures.

The current location of the tribe is in the south of Void, Witherings, near the border of Maiden Grove


Physical Traits

The Gibads have a number of physical traits seperating them from their primitive cousins the gibbaï. First and foremost is the fur colouration; Gibads have a rusty red fur whereas gibbaï in almost all cases have black fur, there are exceptions though on exceptional specimens like Gibbakin and Gibbakya, which has fur similar to that of the Gibads. Othelr less notable physical features are the more prominent whiskers and larger eyes of the Gibads over those of the gibbaï.

Tribe Members

Amagastaï, tribe chief of the Gibads


Wandering the region


The gibads do not wear clothing which defines their tribe as normal homin tribes do, they do however wear beige clothes though, resembling the light and medium armour crafted by the Zoraï.

See Also

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