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}}<abbr title="Meeting of 2020-10-20 21:00">10h - Quarta, Fallenor 16, 3e AC 2610</abbr></div>}}
}}<abbr title="Meeting of 2020-10-20 21:00">10h - Quarta, Fallenor 16, 3e AC 2610</abbr></div>}}
    [[user:Zorroargh|Zo'ro-argh]] leaves the hut where he is staying to go to the place of the Rangers' meetings, right next to the ruined building that was used for the first ASA meetings.
    No sooner is he seated than his colleague and friend [[user:Ostium|Ostium]] arrives, soon joined by [[user:Dorothée|Do'Ro Thee]]. Perhaps it was the arrival of [[user:Eolinius|Eolinius]] that brought up in the Trykette's mind the horrible rudeness in the Lakes, for she realised that she had forgotten to bring her barrel of [[Tryker Beer|byrh]]. Desperate, Do' drew a barrel and mugs on the ground, and Ostium, in gallant homineness, offered to run out and buy some drink.
[[user:Zorroargh|Zo'ro-argh]] quitte la hutte où il est hébergé pour se rendre au lieu des réunions des Rangers, juste à côté du bâtiment en ruine qui servait aux premières réunions de l'ASA.
    Taking advantage of this wait, Zo': explained the rules of the "talking stick" used during N'ASA meetings, a method developed with Nair [[Atys|Liverion Scientist Directory]] to keep meetings short and therefore "disciplined".
À peine est-il assis que son collègue et ami [[user:Ostium|Ostium]] arrive, bientôt rejoint par [[user:Dorothée|Do'Ro Thee]]. C'est peut-être l'arrivée d'[[user:Eolinius|Eolinius]] qui a fait surgir dans l'esprit de la Trykette l'horrible impolitesse dans les Lacs, car elle réalisa qu'elle avait oublié d'amener son tonneau de [[Bière Tryker|byrh]]. Désespérée, Do' dessina un tonneau et des chopes sur le sol, et Ostium, en galant homin, se proposa à courir acheter de la boisson.
− '''Zorroargh''': ''The idea is this: the master of ceremonies has a carved stick''.
− '''Zorroargh''': ''This is the 'talking stick'.''
− '''Zorroargh'': ''At the beginning of the meeting, it is given to the first speaker.''
− '''Zorroargh''': ''Only he who has the stick can speak.''
− '''Zorroargh''': ''If you want to answer him, question him, etc... raise your hand.''
− '''Zorroargh''': ''Then he who has the stick holds it out to one of those who raised his hand.''
− '''Zorroargh''': ''The latter asks his question or comment, and at the end passes the stick to someone else...''.
− '''Eolinius''',  smiling: ''Does it also work with a bottle of Byrh?''
At this point, Ostium returns with a barrel of Byrh.
− '''Zorroargh''': ''The master of ceremonies himself obeys this rule, unless he considers that the speaking time is too monopolised by some.''
− '''Ostium''' places the barrel in the place designed by Do'ro: ''Here you are. It is there for all the homins who are thirsty!''.
- '"Zorroargh''': ''Thank you for being born Ostium. I've finished my little talk and you'll get a copy.''
To put the rules he had just stated into practice, Zo' handed the talking stick to Ostium.
- '"Zorroargh'": "It's up to you and you alone to speak now!
- "'Ostium"': "Oh, I understand. Thank you!''
[[user:Kyriann]] arrived in the meantime. Zo' greeted her silently, putting her finger on her mouth and showing that Ostium had started to speak. Zo' whispered to Do' to take her place without hesitation in case of unexpected absences.
− '''Ostium''': ''Nair Zorroargh, should I start with the first subject or are we waiting for a few more homins?
− '''Zorroargh''': ''When you feel like it, be born.''
Ostium nodded his head, and began.
− '''Ostium''': ''So. As some of you know, I've been interested in studying Atys... from the heights''.
− '''Ostium''': ''And I seem to recall having experienced it many years ago.''
- "'Ostium'": "You were there, Nair Zorroargh, I believe.
- '"Ostium"': "It was an experiment by Winny Mac'Wytter to test the feasibility of a legend.
− '''Ostium''': ''Legend has it that some Trykers managed to escape from a slave camp by grasping the stem of a flyer and cutting it off.
− '''Ostium''': ''They would have flown to the canopy.''
− '''Ostium''': ''So, I was one of the guinea pigs, and I tried the experiment...''.
− '''Ostium''', whispering: "Young unconscious as I was then!''
'''Ostium''': ''And what I know now is that you can come out of it alive, but it's not reliable enough to use it again.''
- "'Ostium''' searches his memory": "And... The famous Liverion was there too, I think.''
Zorroargh nods.
Dorothee raises her hand
- "'Ostium''' gives the stick of speech to Dorothee.: "We are listening."
− '''Dorothee''': ''It was [[Derry O'Darren]] who reported these events which are certainly not a legend.''
Ostium raises his hand
− '''Dorothee''': ''Moreover I noticed a homin bearing the title of "graduate flyner pilot" probably acquired following training given by homins returning from the Canopy''.
− '''Dorothee''': ''Perhaps we could contact them to continue this training, which would allow us to experiment and see what improvements we could make''.
Dorothee returns the stick to Ostium.
Eolinius shows his badge and raises his hand while Kyriann searches her bag, hoping to find hers.
Profitant de cette attente, Zo': expliqua les règles du "bâton de parole" utilisées pendant les réunions de la N'ASA, une méthode mise au point avec Nair [[Annuaire des scientifiques d'Atys|Liverion]] pour avoir des réunions courtes et donc "disciplinées''.
Dorothee looks at the badge of Eolinius, admiring, and Zorroargh mumbles, grumpy: I'm not looking. My badge fell over [[Windermeer]] while I was walking around.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''L'idée est la suivante: le maître de cérémonie a un bâton sculpté.''
'''Ostium''': ''Grytt Nair Dorothee. I'll be brief for the rest''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''C'est le "bâton de parole".''
'''Ostium''': ''I didn't know about Derry O'Darren. It was [[Rosen Ba'Darins]], Winny Mac'Wytter's mentor, who told him the facts. She hadn't dared to follow the adventurous trykers''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Au début de la réunion, il est donné à un premier orateur.''
Dorothee glances at Kyriann's and, a little jealous, pulls out a mug: "hmmmmm" and shrugs her shoulders with an indifferent mood.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Seul celui-qui a le baton peut parler.''
'''Ostium''': ''Next. I doubt we can tame flyers. Their behaviour is too erratic according to the winds. But I think that we could attach several of them to a nacelle to have more inertia''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Si on veut lui répondre, l'interroger, etc... on lève la main.''
'''Ostium''': ''One solution we had considered was to use plums too, but they would have to be taken out of the Prime Roots''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Alors celui qui a le bâton le tend à l'un de ceux qui a levé la main.''
Zorroargh raises his hand
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Ce dernier pose sa question ou son commentaire, et à le fin passe le bâton à quelqu'un d'autre...''
'''Ostium''': ''I'm talking to engineers about the possibility of a gondola. Any help for this project is welcome!''
* '''Eolinius sourit''' : ''Ça marche aussi avec une bouteille de Byrh ?''
Dorothee nods her head.
À ce moment, Ostium revient avec un tonneau de byrh.
'''Ostium''' hands the talking stick to Eolinius: ''Grytt. "I'm finished.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Le maître de cérémonie lui-même obéit à cette règle, sauf s'il considère que le temps de parole est trop monopolisé par certains.''
'''Eolinius''': ''Grytt Ny-Ost.''
* '''Ostium dépose le tonneau à l'emplacement dessiné par Do'ro''': ''Tenez. Il est là pour tous les homins qui ont soif!''
Kyriann raises her hand.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Merci nair Ostium. J'ai fini mon petit exposé et vous en aurez la copie.''
'''Eolinius''': ''Actually, I flew there twice on a flyer.''
Pour mettre en pratique les règles qu'il vient d'énoncer,  Zo' tendit le bâton de parole à Ostium.
'''Eolinius''': ''The first was for the wedding of [[Locian]] and [[Denen Toen|Denen]] in [[2592]].''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''C'est à vous et à vous seul de parler maintenant!''
'''Eolinius''': ''Locian had taken a flyer and had drifted into the camp of the slavers''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Oh, je comprends. Merci!''
'''Eolinius''': ''If I remember correctly...
[[user:Kyriann|Kyriann]] arriva sur ces entrefaites. Zo' la salue silencieusement, en mettant le doigt sur la bouche et en montrant qu'Ostium a commencé à parler. Zo' murmure à Do' de prendre sa place sans hésiter en cas d'absences imprévues.
'''Kyriann''': ''We had to go and get her ...''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Nair Zorroargh, dois-je commencer avec le premier sujet ou attendons nous encore quelques homins?''
Dorothee burst out laughing silently
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Quand vous le sentez, nair.''
'''Eolinius''': ''the second time I received a diploma here was in 2603, when the botanist Nili O'Toolyn gave a course on flyers''.
Ostium hoche la tête, et commença.
'''Eolinius''': ''Here's to set the record straight''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Alors. comme certains le savent, j'ai été intéressé par l'étude d'Atys... depuis les hauteurs'.'
* '''Ostium''': ''Et je crois me souvenir en avoir fait l'expérience, il y a bien longtemps de cela.''
* '''Ostium''': ''Vous étiez là Nair Zorroargh, il me semble.''
* '''Ostium''': ''Il s'agissait d'une expérience de [[Winny Mac'Wytter]] destinée à vérifier la faisabilité d'une légende.''
* '''Ostium''': ''La légende raconte que des Trykers auraient réussi à s'échapper d'un camp d'esclavagistes en s'agrippant à la tige d'un [[flyner]] et en en sectionnant la tige.''
* '''Ostium''': ''Ils se seraient envolés vers la canopée.''
* '''Ostium''': ''Alors, j'ai fait partie des cobayes, et j'ai tenté l'expérience...''
* '''Ostium murmura''': Jeune inconscient que j'étais à l'époque!''
* '''Ostium''': ''Et ce que je sais maintenant, c'est qu'on peut effectivement en sortir vivant, mais que ce n'est pas assez fiable pour qu'on l'utilise à nouveau.''
* '''Ostium cherche dans sa mémoire''' : ''Et... Le fameux Liverion était là lui aussi je crois''
* '''Zorroargh acquièsce'''
Dorothee leve la main
* '''Ostium donne le baton de parole à Dorothée''': ''Nous t'écoutons.''
* '''Dorothee''': ''C'est [[Derry O'Darren]] qui a rapporté ces événements qui ne sont assurément pas une légende.''
Ostium lève la main
* '''Dorothee''': ''De plus j'ai remarqué une homine portant le titre de "diplômée de vol en Flyner" probablement acquis à la suite d'un entrainement dispensé par des homins revenus de la Canopée.''
* '''Dorothee''': ''Peut-être pourrions-nous les contacter afin de pérenniser ces entraînements, ce qui nous permettrait d'expérimenter et de voir quelles améliorations nous pourrions apporter''
Dorothee rend le bâton à Ostium.
Eolinius montre son badge et lève la main et Kyriann fouille dans son sac, espérant trouver le sien.
Dorothee regarde le badge d'Elinius, admirative, et Zorroargh marmonne, grognon : Je ne cherche pas. Mon badge est tombé au dessus de [[Windermeer]] en me baladant par là.
Meanwhile, [[user:Kurutani|Kurutani]] joins the meeting.
* '''Ostium''': ''Grytt Nair Dorothée. Je serai bref pour la suite''
Dorothee raises her hand.
* '''Ostium''': ''Je ne savais pas pour Derry O'Darren. C'était [[Rosen Ba'Darins]], la mentor de Winny Mac'Wytter qui lui avait relaté les faits. Elle n'avait pas osé suivre les trykers aventureux''
Eolinius gives the stick to Zorroargh.
Dorothee voit celui de Kyriann et, un peu jalouse, tire une chope: ''hmmmmm'' et hausse les épaules d'un air indifférent.
- ''Zorroargh'': ''Thank you Eolinus, and thank you for these old memories :)''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Ensuite. Je doute que l'on puisse dompter les flyners. Leurs comportements sont par trop erratiques en fonction des vents. Mais je pense que l'on pourrait en fixer plusieurs à une nacelle pour avoir plus d'inertie''
- Zorroargh: ''I just had one question for Nair Ostium: why the [pluns]? It's true that flyers are unreliable and you have to wait a very long time for them to get the right size... years.''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Une solution que nous avions envisagée était d'utiliser des pluns aussi, mais il faudrait les faire sortir des primes racines''
- Zorroargh: ''The pluns, what would they bring?''.
Zorroargh lève la main
- ''Zorroargh holding out the talking stick to Dorothee'': ''I'll leave you to think about the answer while Do'ro uses the "talking stick" she asked for.
* '''Ostium''': ''Je parle avec des ingénieurs de la possibilité d'une nacelle. Toute aide pour ce projet est la bienvenue !''
Ostium nods his head and saves his answer for later.
Dorothee hoche la tête.
* Ostium tend le bâton de parole à Eolinius : ''Grytt. J'ai terminé.''
* '''Eolinius''': ''Grytt Ny-Ost.''
Kyriann lève la main.
* '''Eolinius''': ''En fait, y ai volé 2 fois en flyner.''
* '''Eolinius''': ''La premiere était pour le mariage de [[Locian]] et [[Denen Toen|Denen]] en [[2592]].''
* '''Eolinius''': ''Locian avait pris un flyner et avait dérivé en tombant dans le camp des esclavagistes.''
* '''Eolinius''': ''Si y me souviens bien ...
* '''Kyriann''': ''Il avait fallu aller la chercher ...''
Dorothee pouffe
* '''Eolinius''': ''la deuxieme fois ou y ai reçu aussi un diplome est en [[2603]] où la botaniste [[Nili O'Toolyn]] donnait un cours sur les flyners justement.''
* '''Eolinius''': ''voila pour remètre les choses au clair''
Pendant ce temps, [[user:Kurutani|Kurutani]] avait rejoint la réunion.
Dorothee lève la main.
Eolinius avait donné le baton a Zorroargh.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Merci Eolinus, et merci pour ces vieux souvenirs :)''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''J'avais juste une question pour Nair Ostium: pourquoi les [[pluns]]? Il est vrai que les flyners ne sont pas fiables et en plus il faut attendre très longtemps qu'ils aient une taille adéquate... des années.''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Les pluns, qu'apporteraient-ils?''
* '''Zorroargh en tendant le bâton de parole à Dorothee''': ''Je vous laisse réfléchir à la réponse pendant que Do'ro utilise le "bâton de parole" qu'elle a demandé.
Ostium hoche la tête et garde sa réponse pour plus tard
* Dorothee pense... voler dans les Primes Racines...
Dorothee thinks... flying in the Prime Roots...
* '''Zorroargh''': ''µse demande si Doro ne rêve pas tout en tenat le baton de parole*''
'''Zorroargh''': ''I wonder if Doro isn't dreaming while holding the talking stick''...
* Kyriann relève la main, espérant être vue cette fois.
Kyriann raises her hand, hoping to be seen this time.
* '''Dorothee''': ''bien que n'ayant pas pratiqué, je réfléchis déjà depuis un moment à la question.''
'''Dorothee'': ''Although I haven't practised, I've been thinking about it for a while now.''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(Oups, désolé Kyriann)''
'''Zorroargh''': ''(Oops, sorry Kyriann)''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''d'abor on pourrait plus ou moins contrôler l'altitude en embarquant des poids. et comme les Winn changent de direction suivant l'altitude...''
'''Dorothee''': ''first of all one could more or less control the altitude by carrying weights. and as the Winn's change direction according to the altitude...''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''J'ai pu contater ensuite que les avian utilisaient leur vitesse pour controler leur montée ou leur descente, et aussi leur direction''
'''Dorothee''': ''I could then notice that the airplanes used their speed to control their ascent or descent, and also their direction''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''On pourrait utiliser la dissymétrie des Flyners, et y attacher des fils à plusieurs endroits pour modifier eur atyssometrie''
- ''Dorothee''': ''We could use the asymmetry of the Flyers, and attach wires in several places to modify the atyssometry''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''et ainsi modifier direction et vitesse''
'''Dorothee'': ''and thus change direction and speed''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''enfin on pourrait découper des fenêtres dans le flyner que l'on pourrait ouvrir plus ou moins al'aide de fils ou de tiges pour en modifier la portance''
'''Dorothee'': ''finally we could cut out windows in the flyer that we could open more or less with the help of wires or rods to modify their bearing capacity''.
* Dorothee passe le bâton à Kyriann: ''grytt, j'ai fini sur ce point''
'''Dorothee''' passes the stick to Kyriann: ''grytt, I'm finished on this point''...
* Kyriann ne comprend pas grand chose mais écoute admirative.
Kyriann doesn't understand much but listens in admiration.
* Kyriann prend le bâton abasourdie par toutes ces explications.
Kyriann takes the stick stunned by all these explanations.
* Ostium est pensif, et a hâte de pouvoir faire des tests avec toutes ces idées
Ostium is pensive and can't wait to test all these ideas.
* '''Kyriann''': ''Bravo Dorothee et grytt pour le baton.''
'''Kyriann''': ''Bravo Dorothee and grytt for the stick.''
* Eolinius hoche la tête
Eolinius nods his head
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*lève la main*''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Raise your hand''.
* '''Ostium''': ''( pour information, Lylanea m'a prévenu de son arrivée un peu après 22h. Impossible d'arriver avant ce soir )''
'''Ostium''': ''( for information, Lylanea told me that she arrived a little after 10pm. Impossible to arrive before this evening )''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''Mais y ne voudrais pas doucher vos rêves...Eny Nili O'Toolyn qui est la botaniste actuelle est très très très réticente ç utiliser les flyners.''
'''Kyriann''': ''But don't want to shower your dreams...Eny Nili O'Toolyn who is the botanist today is very, very, very reluctant to use flyers''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(pas grave: c'est pour cela que nous changeons aléatoirement de jour: pour donner une chance à chacun de participer)''
'''Zorroargh''': ''(never mind: that's why we randomly change the day: to give everyone a chance to participate)''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''Car comme a dit Zo'ro''
'''Kyriann''': ''For as Zo'ro said''...
* '''Kyriann''': ''Ils poussent lentement et il faut qu'ils soient grand pour voler.''
'''Kyriann''': ''They grow slowly and they have to be big to fly.''
* '''Kyriann''': ''Donc à chaque fois que j'ai participé à un vol, Nili a insisté sur le fait qu'il ne fallait pas le faire souvent''
'''Kyriann''': ''So every time I took part in a flight, Nili insisted that I shouldn't do it often''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*acqièsce*''
Zorroargh nods
* '''Kyriann''': ''Et pas trop nombreux non plus.''
'''Kyriann''': ''And not too many of them either.''
* '''Kyriann''': ''Alors en même plusieurs sur une nacelle ...''
'''Kyriann''': ''Then several in one pod ...''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''En mettre plusieurs*''
'''Kyriann''': ''Put several of them*''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''Je crois qu'elle va se mettre à pousser des grands cris.''
'''Kyriann''': ''I think she's going to start screaming loudly.''
* Kyriann rend le baton à Ostium.
Kyriann gives the stick back to Ostium.
* Ostium prend le bâton : ''Grytt. Personne ne voulait la parole avant ?''
− '''Ostium''' takes the stick: ''Grytt. "Didn't anyone want to speak before?
* '''Ostium''': ''Bien, alors je vais répondre à Nair Zo'Ro''
- "'Ostium"': "Well, then I'll answer to Nair Zo'Ro.
* '''Ostium''': ''Nous avions pensé aux pluns à cause de leur poids, et de leur... structure''
'''Ostium''': ''We had thought of the plums because of their weight, and their... structure''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Dans les hauteurs, le principal problème que je peux imaginer en voyant les plantes virevolter, et les oiseaux peiner, c'est le vent''
'''Ostium''': ''In the heights, the main problem I can imagine when I see the plants twirling and the birds toiling is the wind''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Les pluns sont bien plus massifs que les flyners, et des bourrasques ne les feront pas tant dévier à priori''
'''Ostium''': ''The plunges are much more massive than flyers, and gusts of wind will not make them deviate so much a priori''.
* '''Ostium''': ''De plus, ils semblent faits de la cohabitation entre une plante et un animal, qu'on pourrait peut-être apprivoiser pour qu'il se déplace dans la direction que l'on souhaite. Cette théorie n'est encore qu'une supposition bien sûr''
'''Ostium''': ''Moreover, they seem to be made up of the cohabitation between a plant and an animal, which could perhaps be tamed to move in the direction one wishes. This theory is still only a supposition of course''.
* Kyriann se gratte la tête
Kyriann scratches her head
* '''Ostium''': ''Mais une nacelle solide et lourde, soutenue par de nombreux flyners, offiriat elle aussi cette résistance au vent. Je ne suis pas encore fixé sur l'option à envisager''
'''Ostium''': ''But a solid and heavy gondola, supported by numerous flyers, would also offer this wind resistance. I'm not yet fixed on the option to be considered''.
* Ostium lève le bâton : ''Quelqu'un souhaite ajouter quelque chose ?''
− '''Ostium''', raising the stick: ''Does anyone wish to add anything?''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*lève la main*''
- ''Zorroargh'': ''Raise your hand''...
* Kyriann lève la main
Kyriann raises her hand , Dorothee raises her hand too
Dorothee lève la main
Kyriann smiles
* Kyriann sourit
Eolinius had given the stick to Zorroargh.
* '''Ostium''': ''Hmm, sul as eu la parole juste avant ny-amn. Senn''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Thank you Eolinus, and thank you for these old memories :)''.
* Ostium tend le bâton à Dorothée
'''Zorroargh''': ''I just had one question for Nair Ostium: why the [pluns]? It's true that flyers are unreliable and you have to wait a very long time for them to get the right size... years.''.
* Kyriann sourit : ''sul as oublié Zo'ro !''
'''Zorroargh''': ''The pluns, what would they bring?''.
* '''Ostium''': ''( oh oups, je n'avais pas vu Zorroargh )''
'''Zorroargh''' holding out the talking stick to Dorothee: ''I'll leave you to think about the answer while Do'ro uses the "talking stick" she asked for.''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*souris*''
Ostium nods his head and saves his answer for later.
* Dorothee passe le baton à Tonto Zo
Dorothee thinks... flying in the Prime Roots...
* '''Ostium''': ''( rembobinage et je tend le bâton à Zorroargh ? Vous êtes d'accord ? )''
'''Zorroargh''': ''I wonder if Doro isn't dreaming while holding the talking stick''...
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Garde le baton, doro, je parlerai après.''
Kyriann raises her hand, hoping to be seen this time.
* '''Ostium''': ''( se cache :) )''
'''Dorothee'': ''Although I haven't practised, I've been thinking about it for a while now.''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(^^)''
- Zorroargh: ''(Oops, sorry Kyriann)''.
* Kurutani recoit un izam messager
'''Dorothee''': ''first of all one could more or less control the altitude by carrying weights; and, as the Winn changes with altitude,  direction''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''bien sur, ol n'est pas question de massacrer l'écosystème des lacs et on doit limiter l'utilisation des flyners à l'entrainement d'homins et à la recherche scientifique.''
'''Dorothee'': ''I could then notice that the avians use their speed to control their ascent or descent, and also their direction''.
* Kurutani chuchotte : ''je dois vous laisser, pardon pour le dérangement.''
− '''Dorothee''': ''We could use the asymmetry of the Flyers, and attach wires in several places to modify the atyssometry''.
* Ostium hoche la tête à Kurutani
'''Dorothee''': ''and thus change direction and speed''.
* Kurutani s'incline respectueusement.
'''Dorothee''': ''finally we could cut out windows in the flyer that we could open more or less with the help of wires or rods to modify their bearing capacity''.
* Kyriann fait un signe à Kurutani.
Dorothee passes the stick to Kyriann: ''grytt, I'm finished on this point''...
* Eolinius fait un signe à Kurutani.
Kyriann doesn't understand much but listens in admiration.
* '''Dorothee''': ''J'ai également pensé à utiliser de plus petites plantes avec un luciographe''
Kyriann takes the stick stunned by all these explanations.
* '''Dorothee''': ''Commandé depuis le sol il devrait permettre a un ou plusieurs homins de faire des lucios depuis le ciel afin d'obtenir des cartes plus précises.''
Ostium is pensive and can't wait to test all these ideas.
* '''Dorothee''': ''pour peu que ces homins aient suivi la formation tant en vol qu'en luciographie bien sur.''
'''Kyriann''': ''Bravo Dorothee and grytt for the stick.''
* Dorothee passe le bâton à Tonton Zo: ''voilà''
Eolinius nods his head
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Merci Doro. Je vais ajouter une idée pour l'ami Ostium''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Raise your hand''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''elle est folle, je sais... mais...''
'''Ostium''': ''( for information, Lylanea told me that she arrived a little after 10pm. Impossible to arrive before this evening )''.
* Ostium attend patiemment pour lever la main
'''Kyriann''': ''But don't want to shower your dreams...Eny Nili O'Toolyn who is the botanist today is very, very, very reluctant to use flyers''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Nous Tryker, et habitants des Lacs sommes les enfants du vent.''
'''Zorroargh''': ''(never mind: that's why we randomly change the day: to give everyone a chance to participate)''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''On nous a apris à faire de éoliennes.''
'''Kyriann''': ''For as Zo'ro said''...
* Kyriann sourit et hoche la tête.
'''Kyriann''': ''They grow slowly and they have to be big to fly.''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Je me suis souvent demandé: ét si le vent était immobile, et que l'éolienne tournait, remonterait-elle le vent?''
'''Kyriann''': ''So every time I took part in a flight, Nili insisted that I shouldn't do it often''.
* Dorothee pense que la faille d'Eolinius doit en savoir quelque chose
Zorroargh approves
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Voilà, la folle idée que je voulais partager :)''
− '''Kyriann''': ''And not too many of them either.''
* '''Dorothee''': ''famille*''
'''Kyriann''': ''Then several in one pod ...''.
* Ostium lève la main
'''Kyriann''': ''Put several of them*''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''donne le baton à Ostium en espérant ne pas avoir été aveugle s''
'''Kyriann''': ''I think she's going to start screaming loudly.''
* Ostium prend le bâton : ''Grytt''
Kyriann gives the stick back to Ostium.
* '''Ostium''': ''Tout d'abord, je voudrais féliciter Nair Do'Ro Thée pour cette idée brillante de ne faire monter dans le ciel que le luciographe''
'''Ostium''' takes the stick: ''Grytt. "Didn't anyone want to speak before?
* '''Ostium''': ''Si l'on utilise de petits flyners maintenus par une corde, et soutenant l'appareil - et si l'on parvient à les déclencher à distance -, ça nous permettrait d'avoir des résultats bien plus rapidement''
- '"Ostium"': "Well, then I'll answer to Nair Zo'Ro.
* '''Ostium''': ''Ensuite, les ingénieurs m'ont parlé d'hélices effectivement Nair Zo'Ro. Mais ils ne savaient pas encore comment les mettre étant donné qu'elles sont lourdes en elles mêmes''
'''Ostium''': ''We had thought of the plums because of their weight, and their... structure''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*réfléchis très fort*''
'''Ostium''': ''In the heights, the main problem I can imagine when I see the plants twirling and the birds toiling is the wind''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Mais si la sustentation est obtenue pour le poids d'un homin et de l'hélice, alors peut-être qu'elle nous permettrait de diriger l'appareil''
'''Ostium'': ''The plunges are much more massive than flyers, and gusts of wind will not make them deviate so much a priori''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Ensuite, certains ont évoqué l'idée de la faire tourner très rapidement à l'horizontale, mais on ne sait pas encore ce qu'il pourrait se produire''
− '''Ostium''': ''Moreover, they seem to be made up of the cohabitation between a plant and an animal, which could perhaps be tamed to move in the direction one wishes. This theory is still only a supposition of course''.
* Ostium tend le bâton à Kyriann
Kyriann scratches her head
* Kyriann sourit à Ostium : ''Grytt ny-Amn''
'''Ostium''': ''But a solid and heavy gondola, supported by numerous flyers, would also offer this wind resistance. I'm not yet fixed on the option to be considered''.
* Lylanea fait un signe à Kyriann.
'''Ostium''' raises the stick: ''Does anyone wish to add anything?''
* Lylanea fait un signe à Ostium.
'''Zorroargh''': ''Raise your hand''...
* Lylanea fait un signe à Zorroargh.
Kyriann raises her hand, Dorothee too.
* Lylanea fait un signe à Eolinius.
Kyriann smiles
* Lylanea fait un signe à Dorothee.
− '''Ostium''': ''Hmm, sul spoke just before ny-amn. Senn''.
* Dorothee fait un signe à Lylanea.
Ostium hands the stick to Dorothee
* Ostium fait un signe à Lylanea.
'''Kyriann''' smiles: ''sul have forgotten Zo'ro!''
* Eolinius fait un signe à Lylanea.
'''Ostium''': Oh oops, I didn't see Zorroargh!
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Hallo.}@{ Bonjour.''
Zorroargh smiles.  Dorothee passes the stick to Uncle Zo'
* Lylanea fait un signe à Zorroargh.
'''Ostium''': ''Rewind and I hand the stick to Zorroargh? Do you agree?''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''Juste un petit mot. Avez vous penser à étudier les petits animaux ? On trouve au vide les Heliarachnes qui pourraient vous servir de modèle.''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Keep the stick, Doro, I'll talk later.''.
* Zorroargh fait un signe à Lylanea.
Ostium hides
* Kyriann fait un signe à Lylanea.  
'''Zorroargh''': ''(^^)'''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Verzeiht bitte das ich so spät bin.}@{ Désolé pour le retard.''
Kurutani receives a messenger izam
* '''Kyriann''': ''Y adore ces petites bêtes !''
'''Dorothee''': ''of course, there is no question of massacring the ecosystem of the lakes and the use of flyers should be limited to homin training and scientific research''.
* Ostium sursaute et murmure : ''Mais oy !''
'''Kurutani''' whispers: ''I must leave you, sorry for the inconvenience.''
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(working late-shift -.-)}@{ [travailler tard]''
Ostium nods to Kurutani
* Dorothee acquiesce
Kurutani bows respectfully.
* Kyriann tend le baton à Zo'ro
Kyriann and Eolinius wave to Kurutani.
* '''Ostium''': ''* montre le bâton de parole dans les mains de Kyriann à Lylanea et murmure * on fonctionne comme ça ce soir''
'''Dorothee'': ''I have also thought of using smaller plants with a luciograph''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Hm?}@{ Hein ?''
'''Dorothee''': ''Controlled from the ground it should allow one or more homins to make lucios from the sky in order to obtain more precise maps''.
* '''Ostium''': ''( HRP : On doit éviter les émotes personnalisées maintenant, pour la traduction )''
'''Dorothee''': ''Provided that these homins have followed the training both in flight and in luciography, of course.'''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''(Oki)''
'''Dorothee''' passes the stick to Uncle Zo: ''voilà''...
* '''Dorothee''': ''elles sont raduites aussi''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Thank you, Doro. I'll add an idea for my friend Ostium''.
* '''Ostium''': ''* murmure à Lylanea * Celui qui parle est celui qui a le bâton''
- '"Zorroargh"': "She's crazy, I know... but....
* '''Dorothee''': ''elles sont traduites aussi''
Ostium waits patiently to raise his hand
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Ach, das geht schon. Ich hab DeepL offen)}@{ (Oh, c'est bon. J'ai DeepL ouvert)''
− '''Zorroargh''': ''We Tryker, and inhabitants of the Lakes are children of the wind.''
* '''Ostium''': ''( Ah ? C'est bon maintenant ? )''
- "'Zorroargh'": "We were taught how to make windmills.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Aha, gut.}@{ Uh-huh, bien.''
Kyriann smiles and nods.
* '''Kyriann''': ''(euh non je crois pas)''
'''Zorroargh''': ''I often wondered: if the wind was still, and the turbine was turning, would it bring the wind up?''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''(testons !)''
Dorothee thinks that Eolinius family must know something about it
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(manchmal werden Emotes übersetzt, machmal nicht. Ich weiß nicht worin der Unterschied besteht.}@{ (Parfois les notes sont traduites, parfois non. Je ne sais pas quelle est la différence.''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Here's the crazy idea I wanted to share :)''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''(celles que les joueurs font ne sont pas traduites)''
Ostium raises his hand
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Bien,cette réunion étant axée sur des préoccupations (partagées) d'Ostium, je pense qu'il est sage de lui remettre le bâton pour les conclusions.''
Zorroargh gives the stick to Ostium and hopes that he has not been blind.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*tend le baton à Ostium*''
'''Ostium'' takes the stick: ''Grytt'' *
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(auch Nutzerdefinierte Emotes werden bisweilen übersetzt, nur eben nicht immer. Aber, es ist nicht wichtig.)}@{ (Même les notes de bas de page définies par l'utilisateur sont parfois traduites, mais pas toujours. Mais, ce n'est pas important).''
'''Ostium''': ''First of all, I would like to congratulate Nair Do'Ro Thée for this brilliant idea of having only the luciograph ascend into the sky''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''( si j'ai bien compris, c'est quand on change l'emote ou quand on utilse /em que ça pose des problème)''
'''Ostium''': ''If we use small flyers held by a rope, and supporting the device - and if we manage to trigger them remotely - it would allow us to get results much more quickly''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(ich habe bereits gesehen das auch /em Emotes übersetzt wurden. Aber nicht jedes Mal.)}@{ (J'ai déjà vu que les /em emotes ont également été traduits. Mais pas à chaque fois).''
'''Ostium''': ''Then the engineers told me about propellers actually Nair Zo'Ro. But they didn't yet know how to put them on as they are heavy in themselves''.
* Kyriann hoche la tête
Zorroargh thinks very hard.
* '''Ostium''': ''* prend le bâton * Grytt. Je donnerai donc mes conclusions. Elles ne sont en aucun cas une direction obligatoire à suivre''
− '''Ostium''': ''But if the lift is obtained for the weight of a homin and the propeller, then perhaps it would allow us to steer the aircraft''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''(est ce que ça a été traduit ?)''
'''Ostium''': ''Next, some have mentioned the idea of making it rotate very quickly horizontally, but we don't yet know what might happen''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(weiter im RP bitte. - Nein es wurde nicht übersetzt. Aber das ist nicht wichtig! Ich komme zurecht. ^^)}@{ (Continuez en RP s'il vous plaît. - Non, il n'a pas été traduit. Mais ce n'est pas important ! Je peux me débrouiller. ^^)''
Ostium hands the stick to Kyriann
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(OK, on le saura :) )''
'''Kyriann''' smiles to Ostium: ''Grytt ny-Amn''...
* '''Ostium''': ''Alors, notre objectif sur ce point est d'avoir un visuel en hauteur d'Atys, et - soyons fous - d'essayer d'atteindre la canopée''
Lylanea waves to Kyriann, Ostium, Zorroargh, Eolinius, Dorothee who all wave back.
* '''Ostium''': ''Pour celà, nous avons maintenant 3 angles d'approche à expérimenter''
- ''Lylanea'': ''Hello.''
* '''Ostium''': ''* se reprend * Pardon, même 4''
- ''Kyriann'': ''Just a little word. Have you thought about studying small animals? ''There are Heliarachnes in the emptiness that could serve as a model for you. ''
* '''Ostium''': ''La première, celle qui, à mon sens nous apportera le plus d'informations à court terme, et de fixer un luciographe sur un petit flyner maintenu par une corde''
'''Lylanea''': ''Sorry I'm late. ''
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(zweiter Spiel-crash heute -.-)}@{ (second jeu crash aujourd'hui -.-)''
− '''Kyriann''': ''Y loves those little beasts!''
* '''Eolinius''': ''excusez moi mais je dois vous quitter''
'''Ostium''' is startled and whispers: ''Mais oy!''...
* Lylanea fait un signe à Eolinius.  
'''Lylanea''': ''[working late]''.
* '''Ostium''': ''La seconde, ce qui demandera probablement le moins d'ingénierie et d'efforts ensuite, sera de tenter de fabriquer une nacelle soutenue par plusieurs flyners''
Dorothee nods, Kyriann hands the stick to Zo'ro
* Zorroargh est reconnaissant envers Eolinius.
'''Ostium''' shows the talking stick in Kyriann's hands to Lylanea and whispers: '' that's how it works tonight''.
* Zorroargh fait un signe à Eolinius.
'''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Hm?}@{ Hm?''.
* Kyriann envoie une bise à Eolinius.
'''Ostium''': ''( OOC: We must avoid personalised emotes now, for the translation )''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Oh, lorandoy alors ny-Eol''
'''Kyriann''': ''(Oki)'''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Lorandoy, Ny-Eo.}@{ Lorandoy, Ny-Eo.''
'''Dorothee''': ''they're cut down too''...
* '''Eolinius''': ''merci pour cette invitation et j'espère à la prochaine''
'''Ostium''' whispers to Lylanea: ''He who speaks is he who has the staff''.
* Eolinius s'incline respectueusement.
'''Dorothee''': ''they are translated too''.
* Dorothee fait une révérence des plus courtoises à Eolinius.  
'''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Ach, das geht schon. Ich hab DeepL offen)}@{ (Oh, that's good. I have DeepL open)''.
* Ostium fait un signe à Eolinius.  
'''Ostium''': ''( Ah? Is it good now? )''
* '''Ostium''': ''Ensuite, je ne sais laquelle mettre en premier :''
− '''Lylanea''': ''Aha, gut.}@{ Uh-huh, good.''
* '''Dorothee''': ''(OOC) Can you emote please (with a sub dialog) ( just to see what i have on the log file)''
'''Kyriann''': ''Uh, no, I don't think so.
* '''Ostium''': ''L'étude des pluns, et la façon qu'on pourrait trouver de les remonter à la surface, sachant qu'ils sont peut-être trop imposants pour les vortex et qu'on ne sait pas s'ils survivront au soleil''
'''Kyriann'': ''(let's test it!)'''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*murmure à Ostium: personne ne sera vexé par ton choix ;) )''
'''Lylanea''': ''de:(manchmal werden Emotes übersetzt, machmal nicht. Ich weiß nicht worin der Unterschied besteht.}@{ (Sometimes the notes are translated, sometimes not. I don't know what the difference is''.
* Ostium teste une émote à Lylanea
'''Kyriann''': ''(those that the players make are not translated)''
* '''Ostium''': ''* sourit * Merci Nair''
− '''Zorroargh''': ''Well, as this meeting is focused on (shared) concerns of Ostium, I think it is wise to hand him the stick for the conclusions''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Et enfin, l'étude des héliarachnes et autres petits animaux volants, pour savoir comment ils font pour se maintenir dans les airs''
- "'Zorroargh'": "*Hands the stick to Ostium.
* Kyriann se dit qu'elle aimerait bien étudier les heliarachnes
'''Lylanea''': ''de:(auch Nutzerdefinierte Emotes werden bisweilen übersetzt, nur eben nicht immer. Aber, es ist nicht wichtig.)}@{ (Even user-defined footnotes are sometimes translated, but not always. But that is not important).''
* '''Ostium''': ''Pour ma part, je commencerais par m'intéresser aux deux premières options, mais j'invite tout le monde à explorer les autres possibilités''
'''Zorroargh''': ''( if I understood correctly, it is when you change the emote or when you use /em that it causes problems)''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''(OOC) Lylanea Can you emote please (in german with a sub dialog) ( just to see what i have on the log file)''
'''Lylanea''': ''de:(ich habe bereits gesehen das auch /em Emotes übersetzt wurden. Aber nicht jedes Mal.)}@{ (I have already seen that the /em emotes have also been translated. But not every time).''
* '''Ostium''': ''Est-ce que je peux demander à tous s'ils pensent explorer l'un de ces domaines ? Et lequel ? * lève le bâton vers le haut, signe que tout le monde peut parler *''
Kyriann nods
* Lylanea fragt sich worum es eigentlich geht
'''Ostium''', taking the stick : ''Grytt. So I will give my conclusions. They are by no means an obligatory direction to follow''.
* '''Ostium''': ''( pas traduit non )''
− '''Kyriann''': ''(has it been translated?)''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''( c'était avec /em fragtt... ? )''
'''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(weiter im RP bitte. - Nein es wurde nicht übersetzt. Aber das ist nicht wichtig! Ich komme zurecht. ^^)}@{ (Please continue in RP. - No, it has not been translated. But that's not important! I can manage. ^^)''
* Dorothee emote: ''is not translated''
'''Zorroargh''': ''(OK, we'll find out :) )'''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Ja,ein /em Emote)}@{ (Oui, un /em emote)''
'''Ostium''': ''So, our objective on this point is to have a high view of Atys, and - let's be crazy - to try to reach the canopy'''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(on m'a dit que /em ne marchait pas du tout )''
'''Ostium''': ''For this, we now have 3 angles of approach to experiment''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(c'était le pire)''
'''Ostium''', corrcting himself : ''Sorry, even 4''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Tja, es funktioniert bei mir. Ich kenne auch nichts anderes, bin zu alt ^^)}@{ (Eh bien, ça marche pour moi. Je ne sais rien d'autre, je suis trop vieux ^^)''
'''Ostium'': ''The first one, the one that, in my opinion, will give us the most information in the short term, and to fix a luciograph on a small flyer held by a rope''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(trop vieux! ça va pas... suis jalous!)''
'''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(zweiter Spiel-crash heute -.-)}@{ (second game crash today -.-)'''.
* '''Ostium''': ''* tourne la tête, regardant ses comparses *''
- "'Eolinius"': "Excuse me, but I must leave you.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Je chercherai quant à moi la solution des hélices...''
Lylanea waves to Eolinius.
* '''Kyriann''': ''*dit timidement* je pourrais étudier les petites bêtes ?''
'''Ostium'': ''The second, which will probably require the least engineering and effort afterwards, will be to try to make a gondola supported by several flyers''.
* Dorothee source: ''/em emote: is not translated''
Zorroargh is grateful to Eolinius and waves to him.
* '''Ostium''': ''* sourit à Kyriann * Bien sûr ny-Amn''
Kyriann blows a kiss to Eolinius.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(offensichtlich nicht. Welche Option gibt es sonst noch?)}@{ (évidemment non. Quelle autre option existe-t-il ?)''
'''Ostium''': ''Oh, lorandoy then ny-Eol''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''mais je ne suis pas une grande scientifique, je suis plutot du genre conteuse''
'''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Lorandoy, Ny-Eo.}@{ Lorandoy, Ny-Eo.''
* '''Ostium''': ''* rigole * Y t'aiderai, et sul me raconteras des histoires alors''
- Eolinius'': ''thank you for this invitation and I hope to see you next time''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:Lylanea sagt: Emote test Deutsch}@{ Lylanea dit : Emote teste l'allemand''
Eolinius bows respectfully.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Nö, klappt nicht *LOL*)}@{ (Non, ne fonctionne pas *LOL*)''
Dorothee makes a most courteous bow to Eolinius.
* '''Kyriann''': ''*souris heureuse* Grytt Ny-Amn''
Ostium waves to Eolinius.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:*Lylanea sagt: ''test deutsch''*}@{ * Lylanea dit : ''testez l'allemand ''*''
'''Ostium''': ''Then, I don't know which to put first:''
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Nö... lol)}@{ (Non... lol)''
'''Ostium''': ''The study of plunges, and how we might find a way to bring them to the surface, knowing that they may be too large for wormholes and that we don't know if they will survive the sun''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''you need /em to begin''
'''Zorroargh''' whispers to Ostium : ''no one will be offended by your choice ;) )''
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Aha)}@{ (Uh-huh.)''
− '''Ostium''' smiles: '' Thank you Nair''.
* Lylanea Lylanea sagt: ''test, Übersetzung korrekt?''
'''Ostium''': ''And finally, the study of heliarachnes and other small flying animals, to know how they maintain themselves in the air''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Ahaaaaa!)}@{ (Ahaaaaa !)''
Kyriann says she would like to study heliarachnes
* '''Ostium''': ''* rend le bâton à Zorroargh * Je crois que nous en avons fini avec ce point''
'''Ostium''': ''For my part, I would start by looking at the first two options, but I invite everyone to explore the other possibilities''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''kein übersetzung :'-(''
'''Ostium''': ''Can I ask everyone if they are thinking of exploring any of these areas? And which one?'' ( he raises the stick up, sign that everyone can speak)
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Tja, ... ärgerlich, aber nicht zu ändern.)}@{ C'est ennuyeux, mais on n'y peut rien.''
Lylanea wonders what this is all about
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Merci Nair Ostium. Cette réunion, la première epuis longtemps fut des plus intéresante. Je diffuserai le plus vite possible ce travail pour motiver d'autres chercheurs à se lancer''
Ostium'' turns his head, looking at his mates ...
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Je pense que nous pouvons conclure la réunion pour ce soir?''
'''Zorroargh''': ''I, for my side, will look for the propeller solution...''
* '''Ostium''': ''* relève la main * Oh, pardon''
'''Kyriann''' (shy): '' I could study the little beasts?''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Oui?''
'''Ostium''', smiling to Kyriann : ''Of course ny-Amn''.
* '''Dorothee''': ''*approuve*''
'''Kyriann''': ''but I'm not a great scientist, I'm more of a storyteller''...
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Merci à tous pour votre contribution :)''
'''Ostium''', laughing : I'll help you, and then you'll tell me stories''...
* '''Ostium''': ''J'ai oublié la cinquième option, la plus dangereuse, qui est de parvenir à modifier les flyners pour qu'un homin seul puisse les utiliser''
'''Kyriann''' smiling happily : '' Grytt Ny-Amn''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:*seufzt, leise* ich hab es ja geahnt ...}@{ *Je le savais.''
'''Ostium''' gives the stick back to Zorroargh: '' I think we're done with that point''.
* '''Ostium''': ''En les lestant par endroits, ou en faisant des trous pour en modifier la portance''
− '''Zorroargh''': ''Thank you Nair Ostium. This meeting, the first in a long time, was most interesting. I will disseminate this work as soon as possible to motivate other researchers to get started''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Pardon, maintenant, j'en ai fini''
'''Zorroargh'': ''I think we can conclude the meeting for tonight...''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Nun wird nichts mehr übersetzt bei mir. XD )}@{ (Maintenant, rien n'est traduit de mon côté. XD )''
'''Ostium''': ''Raise your hand. Oh, sorry!''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Ce sera de toute manière noté, Nair Ostium :)''
- ''Zorroargh'': ''Yes?''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''(Oh!?)''
Dorothee approves
* '''Dorothee''': ''J'essaierai de vous communiquer un dessin de mes idées''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Thank you all for your contribution :)''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Grytt Nair Dorothée''
'''Ostium''': ''I have forgotten the fifth option, the most dangerous, which is to manage to modify the flyers so that only a homin can use them''.
* '''Lylanea''': ''{:de:(Läuft wieder... meine Güte.)}@{ (C'est reparti... mon Dieu.)''
'''Lylanea''': ''I knew it.''
* '''Zorroargh''': ''ce sra dans le notes. ON pourra de toute manière les changer si besoin car vous les verrez''
'''Ostium''': ''By ballasting them in places, or making holes to change their bearing capacity''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''Lorandoy ad toll''
- '"Ostium"': "Sorry, now I'm done"...
* '''Dorothee''': ''avant que nous nous quittions j 'aimerai savoir si Nair Lyla avait des suggestions, des idées''
'''Zorroargh''': ''It will be noted anyway, Nair Ostium :)''.
* '''Kyriann''': ''Lorandoy Zo al grytt''
'''Dorothee''': ''I'll try to give you a drawing of my ideas''.
* '''Ostium''': ''( Lylanea vient de crasher )''
'''Ostium''': Grytt Nair Dorothee.
* '''Dorothee''': ''pouf''
'''Zorroargh''': ''it will be in the notes. We will be able to change them anyway if necessary because you will see them''.
* '''Zorroargh''': ''*laisse le baton de parole à Dorothee et se dirige vers la hutte qu'il a loué*''
'''Zorroargh''': ''Lorandoy ad toll''.
* Ostium fait un signe à Zorroargh.
'''Dorothee'': ''Before we leave I'd like to know if Nair Lyla has any suggestions, ideas''.
* Kyriann fait un signe à Zorroargh.
'''Kyriann''': ''Lorandoy Zo al grytt''.
* '''Ostium''': ''Lorandoy Nair Bibliothécaire''
'''Dorothee'': ''poofs
* '''Dorothee''': ''nini tonton''
'''Zorroargh''' leaves the talking stick to Dorothee and go to the hut he rented*''.
Ostium and Kyriann wave to Zorroargh.
</div>{{Last version link|NASA-meetings/2610-3-9-16}}
Kyriann makes a sign to Zorroargh.
'''Ostium''': ''Lorandoy Nair Librarian''.
'''Dorothee''': ''nite nite uncle''
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Atys studies... from the heights (Ostium)

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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-10-29)

10h - Quarta, Fallenor 16, 3e AC 2610

    Zo'ro-argh leaves the hut where he is staying to go to the place of the Rangers' meetings, right next to the ruined building that was used for the first ASA meetings.
    No sooner is he seated than his colleague and friend Ostium arrives, soon joined by Do'Ro Thee. Perhaps it was the arrival of Eolinius that brought up in the Trykette's mind the horrible rudeness in the Lakes, for she realised that she had forgotten to bring her barrel of byrh. Desperate, Do' drew a barrel and mugs on the ground, and Ostium, in gallant homineness, offered to run out and buy some drink.

    Taking advantage of this wait, Zo': explained the rules of the "talking stick" used during N'ASA meetings, a method developed with Nair Liverion Scientist Directory to keep meetings short and therefore "disciplined".
Zorroargh: The idea is this: the master of ceremonies has a carved stick.
Zorroargh: This is the 'talking stick'.
− 'Zorroargh: At the beginning of the meeting, it is given to the first speaker.
Zorroargh: Only he who has the stick can speak.
Zorroargh: If you want to answer him, question him, etc... raise your hand.
Zorroargh: Then he who has the stick holds it out to one of those who raised his hand.
Zorroargh: The latter asks his question or comment, and at the end passes the stick to someone else....
Eolinius, smiling: Does it also work with a bottle of Byrh?
At this point, Ostium returns with a barrel of Byrh.
Zorroargh: The master of ceremonies himself obeys this rule, unless he considers that the speaking time is too monopolised by some.
Ostium places the barrel in the place designed by Do'ro: Here you are. It is there for all the homins who are thirsty!.
- '"Zorroargh: Thank you for being born Ostium. I've finished my little talk and you'll get a copy.
To put the rules he had just stated into practice, Zo' handed the talking stick to Ostium.
- '"Zorroargh'": "It's up to you and you alone to speak now!
- "'Ostium"': "Oh, I understand. Thank you!
user:Kyriann arrived in the meantime. Zo' greeted her silently, putting her finger on her mouth and showing that Ostium had started to speak. Zo' whispered to Do' to take her place without hesitation in case of unexpected absences.
Ostium: Nair Zorroargh, should I start with the first subject or are we waiting for a few more homins?
Zorroargh: When you feel like it, be born.
Ostium nodded his head, and began.
Ostium: So. As some of you know, I've been interested in studying Atys... from the heights.
Ostium: And I seem to recall having experienced it many years ago.
- "'Ostium'": "You were there, Nair Zorroargh, I believe.
- '"Ostium"': "It was an experiment by Winny Mac'Wytter to test the feasibility of a legend.
Ostium: Legend has it that some Trykers managed to escape from a slave camp by grasping the stem of a flyer and cutting it off.
Ostium: They would have flown to the canopy.
Ostium: So, I was one of the guinea pigs, and I tried the experiment....
Ostium, whispering: "Young unconscious as I was then!
Ostium: And what I know now is that you can come out of it alive, but it's not reliable enough to use it again.
- "'Ostium' searches his memory": "And... The famous Liverion was there too, I think.
Zorroargh nods.
Dorothee raises her hand
- "'Ostium gives the stick of speech to Dorothee.: "We are listening."
Dorothee: It was Derry O'Darren who reported these events which are certainly not a legend.
Ostium raises his hand
Dorothee: Moreover I noticed a homin bearing the title of "graduate flyner pilot" probably acquired following training given by homins returning from the Canopy.
Dorothee: Perhaps we could contact them to continue this training, which would allow us to experiment and see what improvements we could make.
Dorothee returns the stick to Ostium.
Eolinius shows his badge and raises his hand while Kyriann searches her bag, hoping to find hers.

Dorothee looks at the badge of Eolinius, admiring, and Zorroargh mumbles, grumpy: I'm not looking. My badge fell over Windermeer while I was walking around.
Ostium: Grytt Nair Dorothee. I'll be brief for the rest.
Ostium: I didn't know about Derry O'Darren. It was Rosen Ba'Darins, Winny Mac'Wytter's mentor, who told him the facts. She hadn't dared to follow the adventurous trykers.
Dorothee glances at Kyriann's and, a little jealous, pulls out a mug: "hmmmmm" and shrugs her shoulders with an indifferent mood.
Ostium: Next. I doubt we can tame flyers. Their behaviour is too erratic according to the winds. But I think that we could attach several of them to a nacelle to have more inertia.
Ostium: One solution we had considered was to use plums too, but they would have to be taken out of the Prime Roots.
Zorroargh raises his hand
Ostium: I'm talking to engineers about the possibility of a gondola. Any help for this project is welcome!
Dorothee nods her head.
Ostium hands the talking stick to Eolinius: Grytt. "I'm finished.
Eolinius: Grytt Ny-Ost.
Kyriann raises her hand.
Eolinius: Actually, I flew there twice on a flyer.
Eolinius: The first was for the wedding of Locian and Denen in 2592.
Eolinius: Locian had taken a flyer and had drifted into the camp of the slavers.
Eolinius: If I remember correctly...
Kyriann: We had to go and get her ....
Dorothee burst out laughing silently
Eolinius: the second time I received a diploma here was in 2603, when the botanist Nili O'Toolyn gave a course on flyers.
Eolinius: Here's to set the record straight.

Meanwhile, Kurutani joins the meeting.
Dorothee raises her hand.
Eolinius gives the stick to Zorroargh.
- Zorroargh: Thank you Eolinus, and thank you for these old memories :).
- Zorroargh: I just had one question for Nair Ostium: why the [pluns]? It's true that flyers are unreliable and you have to wait a very long time for them to get the right size... years..
- Zorroargh: The pluns, what would they bring?.
- Zorroargh holding out the talking stick to Dorothee: I'll leave you to think about the answer while Do'ro uses the "talking stick" she asked for.
Ostium nods his head and saves his answer for later.

Dorothee thinks... flying in the Prime Roots...
Zorroargh: I wonder if Doro isn't dreaming while holding the talking stick...
Kyriann raises her hand, hoping to be seen this time.
− 'Dorothee: Although I haven't practised, I've been thinking about it for a while now.
Zorroargh: (Oops, sorry Kyriann).
Dorothee: first of all one could more or less control the altitude by carrying weights. and as the Winn's change direction according to the altitude....
Dorothee: I could then notice that the airplanes used their speed to control their ascent or descent, and also their direction.
- Dorothee': We could use the asymmetry of the Flyers, and attach wires in several places to modify the atyssometry.
− 'Dorothee: and thus change direction and speed.
− 'Dorothee: finally we could cut out windows in the flyer that we could open more or less with the help of wires or rods to modify their bearing capacity.
Dorothee passes the stick to Kyriann: grytt, I'm finished on this point...
Kyriann doesn't understand much but listens in admiration.
Kyriann takes the stick stunned by all these explanations.
Ostium is pensive and can't wait to test all these ideas.
Kyriann: Bravo Dorothee and grytt for the stick.
Eolinius nods his head
Zorroargh: Raise your hand.
Ostium: ( for information, Lylanea told me that she arrived a little after 10pm. Impossible to arrive before this evening ).
Kyriann: But don't want to shower your dreams...Eny Nili O'Toolyn who is the botanist today is very, very, very reluctant to use flyers.
Zorroargh: (never mind: that's why we randomly change the day: to give everyone a chance to participate).
Kyriann: For as Zo'ro said...
Kyriann: They grow slowly and they have to be big to fly.
Kyriann: So every time I took part in a flight, Nili insisted that I shouldn't do it often.
Zorroargh nods
Kyriann: And not too many of them either.
Kyriann: Then several in one pod ....
Kyriann: Put several of them*.
Kyriann: I think she's going to start screaming loudly.
Kyriann gives the stick back to Ostium.
Ostium takes the stick: Grytt. "Didn't anyone want to speak before?
- "'Ostium"': "Well, then I'll answer to Nair Zo'Ro.
Ostium: We had thought of the plums because of their weight, and their... structure.
Ostium: In the heights, the main problem I can imagine when I see the plants twirling and the birds toiling is the wind.
Ostium: The plunges are much more massive than flyers, and gusts of wind will not make them deviate so much a priori.
Ostium: Moreover, they seem to be made up of the cohabitation between a plant and an animal, which could perhaps be tamed to move in the direction one wishes. This theory is still only a supposition of course.
Kyriann scratches her head
Ostium: But a solid and heavy gondola, supported by numerous flyers, would also offer this wind resistance. I'm not yet fixed on the option to be considered.
Ostium, raising the stick: Does anyone wish to add anything?
- Zorroargh: Raise your hand...
Kyriann raises her hand , Dorothee raises her hand too
Kyriann smiles
Eolinius had given the stick to Zorroargh.
Zorroargh: Thank you Eolinus, and thank you for these old memories :).
Zorroargh: I just had one question for Nair Ostium: why the [pluns]? It's true that flyers are unreliable and you have to wait a very long time for them to get the right size... years..
Zorroargh: The pluns, what would they bring?.
Zorroargh holding out the talking stick to Dorothee: I'll leave you to think about the answer while Do'ro uses the "talking stick" she asked for.
Ostium nods his head and saves his answer for later.
Dorothee thinks... flying in the Prime Roots...
Zorroargh: I wonder if Doro isn't dreaming while holding the talking stick...
Kyriann raises her hand, hoping to be seen this time.
− 'Dorothee: Although I haven't practised, I've been thinking about it for a while now.
- Zorroargh: (Oops, sorry Kyriann).
Dorothee: first of all one could more or less control the altitude by carrying weights; and, as the Winn changes with altitude, direction.
− 'Dorothee: I could then notice that the avians use their speed to control their ascent or descent, and also their direction.
Dorothee: We could use the asymmetry of the Flyers, and attach wires in several places to modify the atyssometry.
Dorothee: and thus change direction and speed.
Dorothee: finally we could cut out windows in the flyer that we could open more or less with the help of wires or rods to modify their bearing capacity.
Dorothee passes the stick to Kyriann: grytt, I'm finished on this point...
Kyriann doesn't understand much but listens in admiration.
Kyriann takes the stick stunned by all these explanations.
Ostium is pensive and can't wait to test all these ideas.
Kyriann: Bravo Dorothee and grytt for the stick.
Eolinius nods his head
Zorroargh: Raise your hand.
Ostium: ( for information, Lylanea told me that she arrived a little after 10pm. Impossible to arrive before this evening ).
Kyriann: But don't want to shower your dreams...Eny Nili O'Toolyn who is the botanist today is very, very, very reluctant to use flyers.
Zorroargh: (never mind: that's why we randomly change the day: to give everyone a chance to participate).
Kyriann: For as Zo'ro said...
Kyriann: They grow slowly and they have to be big to fly.
Kyriann: So every time I took part in a flight, Nili insisted that I shouldn't do it often.
Zorroargh approves
Kyriann: And not too many of them either.
Kyriann: Then several in one pod ....
Kyriann: Put several of them*.
Kyriann: I think she's going to start screaming loudly.
Kyriann gives the stick back to Ostium.
Ostium takes the stick: Grytt. "Didn't anyone want to speak before?
- '"Ostium"': "Well, then I'll answer to Nair Zo'Ro.
Ostium: We had thought of the plums because of their weight, and their... structure.
Ostium: In the heights, the main problem I can imagine when I see the plants twirling and the birds toiling is the wind.
− 'Ostium: The plunges are much more massive than flyers, and gusts of wind will not make them deviate so much a priori.
Ostium: Moreover, they seem to be made up of the cohabitation between a plant and an animal, which could perhaps be tamed to move in the direction one wishes. This theory is still only a supposition of course.
Kyriann scratches her head
Ostium: But a solid and heavy gondola, supported by numerous flyers, would also offer this wind resistance. I'm not yet fixed on the option to be considered.
Ostium raises the stick: Does anyone wish to add anything?
Zorroargh: Raise your hand...
Kyriann raises her hand, Dorothee too.
Kyriann smiles
Ostium: Hmm, sul spoke just before ny-amn. Senn.
Ostium hands the stick to Dorothee
Kyriann smiles: sul have forgotten Zo'ro!
Ostium: Oh oops, I didn't see Zorroargh!
Zorroargh smiles. Dorothee passes the stick to Uncle Zo'
Ostium: Rewind and I hand the stick to Zorroargh? Do you agree?.
Zorroargh: Keep the stick, Doro, I'll talk later..
Ostium hides
Zorroargh': (^^).
Kurutani receives a messenger izam
Dorothee: of course, there is no question of massacring the ecosystem of the lakes and the use of flyers should be limited to homin training and scientific research.
Kurutani whispers: I must leave you, sorry for the inconvenience.
Ostium nods to Kurutani
Kurutani bows respectfully.
Kyriann and Eolinius wave to Kurutani.
− 'Dorothee: I have also thought of using smaller plants with a luciograph.
Dorothee: Controlled from the ground it should allow one or more homins to make lucios from the sky in order to obtain more precise maps.
Dorothee': Provided that these homins have followed the training both in flight and in luciography, of course..
Dorothee passes the stick to Uncle Zo: voilà...
Zorroargh: Thank you, Doro. I'll add an idea for my friend Ostium.
- '"Zorroargh"': "She's crazy, I know... but....
Ostium waits patiently to raise his hand
Zorroargh: We Tryker, and inhabitants of the Lakes are children of the wind.
- "'Zorroargh'": "We were taught how to make windmills.
Kyriann smiles and nods.
Zorroargh: I often wondered: if the wind was still, and the turbine was turning, would it bring the wind up?.
Dorothee thinks that Eolinius family must know something about it
Zorroargh: Here's the crazy idea I wanted to share :).
Ostium raises his hand
Zorroargh gives the stick to Ostium and hopes that he has not been blind.
− 'Ostium takes the stick: Grytt *
Ostium: First of all, I would like to congratulate Nair Do'Ro Thée for this brilliant idea of having only the luciograph ascend into the sky.
Ostium: If we use small flyers held by a rope, and supporting the device - and if we manage to trigger them remotely - it would allow us to get results much more quickly.
Ostium: Then the engineers told me about propellers actually Nair Zo'Ro. But they didn't yet know how to put them on as they are heavy in themselves.
Zorroargh thinks very hard.
Ostium: But if the lift is obtained for the weight of a homin and the propeller, then perhaps it would allow us to steer the aircraft.
Ostium: Next, some have mentioned the idea of making it rotate very quickly horizontally, but we don't yet know what might happen.
Ostium hands the stick to Kyriann
Kyriann smiles to Ostium: Grytt ny-Amn...
Lylanea waves to Kyriann, Ostium, Zorroargh, Eolinius, Dorothee who all wave back.
- Lylanea: Hello.
- Kyriann: Just a little word. Have you thought about studying small animals? There are Heliarachnes in the emptiness that could serve as a model for you.
Lylanea: Sorry I'm late.
Kyriann: Y loves those little beasts!
Ostium is startled and whispers: Mais oy!...
Lylanea: [working late].
Dorothee nods, Kyriann hands the stick to Zo'ro
Ostium shows the talking stick in Kyriann's hands to Lylanea and whispers: that's how it works tonight.
Lylanea: {:de:Hm?}@{ Hm?.
Ostium: ( OOC: We must avoid personalised emotes now, for the translation ).
Kyriann': (Oki).
Dorothee: they're cut down too...
Ostium whispers to Lylanea: He who speaks is he who has the staff.
Dorothee: they are translated too.
Lylanea: {:de:(Ach, das geht schon. Ich hab DeepL offen)}@{ (Oh, that's good. I have DeepL open).
Ostium: ( Ah? Is it good now? )
Lylanea: Aha, gut.}@{ Uh-huh, good.
Kyriann: Uh, no, I don't think so.
Kyriann: (let's test it!).
Lylanea: de:(manchmal werden Emotes übersetzt, machmal nicht. Ich weiß nicht worin der Unterschied besteht.}@{ (Sometimes the notes are translated, sometimes not. I don't know what the difference is.
Kyriann: (those that the players make are not translated)
Zorroargh: Well, as this meeting is focused on (shared) concerns of Ostium, I think it is wise to hand him the stick for the conclusions.
- "'Zorroargh'": "*Hands the stick to Ostium.
Lylanea: de:(auch Nutzerdefinierte Emotes werden bisweilen übersetzt, nur eben nicht immer. Aber, es ist nicht wichtig.)}@{ (Even user-defined footnotes are sometimes translated, but not always. But that is not important).
Zorroargh: ( if I understood correctly, it is when you change the emote or when you use /em that it causes problems).
Lylanea: de:(ich habe bereits gesehen das auch /em Emotes übersetzt wurden. Aber nicht jedes Mal.)}@{ (I have already seen that the /em emotes have also been translated. But not every time).
Kyriann nods
Ostium, taking the stick : Grytt. So I will give my conclusions. They are by no means an obligatory direction to follow.
Kyriann: (has it been translated?)
Lylanea: {:de:(weiter im RP bitte. - Nein es wurde nicht übersetzt. Aber das ist nicht wichtig! Ich komme zurecht. ^^)}@{ (Please continue in RP. - No, it has not been translated. But that's not important! I can manage. ^^)
Zorroargh: (OK, we'll find out :) )'.
Ostium': So, our objective on this point is to have a high view of Atys, and - let's be crazy - to try to reach the canopy.
Ostium: For this, we now have 3 angles of approach to experiment.
Ostium, corrcting himself : Sorry, even 4.
− 'Ostium: The first one, the one that, in my opinion, will give us the most information in the short term, and to fix a luciograph on a small flyer held by a rope.
Lylanea': {:de:(zweiter Spiel-crash heute -.-)}@{ (second game crash today -.-).
- "'Eolinius"': "Excuse me, but I must leave you.
Lylanea waves to Eolinius.
− 'Ostium: The second, which will probably require the least engineering and effort afterwards, will be to try to make a gondola supported by several flyers.
Zorroargh is grateful to Eolinius and waves to him.
Kyriann blows a kiss to Eolinius.
Ostium: Oh, lorandoy then ny-Eol.
Lylanea: {:de:Lorandoy, Ny-Eo.}@{ Lorandoy, Ny-Eo.
- Eolinius: thank you for this invitation and I hope to see you next time.
Eolinius bows respectfully.
Dorothee makes a most courteous bow to Eolinius.
Ostium waves to Eolinius.
Ostium: Then, I don't know which to put first:
Ostium: The study of plunges, and how we might find a way to bring them to the surface, knowing that they may be too large for wormholes and that we don't know if they will survive the sun.
Zorroargh whispers to Ostium : no one will be offended by your choice ;) )
Ostium smiles: Thank you Nair.
Ostium: And finally, the study of heliarachnes and other small flying animals, to know how they maintain themselves in the air.
Kyriann says she would like to study heliarachnes
Ostium: For my part, I would start by looking at the first two options, but I invite everyone to explore the other possibilities.
Ostium: Can I ask everyone if they are thinking of exploring any of these areas? And which one? ( he raises the stick up, sign that everyone can speak)
Lylanea wonders what this is all about
Ostium turns his head, looking at his mates ...
Zorroargh: I, for my side, will look for the propeller solution...
Kyriann (shy): I could study the little beasts?
Ostium, smiling to Kyriann : Of course ny-Amn.
Kyriann: but I'm not a great scientist, I'm more of a storyteller...
Ostium, laughing : I'll help you, and then you'll tell me stories...
Kyriann smiling happily : Grytt Ny-Amn.
Ostium gives the stick back to Zorroargh: I think we're done with that point.
Zorroargh: Thank you Nair Ostium. This meeting, the first in a long time, was most interesting. I will disseminate this work as soon as possible to motivate other researchers to get started.
− 'Zorroargh: I think we can conclude the meeting for tonight....
Ostium: Raise your hand. Oh, sorry!
- Zorroargh: Yes?.
Dorothee approves
Zorroargh: Thank you all for your contribution :).
Ostium: I have forgotten the fifth option, the most dangerous, which is to manage to modify the flyers so that only a homin can use them.
Lylanea: I knew it.
Ostium: By ballasting them in places, or making holes to change their bearing capacity.
- '"Ostium"': "Sorry, now I'm done"...
Zorroargh: It will be noted anyway, Nair Ostium :).
Dorothee: I'll try to give you a drawing of my ideas.
Ostium: Grytt Nair Dorothee.
Zorroargh: it will be in the notes. We will be able to change them anyway if necessary because you will see them.
Zorroargh: Lorandoy ad toll.
− 'Dorothee: Before we leave I'd like to know if Nair Lyla has any suggestions, ideas.
Kyriann: Lorandoy Zo al grytt.
Dorothee: poofs
Zorroargh leaves the talking stick to Dorothee and go to the hut he rented*.
Ostium and Kyriann wave to Zorroargh.
Kyriann makes a sign to Zorroargh.
Ostium: Lorandoy Nair Librarian.
Dorothee: nite nite uncle

Last version 2020-10-30•
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