Amber of occupations
Getting materials and weapons required to make tools
Master Zemolion Aeros
Type of Activity Foraging and Crafting
Difficulty +
Special Item Improved tools that can increase the potential yield
Yields A friendly tool that provides a large bonus to balance for a short time
Mission 1/2
Tasks Gather necessary materials to bring to the Master Toolmaker who will give solid materials for tool component
Location The different regions of the Desert
Mission 2/2
Tasks Prepare or pick up one of the weapons required, give it to the Master Toolmaker to obtain materials for the main component of the tool
Location The different regions of the Desert.

Toolmaker is one of the 8 occupations, and one of the 2 taught by the Fyros. Of those two, it is the easier profession, taking place in the normal regions of the Burning Desert. It mostly involves quartering and/or foraging specific materials, and crafting several light melee weapons. The consumables created by this occupation give a bonus to stamina regeneration.



Special Item

Improved Tool

Improved Tool

Created Item

Basic Tool

Using 4 Materials for the Handle and 4 Materials for the Main Element, you can create a number of Tools.

Tools can only be used while sitting down, and they increase your balance and thus your stamina regeneration for a short time.

The most basic form is the Q10 Basic Tool. It takes 1 second to consume, and increases your balance by 100 for 10 seconds. This effectively gives you +40 stamina regeneration (or +80 stamina regeneration if you're sitting down) during those 10 seconds.

Mission 1 of grade 1

Materials for the Handle

Hand a number of raw materials over to the Master Toolmaker. Once you complete the mission by handing over the right materials you'll receive a Materials for the Handle. There are 4 options for which raw materials to hand in:

It's random which option you get. Once you hand in the materials, you'll randomly get a new option (which may be the same one again). You can also abandon and retake the mission from Zemolion Aeros at any time to get a new random option. So you can gather for example 30 choice adriel bark, and abandon and retake the mission over and over until you get the option to hand in adriel bark.

Note that it looks from the mission description as if you need both basic and fine of the quartered materials, and 3 of each ecosystem for the foraged materials, but in fact you can chose. You don't need to gather the materials for yourself either, as long as you're the one handing them in.

Mission 2 of grade 1

Materials for the Main Element

Hand a basic melee weapon over to Abyan Zessen, the Overseer around the corner from the Master Toolmaker. Once you complete the mission by handing over the right weapon you'll receive a Materials for the Main Element. There are 4 options for which weapon to hand in:

Again it's random which option you get, and once you hand in the weapon, you'll randomly get a new option (which may be the same one again). And you can also abandon and retake the mission from Zemolion Aeros at any time to get a new random option. So you can gather for example 30 daggers, and abandon and retake the mission over and over until you get the option to hand in a dagger.

Here too it looks from the mission description as if you need a weapon from each of the 4 races, but in fact you can chose. You don't need to be the one to craft the weapon either, as long as you're the one handing it in.

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