Camps d'observation de la menace Kitine Camps d'observation de la menace Kitine HRP HRP
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The last editing was from Dorothée on 2.06.2022.

de:Beobachtungslager zur Kitine-Bedrohung/OOC
en:Kitin threat observation camps/OOC
es:Campos de observación de la amenaza de Kitin/OOC
fr:Camps d'observation de la menace Kitine/HRP
ru:Лагеря наблюдения за угрозой Китин/OOC
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-06-02)


  • Deliveries : At least 10 fame in the nation that owns the camps/
  • Prospection : At least 10 ... to 26 fame in the nation that owns the camps, depending on which camp needs the materialsr.
Hint :
Prospection missions for observation camps are a lucrative way to erase a death penalty.
Advice :
Due to the presence of aggressive creatures, sometimes in large numbers, on the routes or at the locations of the missions themselves, it is strongly recommended to complete them in team.

What's in them for us

Plenty of dappers (money) and Nation points:

Mission Region lvl Wages (dp$) Nation pts.
(fame 50)
Nation pts
(fame 100)
10 000 80 100
10 000 160 250
10 000 250 500
10 000 405 900
10 000 560 1 400
10 000 800 2 000
60 000 2 255 5 150
Mission Region lvl minimal fame Quality Wages (dp$)
(fame 50)
Nation pts
(fame 50)
Wages (dp$)
(fame 100)
Nation pts
(fame 100)
0 10 2 500 36 2 500 36
10 60 5 000 60 10 000 96
15 110 10 000 108 20 000 216
20 160 20 000 205 30 000 486
20 190 25 000 410 40 000 990
26 210  ?  ?  ?  ?
> 62 500 > 819 > 102 500 > 1 824
Tryker hervesting missions
Mission Qty Material Quality
1st 12× Fagot moyen de bois frais
Feuille géante/Roseau moyen
Fibre sèche moyenne
10 (base)
2nd 16× Résine fraiche parfaite
Sciure parfaite de bois humide
Écorce sèche parfaite
60 (fin)
3rd 24× Feuille géante/Roseau de premier ordre
Écorce fraiche de premier ordre
Poignée de premier ordre /Terre meuble fraiche
110 (choix)
4th 36× Fibre humide exceptionnelle
Grande tige/Roseau exeptionnel
Poignée exceptionnelle /Terre meuble sèche
160 (excellent)
5th 60× Fibre humide exceptionnelle
Grande tige/Roseau exeptionnel
Poignée exceptionnelle /Terre meuble sèche
190 (excellent)
6th 120× Résine fraiche magnifique
Fagot magnifique de bois sec
Petite tige/Roseau magnifique
210 (suprème)

Go and see the dynastic, federal, imperial ou royal merchant, in the capital city, to spend your nation points.

Merit award

Nation ‘representatives’ offer to exchange five picks obtained from nation merchants (one of each level, even used ones) for a super pick (quality 250, + 250 focus Ico focus.png , +125 life Ico Life.png, with effect).


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