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<div style="text-align:center;"><h1>Newest Article</h1></div><onlyinclude>
<div style="text-align:center;"><h1>Latest Article</h1></div><onlyinclude>
==Final Issue: Interview with the Dragon==
==Issue 19: Homins are still Occupied==
As the legend goes, deep in the bowels of Atys there lives a Dragon. A beast of cold and darkness, enslaver of hominkind. Cursed by Jena, the Dragon was filled with the eternal fire of the sun. For now it sleeps, defeated and banished to the depths of the Roots. But when it awakes, the world will come to an end.
A Zoraï wiseman once said all homins can be divided into two groups: those who whine and those who act. Of course, this Zoraï wiseman is now a raving lunatic living amongst Gibbaï in Goo infested lands. But I digress.
Pretty gloomy, no?
One thing is certain though, sisters Kalyndra and Marrietta from neutral guild Altaenae di Cherae are homins of action. They write and publish a variety of articles on subjects that range from the unusual benefits of crafting in Heavy Armor – yes, you heard me right, they found an use for HA in crafting – to their quest to find Kitin resistant jewels. Their public bulletin board also includes a bazaar section and a lavishly illustrated Atys calendar.
But did anyone ever bother asking the Dragon what were his real motives? What thoughts passed his mind when he committed such vile acts? Did he have a hard childhood? Is the Dragon a he or a she?
I had the distinct pleasure of spending some time with them talking about their ongoing projects as well as their cutting edge research on the new Occupations. They have recently published a primer on Occupations that will surely dispel some myths and misconceptions as well as serve as a valuable aide to young homins getting started (or sometimes getting stuck) at them.  
The Eye of the Tyrancha News, going where no tabloid has gone before, decided that it’s about time to get the words out of the culprit’s own mouth - we will find and interview the Dragon.
Unfortunaly it seems like Altaenae di Cherae was the target of Industrial Espionage! In their ongoing search for better recipes, they were fed incorrect and misleading information by one of their sources. According to the sisters, it is likely this was indeed done on purpose to damper their progress, since the incorrect recipes provided actually steered them away from the right path in a way that was almost meticulous.
Once again pushing the envelope, we will move investigative reporting to a whole new level (erroneously called “gossiping” by some misguided homins). Is Ma-Duk really Jena’s begrudged ex? Does the Dragon have a scandalous past? Do the gods use “cats” as well?
However after being on the wrong track for a few days, the Matis sisters are back on the forefront of Occupation research.
Worry not, we’ll get to the bottom of this mystery!!
Obviously, in order to carry out such an ambitious and dangerous enterprise for the betterment of hominkind, the Eye of the Tyrancha will need the support of all available sponsors. This planet shattering issue of our fine rag will be published in a very limited edition. So run while you can! Pre-order this most special of issues before it’s sold out! To do so, all you have to do is send 1,999 dappers via Izam mail to the Eye of the Tyrancha headquarters in Zora. Pre-order now before it’s too late!!
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(( Disclaimer: All the dapper collected from the subscriptions and donations will be used to sponsor our reporters’ journey to the Deep Roots in order to get an exclusive interview with the Dragon. For this reason, the Eye of the Tyrancha will close its doors for an undetermined amount of time until we conclude this investigation. We apologize for the inconvenience.))
|caption=From Altaenae gallery: Kalyndra and Marrietta pose next to a dead Quadon.}}
In other news, the drought in the Burning Desert still goes on (see issue 18 for more on this). The Akenak and their Taliari allies are still requesting the help of Water Carriers to collect water from the Lakelands. Another caravan is being planned. In the meantime, tribal warfare has begun in the Desert. Intrepid explorer and researcher Bitttymacod reported that various desert tribes have gathered around oasis and water sources in the desert and have been attacking anyone who comes near. Conflict has begun and many homins went missing.
What is the real cause behind this drought in the Desert? Is it just bad luck with the weather (the kind that tends to drive foragers crazy)? Or have the Fyros been throwing too many parties at the Pyr Baths? Will homins with the Water Carrier occupation be able to save the desert tribes from thirst? Or does a more permanent solution need to be found somehow, like the discovery of new water sources in the desert?
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A Zoraï wiseman once said all homins could be divided into two groups: those who read until the end of an article, and those who don’t. Which one are you?
(( Altaenae di Cherae Goodies: http://www.adcguild.info/ ))
<div style="text-align:center;"><h1>Older Articles</h1></div>
<div style="text-align:center;"><h1>Older Articles</h1></div>
==Volume 2, Issue 07: Kitins, and Trykers, and nudity! Oh my!==
You would imagine that one of the biggest and most threatening events that could possibly occur on the New Lands is a Kitin invasion. We all fear the Kitins, the Great Swarming left a trauma that will not heal for generations to come and the previous Kitin incursions in homin lands have all caused much uproar – not to mention good ol’ bikering.
==Issue 18: Animals have instincts, homins have taxes==
So it comes as a surprise to us that a massive horde of Kitins has amassed in the Flaming Forest, possibly coming from Windy Gate, and then proceeded to swarm all over Pyr, nearly destroying the city in the process – and yet, no news of the event has been published and few homins actually know what happened in Pyr that day.
The past few days were brimming with scandalous quarrels, political intrigue, name calling and all sorts of fun stuff that make a news reporter happy to be part of such a chaotic society.
Can you smell a conspiracy already? The Eye set out to investigate the truth of the matter and it turns out that a couple of homins actually noticed the strange concentration of Kitins in Flaming Forest some days before the invasion. One of them was Temporary Insanity member Khandoma, who tried to warn others about the grave threat. But it seems like homins didn’t take her words very seriously – or should we say, perhaps a conspiracy was already in motion to silence her warnings.
It all started when the Fyros Akenak requested the assistance of the Tryker Taliari in acquiring water for the desert tribes who were experiencing a major drought. The Taliari agreed to help and mobilized many Water-Carriers from the Tryker Water Company in order to collect the 255 barrels of water that were needed for the drought relief.  
According to the reports of Khandoma and Liliang the Kitins came to Pyr in great numbers and the battle to defend the city was fierce. Only after reinforcements ported into the city did they manage to finally fend them off. Karavaneers and Kamists joined forced to fight this common threat and in the end homins were victorious. And yet… no one heard anything about it.
Political tension began to mount between the various governments when preparations for the caravan that would transport the water from the Lakelands to the Desert were underway. The original route was supposed to go through the Verdant Heights, but the meeting between Fyros Akenak, Tryker Taliari and Matis Nobles to discuss the details of the operation didn't go quite as planned.
Could it be that the Fyros began digging a bit too deep once again and ended up causing another invasion with their shady mining operations? If that’s the case, it’s only natural that they would want the truth hidden from public eyes. We’re watching you, Senators!
The Matis Nobles requested a small token of appreciation to the Monarchy in exchange for the caravan to go through their lands - or in layman's terms, they wanted to tax the caravan. Apparently, members of the Akenak were outraged by the request. Both Akenak and Taliari refused those terms - they felt like it wasn't morally right to tax a humanitarian caravan.
In other news, the Trykers are planning to host a grand trade and crafts fair in Fairhaven. The date will be decided in the next Taliari meeting and announced in all capital cities. According to Iala, the Trykers hope to attract craftsmen and suppliers of raw materials from all over Atys, as well of course as their customers. Prior to the fair, treks can be arranged to those homins who have yet to reach Fairhaven – be prepared for lots of swimming!
The Matis Nobles report that members of the Akenak were disrespectful and offensive towards the Matis and the Monarchy and in the way they voiced their disagreements afterwards. As a result, the Nobles announced that they would blockade Herectic's Hovel Portal by a small dettachment of troops in order to prevent the caravan to go through the Verdant Heights.
And finally, some hot news straight from the real estate business! It seems like landlords all over Atys at last decided to relax the law that impeded apartment owners from inviting their friends over to their homes. The law was initially put in place to prevent homins from disturbing the peace and quiet of residential neighborhoods by throwing parties of dubious nature in their flats. However the protests of more liberal homins paid off and now they are allowed to invite others into their apartments.
Cries of war and impending apocalypse were heard - some accused the Nobles of being cruel towards their old enemies, the Fyros. Others suggested that maybe the Matis were just in need of extra dappers to support their decadent life style.  
To celebrate this real estate victory, Ballistic Mystix leader Kilgoretrout threw a nudist party in his apartment in Fairhaven. Landlords everywhere have already started pulling their hair out.
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|caption=Matis troops were dispatched to blockade Herectic's Hovel Portal.}}
|caption=Nudist party at Kilgore’s place.}}
Fortunaly neither war nor apocalypse befell Atys. The Taliari decided to lead the caravan through an alternative route in the Prime Roots. We accompanied the caravan and here follows our retelling of the event</onlyinclude>:
==Advertisement: And now--a quick word from our sponsors!==
-- Mad Bodoc Stylin' --
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Tired of the same old? Ready for the hottest new trend? Then try Mad Bodoc Stylin’ clothes and accessories for men!
|caption=The caravan started in Fairhaven and stopped in Fount just as the sun began to set in order to pick up the cargo from the Water Company.}}
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|caption=While the packers were loaded, homins socialized and danced. Here we see Nitrouss showing us some groovy moves.}}
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|caption=And the caravan departs into the Prime Roots...}}
|caption=Mad Bodoc heavy armor is perfect for the discerning tank. Show up at those Outpost battles in your Mad Bodoc HA and send all your enemies fleeing in terror.}}
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|caption=... where it was faced with many perils...}}
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|caption=... and a quick stop for Armkoo barbecue as well.}}
|caption=Parachute Stylin’ is favored by the mad hermits of the Jungle. The girls will fall all over you, guaranteed!}}
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|caption=At last, the caravan emerges in the Scorched Corridor...}}
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|caption=... and makes its way to the Imperial Dunes.}}
|caption=Mad Bodoc Stylin’… cause sometimes Dragons are just Windmills.}}
The water was safely delivered and the Matis troops returned to Yrkanis. However the feeling of political tension still lingers in the air. Is this the beginning of a new age of taxation? Is Tax-Collector going to become the latest occupation? And if it is, will they be free for all red targets? Let's wait and find out.
(Images by Rikutatis and Jayce).
==Issue 17: KP Incoming!!==
Wastelands, the Prime Roots. You're all by yourself, wearing full focus gear and armed with nothing but your trusted Egiros pick. You've been here in this obscure corner for the past two or three hours, back pressed against the cold wall. It's very dark and you keep looking back and forth, anticipating a Kitin attack.
==Volume 2, Issue 06: A Bad Hair Day==
Luck is definitely not by your side - you really need those supreme materials but so far the weather conditions haven't been the correct ones. And then, all of a sudden, the right weather comes! Adrenalin rushes through your body and you run towards the foraging spot. Kneeling down you start the process of harvesting the rare and elusive material.
As reported on our previous issue, the Matis Nobles prepared a diplomatic gift of aromatic flowers for the new Zoraï Awakened of the Witherings as a gesture of peace between both governments. Yrkanis’s Assistant Botanist, lovingly nicknamed AssBot by her peers, was in charge of the collection and storage of the flowers. Maybe the last time she picked up the wrong potion and nearly caused mutant Cratchas to destroy Yrkanis was not totally forgotten by the Matis, but who knows.
But obviously, this is exactly when that nasty Kitin Patrol decides to wander by and catch you by surprise! They jump on you out of the nowhere - you lose your life, the materials you had been digging and this narrow window of opportunity called 'the right weather'.
However this time AssBot did her job well, and all went according to the plan. In this time and age even the Matisian Monarchy is working with third party companies to minimize costs and maximize results. This is Atysian globalization for you as teleport tickets and amber cubes become the norm. As such, the Nobles hired a company specialized in the transport of goods to coordinate the delivery caravan for them.
Ahh, the Kitin Patrol...
In comes the stylish trio hired by the Nobles to handle the job:
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|caption=Surrounded by a Kitin Patrol.}}
|caption=From left to right:<br>Villi Frebi, with hair smooth as silk and a packer full of hair products. He couldn’t seem to find his map though.<br>Bezzo Rosi, party guy extraordinaire. He couldn’t wait for the welcoming party at the end.<br>And finally Cigno Zazzo, the leader of the group and the girl who really wore the pants.}}
If you like to forage, hunt or trek through the Prime Roots, you may have gone through a similar situation. And it is exactly with that in mind that we decided to publish this special issue of the Eye. So without further delay...
'''The 3 Most Effective Ways to Evade Kitin Patrols:'''
A large group of volunteers appeared to escort and guard the caravan through the perilous mazes of the forest, the mind numbing swimming of the lakelands and the dangerous journey through the Prime Roots. It was a light hearted and exciting trek – Villi Frebi was terribly worried the wind or the water would ruin his carefully sculpted haircut, but beauty queen Rahia gave him some insights on how to use irin oil to avoid that bad hair day.
3) Live Bait: You know that annoying homin that just won't leave you alone? He follows you everywhere dragging aggro wherever he goes, he crashes your parties and makes the most obnoxious comments. Yeah, that's the one. Invite him along with you to the Prime Roots. When the Kitin Patrol comes, cast a Root spell on him in order to freeze him in place and run away! The Kirostas will be too busy chewing his limbs to even notice your strategical retreat.
It seems like some flowers rotted along the way though, and the not so fragrant smell attracted all manner of predators, kitins and other nasties, which had to be fought off by the caravan guards.
2) Blend Into the Crowd: The Kitin Patrol can't get what it can't see. When you notice a patrol coming your way, run to the nearest Kitin nest you find! There will be so many Kitins all around you, that the patrol will be hard pressed to spot you. Pretty simple.
Or at least that’s the official story. But the Eye of Tyrancha News and its daring investigative reporters are always on the lookout for the hidden truth behind the official story. Who was the mysterious Yene, a Matis grumpier than even Jayce, who appeared to be opposed to the goals of the caravan and did not hesitate to mock the Zoraï and their ways? Was it really rotting flowers that attracted the hordes of predators? Or is there more to it? Villi Frebi did leave a trail of discarded hair products in his wake… but hey, at least his hair did look fabulous throughout the whole trip.
1) Wear Red: The most effective way to evade Kitin Patrols is by evading the Prime Roots all together. Forget all about the bleak blacks and whites of Prime Roots materials and start wearing red. Not only will you look more cheerful and fashionable, but you'll also avoid those pesky Kitin Patrols.
Despite the many mysteries, the fragrant caravan arrived safely at the Jen Laï Research Center, where the Nobles presented the Awakened with their fragrant gift - minus the rotten flowers. Much merrymaking and celebration ensued. Perhaps a tad too much merrymaking. Aeralin, representative of the Zoraï Awakened, distributed medkits to the wounded guards, who then proceeded to quench their thirst with various drinks. Not a very good combination by any means.
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|caption=Rikutatis proves that red = sexy.}}
Ahh, the Kitin Patrol... star of the underground party. How boring life in the Prime Roots would be without you. Long live the Kitin Patrol!
(Images by Jayce).
Everyone survived though, including all the packers transporting the goods. And the Matis-Zoraï relationship has never been better.
==Issue 16: Who was Dexus Lyron?!==
Finally, we would like to inform our dear readers that the Eye of the Tyrancha News will be closed for a month or so. Our staff of enlightened Zoraï Initiates will embark on a spiritual pilgrimage to a paradisiacal island in Liberty Lakes to contemplate the meaning of life with exotic tropical drinks and scantily dressed trykerettes. Farewell and see you soon!
With the recent boom in Atys’ professional market, the demand for many new occupations to be filled by homins from all walks of life has emerged. Due to this situation, the Kitin’s Lair has seen more homins coming and going than it probably ever has, as they move about to harvest larvae, butcher animals and fight the Kitins.
If you’re one of those homins, you may have noticed in the last few days a forsaken corpse lying right at the entrance of the Lair. Perhaps you even stepped on it in your rush to collect larvae. His name was Dexus Lyron. But who among you have actually stopped to consider who that person was? Where did he come from? What were his dreams, his hopes and his fears? What dire circumstances led him to his death? Why hasn’t anyone claimed his body or resurrected his life seed so far?
==Volume 2, Issue 05: Dressed to Kill==
In short, who was Dexus Lyron?!
It seems like the Matis Nobles have taken an interest in the Witherings. With all the grandiosity that is characteristic of the Matis, they have announced the preparations for a magnificent gift of fragrant flowers to be delivered to the new Zoraï Awakened.
Yrkanis based guild Altaenae di Cherae is the main contributor in the collection of the flowers and maintenance certificates, but the Nobles are also rolling up their sleeves and getting to work. According to our sources, Matis Noble Jayce took a break from his manly job as a fashionable Yrkanis jeweler to pick up the even more manly occupation of Apprentice Florist. The Zoraï’ï are thankful indeed for his noble efforts!
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The flowers will be delivered by caravan. Yes, caravan. Kind of like a water caravan, except this one is a flower caravan. Some think it’s amusing that after all the polemic involving the Matis blockading their borders to prevent the passage of the Tryker-Fyros water caravan, they have now appeared at the Tryker Taliari meeting to request passage for their fragrant convoy.
|caption=Lyron lies dead next to a fellow Ranger.}}
Perhaps even more amusing is the fact that after heated discussions the Trykers finally agreed to grant them permission. Ah, ever the fun and free loving shortlings. It was decided that no one would benefit from this continued tension and impediment of free travel between neighboring nations. And the Matis Nobles did admit their previous decision to blockade their borders was a poor one.
We have conducted a thorough investigation to unveil the mystery behind Dexus Lyron’s past. Dear readers, prepare your hearts for the tale I am about to tell you! For his is a story of love, betrayal and perseverance capable of moving even the most stoic Fyros!
But the interest of the Matis Nobles on Zora and its residents seem to go beyond mere diplomatic relations. At this point I should warn those under legal age to stop reading this rag. Now.
It all started in Maiden Grove, Witherings. Dexus Lyron was a capable hunter. It is said no torbak could escape his precise aim. His only mistake was to fall in love with a beautiful Matis woman from the Hamazans of the Dead Seed tribe. The Hamazans is a tribe composed entirely of female Matis who have a preference so to speak for male Trykers. In fact, before enslavement was forbidden, they even used to own several male Tryker slaves who would work for them both outside and inside their tents. Those slaves have since then been released and moved on to form the Shadow Runners tribe, who now coexist with the Hamazans peacefully in Maiden Grove.
Ok, now that only the adults are left we can continue. Our highly skilled paparazzi caught Matis Noble Marelli out and about in Zora in the dead of night. Using hidden amber spheres to record the shocking images, we can now show the provocative way in which she was dressed:
The Matis woman who drew Lyron’s attention is indeed one of a kind. We will not reveal her name in order to protect her identity, but we can assure you that she is as beautiful as the setting sun and with a smile that can melt the heart of any man! Lyron was stricken with grief when he found out that he was a few dozen centimeters too tall for his beloved’s tastes. He had been rejected!
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|caption=Hamazans of the Dead Seed looking sexy with their weapons.}}
Any homin would have been devastated by such a cruel twist of fate, but not Dexus Lyron! For he had the will of a Vorax! Lyron broke his rifle right then and there and vowed that he would find love again in different lands. And thus he packed his bag and moved to the Grove of Umbra.
In the Grove of Umbra Lyron found work as a caretaker at the Gu-Qin Workshop, an outpost currently owned by the Knights Leviers. This could have been a happy ending, but Fate had different plans for Dexus Lyron! As it turns out, Gu-Qin Workshop has a reputation as a haunted outpost.
Gu-Qin was a Zoraï craftsman who vowed to brave the threat of the Goo but ended up contaminated by the purple plague and eventually lapsed into madness. He disappeared one winter’s night but it is said his demented laughter can still be heard in the jungle.
Apparently these revealing clothes are called ‘Fyros mektoubman dress’ in the streets. Pfft. Kids these days.
While we could not verify the veracity of these rumors, one thing is certain. Living in Gu-Qin Workshop took its toll on poor Dexus Lyron. It is said he became a nervous wreck, afraid of his own shadow and avoiding the darkness as if it was the Goo itself. Eventually, he started to sniff cats – or catalysers – as some form of escape from reality.
Not only that, but lately Marelli has been spending an awful lot of time with Kia Bo-Boo, Zoraï Master Medic. We do wonder what’s going on. To complicate matters, Marelli is at least a decade older than Mr. Bo-Boo. Do you smell a scandal yet? Our paparazzi will be on the lookout for more juicy gossip, so stay tuned!
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|caption=Gu-Qin Workshop, the haunted Outpost. All images by Jayce.}}
|caption=The culprit: Kia Bo-Boo.}}
Now this would have been the end of any other homin, but not Dexus Lyron, no sir! For he had the perseverance of a Yubo in heat! Lyron said farewell to Gu-Qin Workshop, quit cats and departed to carve a living for himself among the Atysian Rangers at Almati Wood. He became a martial artist and was assigned guard duty at the entrance of the Kitin’s Lair.
Now this could have been a prosperous and exciting career, but sadly Lyron’s story was not over yet. As it turns out, Lyron’s health began to deteriorate. Perhaps he was vulnerable to some sort of bacteria found only in the Kitin’s Lair. He could not fight the Kitins as well as he had expected, and often found himself badly wounded as a result. Lyron began to require constant medic attention. Medics from all over Atys would go tend to his wounds. Until one day… the worst happened. Dexus Lyron died in duty.
We are not sure how this happened, but most likely an unwary homin dragged a Terminator Kipucka or something of the sort on him and he could not defend himself. And that was that. To this day Lyron’s corpse still lies at the entrance of the Kitin’s Lair.
Is this the end of Lyron’s saga?! Only time shall tell. However, this article is a tribute to you, Dexus Lyron! May your courage inspire many generations of homins to come! May your love for life spread like wildfire and change this planet forever! Rest in peace, Dexus Lyron. The Eye of the Tyrancha wishes you well.
==Issue 15: New kid on the block==
==Volume 2, Issue 04: Power to the Blue People!, Part II==
It seems like the Marauders have been quite the active bunch of rowdy troublemakers lately (see issues 07 and 14). As if invading the Verdant Heights wasn’t enough, a new Marauder chieftain has shown his face to Atys. He’s known as Dante the Teaser.
Homins from all over Atys gathered in Fairhaven after following strange rumors that a new game was going to be held in Aeden Aqueous. Well, there was a saying in the Old Lands. It went more or less like this: “curiosity killed the yubo”.
The Zoraï Initiates have recently decided to organize themselves and petition the creation of a more participative government in the Witherings (see Volume 2, Issue 01 for more on this). After the loud silent protest organized by the Zoraï Coalition, Zora authorities agreed to meet with the Initiates to explain to the protesters that a participative government had always been in place in the Witherings. The Sages were just waiting for the time of Awakening, the moment when the Initiates were ready to take the next step towards Enlightenment.
It turns out that this “game” was planned and set up by Dante the Teaser. As a Tryker, he was probably trying to overcome his inferiority complex with a grand entrance. While I could not attend this event myself, the Eye of the Tyrancha had a faithful correspondent there to report the happenings – none other than the much enthusiastic and always optimistic Jayce!
And what an Awakening it was, dear readers! Several Zoraï Initiates, both young and seasoned, embarked on a spiritual journey through the Witherings as they learned about the various Circles and Mysteries from Zoraï Sages and Guards from the Guild of Cho.
As it turns out, Dante the Teaser decided to, well… be a tease. He had homins following him all over Atys as he teleported from place to place, sending hordes of Marauders to fight them along the way. In the end, our brave heroes were finally able to catch up with Dante. They fought and defeated him, but he was able to escape.
Dante’s current whereabouts are unknown, but it’s obvious a new villain has appeared on Atys. Even more worrying was the fact that Dante appeared to be teleporting freely around Atys. As far as we knew, only the Karavan and the Kamis possessed the technology of teleportation. Once again the Marauders surprise us.
Who is Dante? What are his goals? Where is he now? And of course, the question that lingers in the minds of all homins… can we steal Dante’s fashionable light armor?
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|caption=Dante the Teaser.}}
|caption=A moment of contemplation and learning by Still Waters.}}
(Image by Jayce)
==Issue 14: Lessons learned the hard way==
Just as the chill of winter began to settle in the Verdant Heights, homeland of the Matis, wicked creatures stirred in the darkness. Infected and mutated by the Goo, hordes of hateful Gibbaï crawled out of the depths of Upper Bog and Herectic’s Hovel and began to make their way to Majestic Garden. But perhaps even more worrisome was the fact that Goo infected mounds began to sprout all over the Forest in the wake of the Gibbaï march.
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Knights of Jen Lai, Inflatable Friends and Atys Souls - All of these Zoraï guilds were in attendance. But it seems like there were more homins scurrying across the Jungle that day! Every now and again one could notice milky white shadows moving in the distance. Some of us had the feeling we were being watched by a hidden presence.
|caption=Goo infected Gibbaï.}}
Some believe these hidden watchers were ancestral spirits of Nature that were stirred by the Awakening. Others swear that they saw a bald and grumpy looking Matis Noble watching them from afar, which would imply the Nobles were spying on the Zoraï'ï. Perhaps the Matis want to know which way this new Zoraï government is headed? Or maybe some of them grew tired of their hedonistic ways and decided to finally look for Wisdom and Enlightenment. We cannot be sure. One more of Atys' mysteries.
Researchers and concerned homins promptly began to investigate the matter. The most thorough investigation was started by Bitttymacod, and soon many other homins began to contribute to and expand his findings. It was soon revealed that Marauders and Darkening Sap members had established several camps in the Verdant Heights, along the path followed by the Gibbaï. They were attacking anyone who approached their camps. While the Marauders are known enemies of the civilized races (see Issue 07 for more on them), the Darkening Sap are traditionally known as allies of the Matis. I guess becoming friends with fanatic madmen bent on studying the most dangerous substance on Atys has its downside. Some lessons must be learned the hard way. I won’t even say "I told you so".
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|caption=Homins study one of the Goo mounds.}}
|caption=Zoraï Sage Sorrow imparts words of wisdom to the Initiates. They contemplate the meaning of being one with the Planet and Ma-Duk while hiding from torbaks in the water.}}
Indeed, some lessons must be learned the hard way. And it would appear that the Matis had finally learned theirs. After their so called cutting edge research on botanics (read: dubious and shady science) was responsible for the complete destruction of an entire city (does anyone remember Silan?) and nearly caused a catastrophe within Yrkanis itself after a failed experiment with intelligent plants, it would seem that the Matis had finally gained some senses.
After exercising some of that Zoraï zen patience and walking (not running, walking) across all of Cities of Intuition and Maiden Grove, the wise Zoraï Initiates finally remembered that they had running at their disposal as well, as a valid method of travel. So in the last leg of their spiritual journey the Initiates ran to meet with the mysterious sages Sorrow and Season.
Zaero Stachini, Royal Anthropologist and the homin in charge of the official investigation, made the sensible decision to fight and eradicate the Goo infected mounds and Gibbaïs, instead of starting a research program or some such nonsense. The investigation revealed that the Marauders were indeed behind the invasion, apparently bent on taking over the entirety of the Verdant Heights with the help of the Darkening Sap. The Goo mounds were artificially created by their forbidden technology.
In a climax worthy of Drakfot's beautiful stories the Zoraï'ï met with Grand Sage Mabreka Cho in a holy site deep in the Jungle. Aeralin, initially confused with a very short and pale Zoraï, but later on revealed to be a Tryker, was deemed ready for Awakening. In a tear jerking ceremony she was Awakened and entrusted with the task of guiding the other Initiates. The Zoraï Circles will now begin to meet regularly in order to discuss the business of governing the Witherings. Both Awakened and Initiates will participate and collaborate in these meetings. In short, power to the Blue People!
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|caption=Homins gather in Yrkanis to discuss the matter.}}
|caption=The Awakening of a Zoraï Initiate.}}
The investigators were able to discover the recipe for a potion that could counter the effects of the artificially created Goo. Zaero Stachini urged all homins to go out and collect the needed ingredients to create the potions. Marelli, on the other hand, vengeful little Matis that she is, decided that she’d rather collect the ears of the traitorous Darkening Sap instead. And that was the end of the first Darkening Sap encampment.
Once all the potions had been gathered, Karavaneers and Kamists put their differences aside in a way that would make even Elias Tryton proud and set out to fight the common enemy. Of course everyone’s favorite tabloid could not miss such an event of epic proportions! At that point the hateful Gibbaï were almost upon the capital.
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|caption=Homins march against the hateful Gibbaï.}}
==Volume 2, Issue 03: It’s sad saying goodbye==
The situation began to look really grim after we ran out of potions and launched two failed attacks against the Marauder camps. But desperation is the friend of success – after regrouping and organizing ourselves we were finally able to storm the Marauder and Darkening Sap camps, one by one, collecting the potions we needed to eradicate the remaining Goo infections from the Verdant Heights. A very productive day of Gibbaï slaying was had by all.
Someone recently found an exhausted Fyros woman in front of the Pyr bar. She wasn’t wearing many clothes at all, and kept mumbling something about a giant flying Frahar. Many folks were quick to blame Fyrosfreddy, claiming he was guilty of exhausting that poor woman. Well, now we know that was nothing but idle gossip. Poor Freddy. Fact is, that giant Frahar truly does exist. And he is indeed gigantic.
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|caption=A carpet of dead Gibbaï, such a beautiful sight!}}
The invasion was successfully repelled, but many questions remain… is the Matis government going to act against their former allies, the Darkening Sap? Are the Marauders the new Goo Heads? Are Nung and the Black Circle involved with any of this (they always are!)?
Perhaps more importantly, when is everyone finally going to learn their lessons, start listening to the all wise Zoraï and stop meddling with the Goo once and for all?! Zaero Stachini publicly claimed that she was inspired to start research in this field of study… I mean, seriously?! I guess sometimes lessons aren’t learned even in the hard way.
That little bugger’s name is Pratarr and he was the cause behind the disturbances in the bark observed by the Barkers tribe. The latest investigations led the Akenak and their allies to the epicenter of the disturbances, in the heart of the Flaming Forest.
(Images by Jayce and Rikutatis).
==Issue 13: Free Mektoubs==
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Every now and again there comes a homin with the desire to make a difference, to turn the world into a better place for all living creatures. One such homin is Dippie and hers is the cry: Free Mektoubs!
Mektoubs are used as mounts and pack animals and it is not uncommon to see them subjected to all sorts of poor living and working conditions. Just as an example, the Eye of the Tyrancha caught hardcore forager Rahia trekking her packers in the middle of a nasty thunderstorm. Her excuse? She needed to catch the right weather. Well, enough is enough! We witnessed how miserable and terrified those mekies looked in that thunderstorm. Here's proof:
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The Eye of the Tyrancha is a tabloid ahead of its time, and we already reported breaking news on Pratarr and his origins (see our last issue for more on him). While everyone was tense and fearing a battle of epic proportions, it turns out the big guy was all bark and no bite.
Pratarr was indeed the leader of the combined Frahar/Fraider Army terrorizing the Burning Desert, but he turned out to be just a hurt little orphan seeking revenge on hominkind for the death of his family.
We have decided to contribute with Dippie's Free Mektoubs organization by putting together a naked protest in the Void. We found several mektoub packers all bunched up in a forsaken corner, suffering under the terrible noon sun with no water in sight. And that's where our noble - and naked - protest took place. Throughout the Void homins could hear our cries: Free Mektoubs!
Pratarr’s story touched the hearts of assembled homins. Binarabi even offered him a bite of her yubo sandwich, although the big guy wasn’t hungry at the time. He had probably eaten too many homins in Flaming Forest already, the savage.
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We'd like to thank the following protesters:
*Awryn, Tea Lady.
*Rahia - maybe she felt guilty after the thunderstorm incident?
*Dippie, owner of Free Mektoubs.
*Rikutatis, Eye of the Tyrancha's owner.
*Aeralin, Global Chef.
*Sharonie, fashionable Matis. We all love her.
*Sweetmarie - who was initially shy with the whole naked business but eventually decided to undress. Naked brawl for the win.
Images by: Jayce and Rikutatis.
==Issue 12: A Fyros Wedding==
Pyr was the stage for a magnificent wedding between Xadyn Kosto Ma-Seng and Lovemenot Xa Krinn. Homins from all over Atys came to celebrate their union. It was a traditional Fyros ceremony, held at the Agora after nightfall.
After the ceremony the newlywed couple along with their guests went to Lydix Deps' bar for the party. Xadyn and Lovemenot could not stay for too long, as they had a honeymoon trip planned to Dew Drops in the Lakelands. But Liliang kept the party going, buying round after round of drinks for everyone.
Your intrepid reporter lost count of how many rounds Liliang ordered after the 17th, but needless to say things got quite interesting after a while. Rahia started recruiting new volunteers for her male harem (although I know nothing else about that!), while Liliang attracted a lot attention - and earned quite a few dappers - with her table top dance. Perhaps the fact that she was wearing Zoraï light armor at the time helped.
The night ended when Goofymonkey stumbled out of the bar mumbling something about how she had to go find Dai-Den and put him back in the guild hall. There have been no reports of Goofy's whereabouts since then.
If you'd like to have your wedding planned and organized by Liliang, she can be contacted through Izam courier at: 1800 /tell Lili.
Once again, congratulations to the newlywed couple!
In the end, the Akenak decided to negotiate a peaceful resolution with Pratarr. And this peaceful resolution involved slaughtering an entire group of the notorious bandits known as Underground Slicers, the real culprits behind Pratarr’s family’s death.
==Issue 11: Girl Fight==
Pratarr was pleased with the carnage and the skulls that were delivered to him and agreed to go back home with his army. The Akenak successfully dealt with the invasion and all is well in the Burning Desert now. The stench left behind by Frahar droppings will probably linger in the air a while longer though, at least until the next rain season.
A group of homins gathered in Pyr in order to help the Akenak solve the mystery of the potholes on the imperial roads.
Kaixe Mekops led the investigators to the potholes and afterwards to her mother's camp at the Leviers. The story behind the Fyrosian roads was unveiled then.
==Volume 2, Issue 02: Bad Fraiderrr==
When Pyr was being built, the Barkers tribe and the Burning Faces were the ones who helped with the construction efforts. They pressured the Empire to open new Mines in the Desert and the Prime Roots in order to harvest more materials and continue the construction of Pyr.
If you think of the Fyros as a race composed mostly of warriors you had better think again. The Pyr scholars have managed to unveil the mystery behind the rapid rise in Frahar population.
However the Burning Faces also had their own hidden agenda. They wanted to find the origin of Fire in order to destroy it - the Great Dragon.
Apparently there was an overabundance of material resources in Oflovak’s Oasis and its immediate surroundings, which affected the water in the region and triggered the abnormal proliferation of Frahar. This is what the desert dwellers get for digging only around Dyron and the Flaming Forest! Gone are the days in which Kami Tolerance was the only thing foragers had to worry about.
The Karavan was angered when the Fyros began to dig too deep, but the Kami decided to help them. We all know what happened then, as the Dragon's Fire was released and caused much destruction on Atys.
An expedition was organized by the Akenak in conjunction with the Barkers tribe to diminish this excessive concentration of resources in Oflovak’s Oasis and Frahar Towers. Foragers of all levels and walks of life got together to dig to their hearts content. The usually yellowish sand of the Burning Desert turned green with all the material sources popped to the surface. Perhaps a Karavan vessel flying through outer space that day would have been able to see the glowing green dots scattered all over Frahar Towers.
At this point you might be asking yourself where are the girls, when they're going to fight and what ancient history has to do with all this, but I urge you to keep reading.
After the Dragon incident, the Fyros were very low on resources. The Burning Faces asked the Kami for help, which they received in the form of the first Tree Bores brought to the Desert in order to extract the materials from the Outposts.
At any rate, the Barkers ended up angering the Kami with their harvesting practices. They disapproved the Empire's decision to distance itself from the Karavan and side with the Kami, and decided to make their own alliance with the Karavan.
When Pyr was finished, the Burning Faces received all the honors and the Barkers' work was not properly recognized. This caused much resentment and tension. However they kept on working for the Empire, harvesting resources from their base camp at Sawdust Mines.
From their dealings with the Karavan, the Barkers learned new technologies, which they used to benefit the Fyros Empire - namely the construction of the great Furnace and of the imperial roads.
And it was to the Barkers camp that the investigators decided to go, in order to ask them for the wood needed to repair the roads. On their way there they came upon a suspicious man with a pick digging a brand new pothole on the road! The culprit was caught on the act!
His name was Ambyx and he tried to deny his guilt despite all the evidence against him. Even after being kicked in the shin a couple times by Akenak member Liliang, he still refused to talk.
Akenak Khandoma had him taken with the group to the Barkers camp, where she asked the tribe chief for their help to repair the roads. Pebus Ibiraan, Barkers Chief, agreed to help with the repairs as long as Ambyx was punished for his deeds. Khandoma accepted the terms and the prisoner was taken back to Pyr.
It seemed like the end of a successful investigation led by the Akenak. Khandoma offered to buy a round of drinks for all the gathered homins. And that was when Sweetmarie appeared, blades in hand, and proceeded to spank Marelli over some faction feud.
The Akenak were torn on the issue. Khandoma asked the women to stop brawling inside Pyr, to no avail. Vinnie, on the other hand, seemed quite content to watch the girl fight. There are reports of a wide grin on his face.
==Special Report: WANTED! Dead and in Pieces...==
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Tutors Overseer Pei-Jeng Zhao was on his way to Fustylake for his monthly bath when he was cowardly assaulted by a marauding Gibbai. Luckily Pei-Jeng survived the attack, but he was severely injured and will not be able to leave his tent for a while. Tutors Tribe Chief Arkus Xalon is very distressed by the matter, especially because it'll be another month before Pei-Jeng bathes.
The Tutors are staunch allies of the Zoraï, and the Eye of the Tyrancha cannot sit idle while Gibbai threaten the Witherings.
The expedition was a success and the level of resources in the area went back to normal. While the Frahar won’t be able to multiply like they had been any longer, the ones that are already there won’t simply vanish. It’ll take some prodding, pushing, slashing and stabbing for them to leave once and for all.
According to Zoraï tradition, killing a Gibbai brings bad luck and is considered taboo. Well, that was then! It is time to change this practice. Unlike the peaceful and friendly Gibads, the Gibbai are evil, vicious and stupid. Some folks say they're the ancestors of the Zoraï race, but I doubt that is the case. Distant cousins at best. The annoying kind that always seem to crash the party.
But it seems like there’s yet another layer to this story. As already reported elsewhere, the Akenak had learned from the Fraiders tribe that the Frahar were been using stolen Fraider tools to build their alien totems in Frahar Towers.
At the Eye's request Karavan Follower Jayce agreed to interrogate Jinbai in order to find out the whereabouts of the missing culprit. Unfortunaly Jinbai didn't have much to say and we were forced to put him down.
Well, according to the Akenak, they have recently discovered that the Frahar seem to have an unusual chieftain leading them. A renegade and evil Fraider called Pratarr, who wishes nothing but harm to homins. The Fraiders have told the Akenak that perhaps by killing enough of the organized Frahars and destroying their totems, Pratarr might emerge from the underground tunnels where he dwells.
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|caption=Jayce interrogates Jinbaï.}}
|caption=Conversing with the Fraiders.}}
Jayce appeared to be somewhat hesitant to fight the Gibbais in this manner. In his own words: "they're quite cute really, if you get up close - all fuzzy with whiskers". Well, shame on you Jayce! Your Matisian ancestors had more moral fiber when they decided to completely obliterate the Momo, the supposed ancestor race of the Matis.
At the time of writing (using the finest Yrkanis Scrollmaker parchments, nonetheless!) two massive Frahar spawns have already been exterminated near northern Oflovak’s Oasis, and three totems were destroyed. The Akenak is requesting the help of all homins to help rid the Desert of the remaining Frahars. Who knows, you might even get to meet Pratarr for a cup of tea.
It is time to hunt those Gibbai! The Eye of the Tyrancha offers the astounding sum of 200 dappers for each Gibbai head you bring to our headquarters - the body is optional.
==Volume 2, Issue 01: Power to the Blue People!==
Zoraï haters out there better beware. The sad days when only a couple of Zoraï Initiates could be found in the Witherings are long gone. Our power is growing exponentially and we are back with a vengeance. There are now practically a handful of us.
Rikutatis, Gibbai Hunter Extraordinaire.
==Issue 10: Swimming Pirates==
Cuiccio Perinia, the renowned Matisian botanic and historian, led an informative botanical excursion through Aeden Aqueous. A small but dedicated group of homins gathered at the Fairhaven stables to hear what he had to say about the unique flora of the Lakelands.
The excursion covered both land and aquatic plants - sadly, no on remembered to take their swim suits with them, so we had a bunch of homins swimming in their clothes and armor. All the boots were filled with water. Inifuss would surely have laughed at the situation had she been there.
If you were in Zora this past night, chances are you heard our silent protest in front of the Zora Temple. That’s how loud our silent sit in was. Zoraï Initiates and Zora residents, along with their friends and allies, gathered around Temple Hall District to petition the creation of a more participative government in the Witherings – something akin to the Akenak, the Taliari or the Chamber of Nobles.
Among the plants covered was the beloved Flyner, a symbol of the Lakelands. Its leaf rises, lighter than air, kept by the root hung on the bark. Contrary to popular belief, the stem does not support the leaf, but rather keeps it from flying away. The Flyner has little taste and no nutrition value. Yet the Trykers still like to come up with all sorts of recipes that use it as an ingredient. I guess that says something about Tryker cuisine.
Cuiccio's favorite is an aquatic plant called Sailgrass. Its long blades function as sails and as the wind blows it is transported across the waters. Sailgrass is important for the production of nutrients for marine life. It does make one wonder... could a Tryker be able to use a big Sailgrass as a means of transportation through the water? Two or three trykers could stand on top of it and try to use its blades as sails in order to travel in the direction of the wind. Imagine if the Liberty Pirates or the Corsairs actually sailed through the lakes instead of swimming! Sailing pirates. What an alien idea.
The excursion did not go without its share of incidents. Cuiccio showed us the Trumpeter, a sticky plant that draws its sustenance from insects that get stuck on it and lie there rotting. Needless to say it has a very bad smell. Cuiccio had just told us that there were no reports of any homin ever eating one when Soranno decided to take a bite. The poor homin reported not feeling too well for the remainder of the trip.
At the end of the excursion questions were asked and answered. The issue of Darkmoor's flora was raised - what appear to be Goo infected stingas have appeared in that region recently. Which is rather strange, considering the Goo had never been found outside of the Jungle before. This only goes to confirm Nung's theory that indiscriminate magic use is causing the Goo to spread (see Issue 05 for more on this). You heard it first from the Eye of the Tyrancha! Stop using those double spells before it's too late!
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|caption=Image submitted by Jayce.}}
|caption=Silent protesters in front of Zora Temple.}}
==Issue 09: Who let the Kipuckas out?!==
World renowned Chef Aeralin has graciously accepted to share one of her praised cook recipes with the Eye of the Tyrancha.
She calls this exotic dish 'Almati Stew' and we followed her to the heart of the infamous Kitin's Lair as she collected all the needed ingredients.
The following Zoraï aligned and Zora based guilds participated in the event: Inflatable Friends, Monks of Polonius, Atys Souls and Whispers of Aria. Our friends Fluffy Bunnies were also present. Moreover, the following government representatives showed up to support our cause: Kilgoretrout from the Taliari and Marelli from Matis Nobles.
With you... Trykerette Aeralin!
We interviewed Vang Cai-Ci, Zora’s Female Tattooer, to learn more about how the general population is reacting to these protests:
Almati Stew<br/>
Eye: Vang Cai-Ci kito, what do you think about the idea of a participative government in Zora?
prep time 6-8 hours<br/>
serves 4
*3 q210 Terminator Kipucka Rostrum
Vang: This is a theocracy, son. If you want a democracy, you can try Liberty Lakes. Moreover who do you suggest should represent us? I see Zoraï’ï who embraced the misguided Karavan, I see trykerettes all over the place, I see a bunch of naked people dancing in front of the stables, but I hardly ever see a respectful Zoraï Kami Disciple in your midst.
*2 q227 Kiban Mandible
*4 q239 Kipesta Tail
*1 q160 Ploderos Skin
*4 q89 Bodok Steaks
*6 q238 Kipee Flesh
*8 q213 Yelk Mushrooms
*4 portions of Kitin Egg
*1/2 cupfull of Stinga Rum
*1 fial of q250 Excellent Irin Oil
*6 bowlfulls of water from Musemere Lake
Eye: This is the point of a participative government, Vang Cai-Ci kito. Everyone should have a voice. However we understand this is a theocracy, it’s only natural that kamists would have more benefits and freedoms. By the way, what kind of respectful Zoraï Kami Disciple charges over 110 million dappers for a tattoo, I wonder?
If you want an omelet, you must be willing to break a few eggs. And that's what Aeralin does as she raids the Prime Egg Room in order to collect some fresh Kitin eggs.
Vang: Is this interview about the Coalition’s petition or tattoo prices?
Unfortunaly Moma Kipucka was not too happy with Aeralin.  
As you can see dear readers, there’s been some controversy.
But on we go!
What we do know is that the Zoraï Initiates are clamoring for a participative government – add your voice to this noble cause so that our silence is heard across the Witherings! Say no to 110 million dappers tattoos! Erm… I mean, say yes to a participative government in Zora!
Chef Aeralin explains that the Bodocs from the Cattle Room are rather yummy.
And the Kitins also seem to think that Aeralin is quite yummy herself.
But at any rate, once you've collected all the ingredients, you're ready to prepare the stew:
# Boil water, Rostrum, Mandible, and Tail over a hot fire for 2 1/2 hours, to make a broth.
# Remove Rostrum, Mandible, and Tail.
# Scramble Kitin Eggs and drip drops of Egg into boiling broth.
# Remove egg drops from broth, set aside and remove broth from heat.
# Cut Ploderos Skin into thin strips.
# Heat 2 spoonfuls of Irin Oil until Oil begins to smoke. Add stips ofSkin and cook until completely crisp.
# Remove Skin from pan.
# Cut Flesh, Steaks and Mushrooms into large cubes. Add all to pan andbrown.
# When brown, add 4 1/2 bowlfulls of broth and Stinga Rum and move pot to the edge of the fire. Bubble for 4-6 hours until meat and mushrooms are tender and broth has reduced and thickened.
# Add in egg drops. Stir and bubble until egg drops are warmed through. Spoon stew into bowls and top with crunchy skins.
# Serve and Enjoy!
Yum! Any takers?
==Issue 08: Mystique==
Min-Cho was the stage for the 42nd Mystics Annual Convention. A group of friendly Zoraï fortunetellers and assorted esoterics gathered for this highly anticipated event. There was good food - kincher pie was a winner, as well as much merrymaking and a variety of drinks. Well... perhaps a few too many drinks for some.
Iotis Mixius literally stumbled in, reciting poetry with a voice worthy of a Cute with the flu. In between chatting with fences and dozing off, he told the gathered homins that the mysterious encoded list found in a previous investigation was actually his. A list of ingredients to be more precise. Moreover, he was missing his precious "eight", whatever that meant. The good hearted homins decided to help old Mixius find his "eight" and, needless to say, crazy fun was had by all - or most.
The treasure hunt took homins across the Jungle and many incidents involving the tribes were reported - Troublemaker Marelli told an Antikami that a Black Circle member badmouthed his precious Goo and that caused vicious tribal warfare between both groups. Farther north in the Void the Goo grapplers camp was completely obliterated by an unknown culprit. Giant gingos were seen all over the place, and more than a few homins were forced to run for their lives - some without much success as Nerriah can attest.
In the end the giant gingos were defeated and Mixius' "eight" parts of his secret family recipe were found. The best bale recipe in the Witherings!
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|caption=Looking forward to the 43rd Mystics Annual Convention!
==Issue 07: Something wicked this way comes==
A long time ago a group of homins known as the Marauders settled in the Abyss of Ichor, amidst great kirostas, kinchers and other baddies. And that was the end of the neighborhood.
The Marauders are a rowdy bunch, calling them bandits would be an understatement. They claim to be the descendants of those homins who were left behind in the Old Lands during the Great Swarming. They could not escape to the Prime Roots like the others and had to fend for themselves. And they appear to be very resentful indeed for that fact.
The Marauders are shrouded in mystery - it is said that they possess strange and alien technology not known by the other homin civilizations. A Marauder prisoner once mentioned a material called Matoxia, something that supposedly exists in the New Lands unbeknownst to the other homins. Extremely powerful members of this group, known as Marauder "bosses", have been hunted by Kamists and Karavaneers alike, who seek to steal special plans and crystals they possess in order to craft unique armors not seen anywhere else.
While some people complain that the population on Atys has been dwindling, one thing is certain: Marauder armor has drawn entire armies of homins together for a common goal. Let's just say that if the Thesos bar was as popular, the Lakelands would run out of stingas for the brewing of beer and rum.
The latest homin to complete an entire set of Marauder armor plans and become a full-fledged crafter of these armors was the kamist Sarifina, from Temporary Insanity. Sarifina explains that the crafting process resembles that of outpost items somewhat. Materials from any land or creature can be used, which gives the crafter a lot more freedom. In addition, the special crystals owned by the Marauder bosses are also necessary.
What are the Marauders up to? Something wicked this way comes! They were last seen along with a pack of giant gingos attacking the homins who were escorting Kini Fo-Mio and Be'caun keepy to Virginia Falls (see issue 04 of the Eye for more on this). Is this a world wide conspiracy? Are the Marauders related to Nung Horongi somehow? And perhaps more importantly, where can I find some Matoxia?! Stay tuned for more!
==Issue 06: Jungle Fever==
Do not listen to all the haters and naysayers who keep insisting the Jungle is dead. That's just Matis intrigue. The Witherings, homeland of the Zoraï, is alive and kicking!
If you're tired of sand in your boots or dealing with wet hair all day long, perhaps you should consider moving to the Jungle yourself! And here are three reasons why the Jungle is the best homebase you'll ever find:
1) Companionship: We have it all. Weekly Najab parties at the Tutors camp (in which najab skins are freely distributed for the purposes of communing with Ma-Duk or Jena, depending on your preferences), a mysterious Zoraï wiseman who is known to send Jungle lovers into all sorts of fun secret missions (here's a tip: he wears goofy white pants and makes the best sap boosted pikes this side of the Bark) as well as a new guild of young Zoraï dedicated to promote more activity in the Witherings. They're known as the Atysian Phoenix.
2) New ways to relax: We all know the life of a forager can be very stressful - waiting for the right weather to come, sometimes for several hours, running from Kitin patrols and other nasties while wearing focus gear, as well as dealing with all sorts of poisonous gasses and dangerous explosions. Well, in the Jungle we have a brand new way to diminish stress! It's an activity called Heavy Artillery Yubo Hunting. It basically consists of grabbing the biggest launcher you can acquire and merrily going about blowing up all yubos that happen to cross your path. Sweet revenge for all those pants you had to wash due to yubo urine.
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|caption=Sharonie, a closet-Jungle lover, engaged in Heavy Artillery Yubo Hunting.
3) Sports: While Zoraï are known as scholars and magicians, we are also very active and creative when it comes to sports. The latest Jungle hit is known as Kirosta Race. It is often practiced by outnumbered trekkers going through the Great Outback ramp. The athlete races against Kirostas and hopes that his invulnerability aura will last. If you win, you get to avoid death penalty. If the Kirostas win, they get a free dinner.
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|caption=Owagwyn, another closet-Jungle lover, racing with Kirostas. If you'd like to watch a video of Owag's Kirosta race, go to: [http://bit.ly/c7m1Vr http://bit.ly/c7m1Vr]
(Images and video submitted by Jayce)
==Issue 05: Nung Horongi: A misunderstood genius?==
It comes as a surprise to me that there aren't more homins discussing the provocative revelations of Nung Horongi's amber cube. Or, if they are, these discussions have all been private. Perhaps the fact that Mr. Horongi was known as a traitor and a wanted criminal has something to do with this - I guess murder and extortion can generate some suspicion. It could very well be that he has planned this all along and his amber cube was forged just to create confusion and dissent among honest atysians.
But is the possibility that there's some truth in what he recorded on that cube even being considered? Because if his statements are even remotely truthful, then these are shocking revelations indeed! It would mean that the corrupt Goo, the thing that the Kamis strive to fight, was actually caused by the very essence of the Kamis themselves - their magic. If you want to get philosophical, the Kamis are fighting the repercussions of their own existence.
There are rumors that Nung was actually a Trytonite, trying to stir trouble among the factions. An old and blind Zoraï woman I met at the Thesos bar went as far as claiming that he was Elias Tryton himself, returned to punish those who did him harm - I did have to buy her a shot of stinga rum for that information though.
And then, what about the Zoraï Initiates (all two of them)? The Zoraï are sworn to fight the Goo and protect the Kami. I see a moral choice there. In order to fight the Goo, they'd need to eradicate Kami magic. Can you imagine life on Atys without magic? No more healing. Relying solely on your mudane weapons when trekking or fighting bosses.
Sounds hard? Well, the other option is allowing the Goo to eventually take over all of Atys. Although purple is my favorite color, a little bit of green here and there does complement it nicely.
Moreover, Nung also mentions an alternative source for fueling magic. While he didn't give the specifics of it, he said that when Muang did not use his own energy reserves to manipulate magical forces the Goo was not corrupted. Does anyone know anything about this? I hear rumors that new and spiffy powers are about to be unveiled in Atys, along with new challenges - could this be related at all?
As a concerned atysian, all this writer can do is suggest all readers to go green! Save sap and vital energy, avoid those double spells! Work out and train your melee, do not rely on elemental magic to punish those critters all the time. If you follow these simple steps, future generations of homins can inherit a healthy and green Atys!
==Issue 04: The groom and the step stool==
An investigation was conducted by Chan Ji-Cian to find the missing Zoraï female, Kini Fo-Mio. Kini's parents, as well as her fiance - a successful Zoraï businessman, were terribly concerned about her disappearance. Homins of all races and lands gathered at Jen-Laï to help with the investigations and Zoraï Initiate Ghuiss was chosen to lead the group. Grundelwolf guided the expedition through Knot of Dementia and into the desert as the group followed the tracks of Kini's mektoub.
The brave homins were faced with many perils during their journey, including ambushes by large groups of marauders and giant gingos, but with Ghuiss' superb leadership they were able to prevail. Wise Ghuiss was seen wielding his trusty crafting tool throughout the entire trek, even during the most fierce battles. Unfortunaly he was unable to finish the pair of gloves he was making. Perhaps he had had a few too many stinga beers.
At last Kini Fo-Mio was found in Scorched Corridor, held as a hostage by the Tunnel Hounders. And with her was none less than Be'caun keepy, Tryker seducer extraordinaire and her secret lover! Once the scandalous affair was unveiled, the couple begged their rescuers to let them follow through with their plans to elope and get married at Virginia Falls.
The soft hearted homins agreed to escort the couple to the Falls. Ghuiss, a Zoraï of many skills, performed his newfound duties as a priest and got them married. Aeralin was the bride's witness and Stitch the groom's. The newly wed couple received many generous gifts from their new friends, including a magnificent step stool for the groom.
{{:Eye of the Tyrancha News/Image
|caption=Wedding at Virginia Falls. Image submitted by Jayce.
==Issue 03: On Meowmeows==
The addiction to the stimulant known as experience catalyzer - or cats, as they're known in street lingo - continues to run rampant across Atys. The Daily Yubo was one of the first news publications to denounce the traffic and consumption of the substance in Yrkanis. Since then their use became much more widespread and accepted as the norm.
Sages claim that some inoffensive species such as the ploderos and the cratcha may actually go extinct if homins keep using cats and going on killing orgies. Mothers everywhere lock their children inside their homes when guild officers stroll by offering free cats (if you ever wondered why you never see children around, now you know the truth).
One of the saddest episodes involving the use of cats actually took place on Yrkanis. A group of troublemakers, all hyped up on cats, decided to forcefully shove an entire stack down Bubbles' throat. Bubbles, Yrkanis' yubo mascott, went missing for several days thereafter. He was finally found in Fleeting Garden leading a pack of gingos after having eaten the previous alpha male.
The more traditionalist homins refuse to ingest the substance before training. To them, foraging and crafting for ten years before they can make their first pair of medium quality boots is a source of both pride and joy.
The situation is dire, dear readers. I will keep you updated on future developments, but if you'll excuse me now, I have a shipment of green meows waiting for me in Thesos.
{{:Eye of the Tyrancha News/Image
|caption=Contributor Jayce caught Nerriah in the midst of a shady transaction, staggering after her first fix of the day!
==Issue 02: The end of the KCA==
It would appear that this is the end of the Kami Community Alliance. Most of its member guilds have left, one by one, over the past few days. While it lasted the Alliance has done much to strengthen and establish Kami presence on Atys.
One of the Alliance's founders stated that the member guilds had too many different views and they were not a like-minded group anymore.
While this is a sad day for many Kamists, it is still unknown how the Karavaneers will react to the news as a group. However it is said that an entire shipment of fine Avendale dandelion wine was sent to Cicho Trivaldo's bar on Yrkanis and the neighbors were complaining about loud music all night long.
Whether this will have any impact on the current superiority of Kamists on outpost battles remains to be seen. However, many homins are already nervously talking about impending wars on the horizon.
When asked to comment on the rumors of upcoming battles, Hearts of Thunder guild leader Sweetmarie had the following declaration to make, "Rawr!"
While Karavaneers celebrate, Kamists are still occupying Fairhaven. They are currently planning to build a Kami temple in the city. Are the Trykers going back to the ways of Ma-Duk? Only time shall tell.
==Issue 01: Scandal in the Desert!==
Southend Dune Farm Outpost was attacked and seized by Kami guild Temporary Insanity. The previous owner was Exodus Syndicate, another Kami guild. Your intrepid reporter went to Savage Dunes in order to cover the event - after absent-mindedly zapping a Slayer Frahar by mistake and being saved by the staunch Marelli!
The Attackers: Temporary Insanity states that what they did was take an outpost away from the hands of an old inactive guild in order to make it more useful to the younger and more active generations of homins. Rumors that it will be handed over to another, more active Kami guild are spreading.
The Defenders: An unlikely alliance was formed to fight the attackers, including both Kami and Karavan guilds. Kamists were there because they felt outraged TI was attacking another member of the Kami Alliance unprovoked, while Karaveneers went to combat their enemies. There were rumors that TI interfered with previously established agreements of a handover between ES and another guild.
This war raises relevant moral questions: Do inactive one-homin guilds need so many cats and flowers? Would asking nicely have worked? Is this the beginning of a Kami civil war? Is Marelli really a nice person? Stay tuned for more!
[[Category:Eye of the Tyrancha News]]

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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2023-07-31)

'Eye of the Tyrancha' is the latest news pamphlet being distributed on all the major capitals and towns on Atys. It uses the finest materials that a novice forager can gather in its creation - just be sure to keep it away from water, sand, dust, dampness and strong winds and your copy should last quite a few hours!

The news agency itself is based in Zora and the owner gives his word that this will likely be the most biased, misinformed and incomplete news coverage you'll ever come across! It is all written from the perspective of a newly arrived refugee from Silan. Read at your own risk.

If you have any news worthy event to report (outpost battles, official or player events or just general craziness) please contact Rikutatis in Zora by Izam courier.

'Eye of the Tyrancha' is a tribute to the old Nexus News as well as to Sxarlet, the most charming trykerette to ever grace Atys News Channel 01!


Rikutatis, Gibbai Hunter Extraordinaire and part-time Atysian Reporter.

Latest Article

Final Issue: Interview with the Dragon

As the legend goes, deep in the bowels of Atys there lives a Dragon. A beast of cold and darkness, enslaver of hominkind. Cursed by Jena, the Dragon was filled with the eternal fire of the sun. For now it sleeps, defeated and banished to the depths of the Roots. But when it awakes, the world will come to an end.

Pretty gloomy, no?

But did anyone ever bother asking the Dragon what were his real motives? What thoughts passed his mind when he committed such vile acts? Did he have a hard childhood? Is the Dragon a he or a she?

The Eye of the Tyrancha News, going where no tabloid has gone before, decided that it’s about time to get the words out of the culprit’s own mouth - we will find and interview the Dragon.

Once again pushing the envelope, we will move investigative reporting to a whole new level (erroneously called “gossiping” by some misguided homins). Is Ma-Duk really Jena’s begrudged ex? Does the Dragon have a scandalous past? Do the gods use “cats” as well?

Worry not, we’ll get to the bottom of this mystery!!

Obviously, in order to carry out such an ambitious and dangerous enterprise for the betterment of hominkind, the Eye of the Tyrancha will need the support of all available sponsors. This planet shattering issue of our fine rag will be published in a very limited edition. So run while you can! Pre-order this most special of issues before it’s sold out! To do so, all you have to do is send 1,999 dappers via Izam mail to the Eye of the Tyrancha headquarters in Zora. Pre-order now before it’s too late!!

(( Disclaimer: All the dapper collected from the subscriptions and donations will be used to sponsor our reporters’ journey to the Deep Roots in order to get an exclusive interview with the Dragon. For this reason, the Eye of the Tyrancha will close its doors for an undetermined amount of time until we conclude this investigation. We apologize for the inconvenience.))


Eye of the Tyrancha


Older Articles

Volume 2, Issue 07: Kitins, and Trykers, and nudity! Oh my!

You would imagine that one of the biggest and most threatening events that could possibly occur on the New Lands is a Kitin invasion. We all fear the Kitins, the Great Swarming left a trauma that will not heal for generations to come and the previous Kitin incursions in homin lands have all caused much uproar – not to mention good ol’ bikering.

So it comes as a surprise to us that a massive horde of Kitins has amassed in the Flaming Forest, possibly coming from Windy Gate, and then proceeded to swarm all over Pyr, nearly destroying the city in the process – and yet, no news of the event has been published and few homins actually know what happened in Pyr that day.

Can you smell a conspiracy already? The Eye set out to investigate the truth of the matter and it turns out that a couple of homins actually noticed the strange concentration of Kitins in Flaming Forest some days before the invasion. One of them was Temporary Insanity member Khandoma, who tried to warn others about the grave threat. But it seems like homins didn’t take her words very seriously – or should we say, perhaps a conspiracy was already in motion to silence her warnings.

According to the reports of Khandoma and Liliang the Kitins came to Pyr in great numbers and the battle to defend the city was fierce. Only after reinforcements ported into the city did they manage to finally fend them off. Karavaneers and Kamists joined forced to fight this common threat and in the end homins were victorious. And yet… no one heard anything about it.

Could it be that the Fyros began digging a bit too deep once again and ended up causing another invasion with their shady mining operations? If that’s the case, it’s only natural that they would want the truth hidden from public eyes. We’re watching you, Senators!

In other news, the Trykers are planning to host a grand trade and crafts fair in Fairhaven. The date will be decided in the next Taliari meeting and announced in all capital cities. According to Iala, the Trykers hope to attract craftsmen and suppliers of raw materials from all over Atys, as well of course as their customers. Prior to the fair, treks can be arranged to those homins who have yet to reach Fairhaven – be prepared for lots of swimming!

And finally, some hot news straight from the real estate business! It seems like landlords all over Atys at last decided to relax the law that impeded apartment owners from inviting their friends over to their homes. The law was initially put in place to prevent homins from disturbing the peace and quiet of residential neighborhoods by throwing parties of dubious nature in their flats. However the protests of more liberal homins paid off and now they are allowed to invite others into their apartments.

To celebrate this real estate victory, Ballistic Mystix leader Kilgoretrout threw a nudist party in his apartment in Fairhaven. Landlords everywhere have already started pulling their hair out.

Nudist party at Kilgore’s place.

Advertisement: And now--a quick word from our sponsors!

-- Mad Bodoc Stylin' --

Tired of the same old? Ready for the hottest new trend? Then try Mad Bodoc Stylin’ clothes and accessories for men!

Mad Bodoc heavy armor is perfect for the discerning tank. Show up at those Outpost battles in your Mad Bodoc HA and send all your enemies fleeing in terror.

Parachute Stylin’ is favored by the mad hermits of the Jungle. The girls will fall all over you, guaranteed!

Mad Bodoc Stylin’… cause sometimes Dragons are just Windmills.

Volume 2, Issue 06: A Bad Hair Day

As reported on our previous issue, the Matis Nobles prepared a diplomatic gift of aromatic flowers for the new Zoraï Awakened of the Witherings as a gesture of peace between both governments. Yrkanis’s Assistant Botanist, lovingly nicknamed AssBot by her peers, was in charge of the collection and storage of the flowers. Maybe the last time she picked up the wrong potion and nearly caused mutant Cratchas to destroy Yrkanis was not totally forgotten by the Matis, but who knows.

However this time AssBot did her job well, and all went according to the plan. In this time and age even the Matisian Monarchy is working with third party companies to minimize costs and maximize results. This is Atysian globalization for you as teleport tickets and amber cubes become the norm. As such, the Nobles hired a company specialized in the transport of goods to coordinate the delivery caravan for them.

In comes the stylish trio hired by the Nobles to handle the job:

From left to right:
Villi Frebi, with hair smooth as silk and a packer full of hair products. He couldn’t seem to find his map though.
Bezzo Rosi, party guy extraordinaire. He couldn’t wait for the welcoming party at the end.
And finally Cigno Zazzo, the leader of the group and the girl who really wore the pants.

A large group of volunteers appeared to escort and guard the caravan through the perilous mazes of the forest, the mind numbing swimming of the lakelands and the dangerous journey through the Prime Roots. It was a light hearted and exciting trek – Villi Frebi was terribly worried the wind or the water would ruin his carefully sculpted haircut, but beauty queen Rahia gave him some insights on how to use irin oil to avoid that bad hair day.

It seems like some flowers rotted along the way though, and the not so fragrant smell attracted all manner of predators, kitins and other nasties, which had to be fought off by the caravan guards.

Or at least that’s the official story. But the Eye of Tyrancha News and its daring investigative reporters are always on the lookout for the hidden truth behind the official story. Who was the mysterious Yene, a Matis grumpier than even Jayce, who appeared to be opposed to the goals of the caravan and did not hesitate to mock the Zoraï and their ways? Was it really rotting flowers that attracted the hordes of predators? Or is there more to it? Villi Frebi did leave a trail of discarded hair products in his wake… but hey, at least his hair did look fabulous throughout the whole trip.

Despite the many mysteries, the fragrant caravan arrived safely at the Jen Laï Research Center, where the Nobles presented the Awakened with their fragrant gift - minus the rotten flowers. Much merrymaking and celebration ensued. Perhaps a tad too much merrymaking. Aeralin, representative of the Zoraï Awakened, distributed medkits to the wounded guards, who then proceeded to quench their thirst with various drinks. Not a very good combination by any means.


Everyone survived though, including all the packers transporting the goods. And the Matis-Zoraï relationship has never been better.

Finally, we would like to inform our dear readers that the Eye of the Tyrancha News will be closed for a month or so. Our staff of enlightened Zoraï Initiates will embark on a spiritual pilgrimage to a paradisiacal island in Liberty Lakes to contemplate the meaning of life with exotic tropical drinks and scantily dressed trykerettes. Farewell and see you soon!

Volume 2, Issue 05: Dressed to Kill

It seems like the Matis Nobles have taken an interest in the Witherings. With all the grandiosity that is characteristic of the Matis, they have announced the preparations for a magnificent gift of fragrant flowers to be delivered to the new Zoraï Awakened.

Yrkanis based guild Altaenae di Cherae is the main contributor in the collection of the flowers and maintenance certificates, but the Nobles are also rolling up their sleeves and getting to work. According to our sources, Matis Noble Jayce took a break from his manly job as a fashionable Yrkanis jeweler to pick up the even more manly occupation of Apprentice Florist. The Zoraï’ï are thankful indeed for his noble efforts!

The flowers will be delivered by caravan. Yes, caravan. Kind of like a water caravan, except this one is a flower caravan. Some think it’s amusing that after all the polemic involving the Matis blockading their borders to prevent the passage of the Tryker-Fyros water caravan, they have now appeared at the Tryker Taliari meeting to request passage for their fragrant convoy.

Perhaps even more amusing is the fact that after heated discussions the Trykers finally agreed to grant them permission. Ah, ever the fun and free loving shortlings. It was decided that no one would benefit from this continued tension and impediment of free travel between neighboring nations. And the Matis Nobles did admit their previous decision to blockade their borders was a poor one.

But the interest of the Matis Nobles on Zora and its residents seem to go beyond mere diplomatic relations. At this point I should warn those under legal age to stop reading this rag. Now.

Ok, now that only the adults are left we can continue. Our highly skilled paparazzi caught Matis Noble Marelli out and about in Zora in the dead of night. Using hidden amber spheres to record the shocking images, we can now show the provocative way in which she was dressed:


Apparently these revealing clothes are called ‘Fyros mektoubman dress’ in the streets. Pfft. Kids these days.

Not only that, but lately Marelli has been spending an awful lot of time with Kia Bo-Boo, Zoraï Master Medic. We do wonder what’s going on. To complicate matters, Marelli is at least a decade older than Mr. Bo-Boo. Do you smell a scandal yet? Our paparazzi will be on the lookout for more juicy gossip, so stay tuned!

The culprit: Kia Bo-Boo.

Volume 2, Issue 04: Power to the Blue People!, Part II

The Zoraï Initiates have recently decided to organize themselves and petition the creation of a more participative government in the Witherings (see Volume 2, Issue 01 for more on this). After the loud silent protest organized by the Zoraï Coalition, Zora authorities agreed to meet with the Initiates to explain to the protesters that a participative government had always been in place in the Witherings. The Sages were just waiting for the time of Awakening, the moment when the Initiates were ready to take the next step towards Enlightenment.

And what an Awakening it was, dear readers! Several Zoraï Initiates, both young and seasoned, embarked on a spiritual journey through the Witherings as they learned about the various Circles and Mysteries from Zoraï Sages and Guards from the Guild of Cho.

A moment of contemplation and learning by Still Waters.

Knights of Jen Lai, Inflatable Friends and Atys Souls - All of these Zoraï guilds were in attendance. But it seems like there were more homins scurrying across the Jungle that day! Every now and again one could notice milky white shadows moving in the distance. Some of us had the feeling we were being watched by a hidden presence.

Some believe these hidden watchers were ancestral spirits of Nature that were stirred by the Awakening. Others swear that they saw a bald and grumpy looking Matis Noble watching them from afar, which would imply the Nobles were spying on the Zoraï'ï. Perhaps the Matis want to know which way this new Zoraï government is headed? Or maybe some of them grew tired of their hedonistic ways and decided to finally look for Wisdom and Enlightenment. We cannot be sure. One more of Atys' mysteries.

Zoraï Sage Sorrow imparts words of wisdom to the Initiates. They contemplate the meaning of being one with the Planet and Ma-Duk while hiding from torbaks in the water.

After exercising some of that Zoraï zen patience and walking (not running, walking) across all of Cities of Intuition and Maiden Grove, the wise Zoraï Initiates finally remembered that they had running at their disposal as well, as a valid method of travel. So in the last leg of their spiritual journey the Initiates ran to meet with the mysterious sages Sorrow and Season.

In a climax worthy of Drakfot's beautiful stories the Zoraï'ï met with Grand Sage Mabreka Cho in a holy site deep in the Jungle. Aeralin, initially confused with a very short and pale Zoraï, but later on revealed to be a Tryker, was deemed ready for Awakening. In a tear jerking ceremony she was Awakened and entrusted with the task of guiding the other Initiates. The Zoraï Circles will now begin to meet regularly in order to discuss the business of governing the Witherings. Both Awakened and Initiates will participate and collaborate in these meetings. In short, power to the Blue People!

The Awakening of a Zoraï Initiate.

Volume 2, Issue 03: It’s sad saying goodbye

Someone recently found an exhausted Fyros woman in front of the Pyr bar. She wasn’t wearing many clothes at all, and kept mumbling something about a giant flying Frahar. Many folks were quick to blame Fyrosfreddy, claiming he was guilty of exhausting that poor woman. Well, now we know that was nothing but idle gossip. Poor Freddy. Fact is, that giant Frahar truly does exist. And he is indeed gigantic.


That little bugger’s name is Pratarr and he was the cause behind the disturbances in the bark observed by the Barkers tribe. The latest investigations led the Akenak and their allies to the epicenter of the disturbances, in the heart of the Flaming Forest.


The Eye of the Tyrancha is a tabloid ahead of its time, and we already reported breaking news on Pratarr and his origins (see our last issue for more on him). While everyone was tense and fearing a battle of epic proportions, it turns out the big guy was all bark and no bite.

Pratarr was indeed the leader of the combined Frahar/Fraider Army terrorizing the Burning Desert, but he turned out to be just a hurt little orphan seeking revenge on hominkind for the death of his family.

Pratarr’s story touched the hearts of assembled homins. Binarabi even offered him a bite of her yubo sandwich, although the big guy wasn’t hungry at the time. He had probably eaten too many homins in Flaming Forest already, the savage.


In the end, the Akenak decided to negotiate a peaceful resolution with Pratarr. And this peaceful resolution involved slaughtering an entire group of the notorious bandits known as Underground Slicers, the real culprits behind Pratarr’s family’s death.

Pratarr was pleased with the carnage and the skulls that were delivered to him and agreed to go back home with his army. The Akenak successfully dealt with the invasion and all is well in the Burning Desert now. The stench left behind by Frahar droppings will probably linger in the air a while longer though, at least until the next rain season.

Volume 2, Issue 02: Bad Fraiderrr

If you think of the Fyros as a race composed mostly of warriors you had better think again. The Pyr scholars have managed to unveil the mystery behind the rapid rise in Frahar population.

Apparently there was an overabundance of material resources in Oflovak’s Oasis and its immediate surroundings, which affected the water in the region and triggered the abnormal proliferation of Frahar. This is what the desert dwellers get for digging only around Dyron and the Flaming Forest! Gone are the days in which Kami Tolerance was the only thing foragers had to worry about.

An expedition was organized by the Akenak in conjunction with the Barkers tribe to diminish this excessive concentration of resources in Oflovak’s Oasis and Frahar Towers. Foragers of all levels and walks of life got together to dig to their hearts content. The usually yellowish sand of the Burning Desert turned green with all the material sources popped to the surface. Perhaps a Karavan vessel flying through outer space that day would have been able to see the glowing green dots scattered all over Frahar Towers.


The expedition was a success and the level of resources in the area went back to normal. While the Frahar won’t be able to multiply like they had been any longer, the ones that are already there won’t simply vanish. It’ll take some prodding, pushing, slashing and stabbing for them to leave once and for all.

But it seems like there’s yet another layer to this story. As already reported elsewhere, the Akenak had learned from the Fraiders tribe that the Frahar were been using stolen Fraider tools to build their alien totems in Frahar Towers.

Well, according to the Akenak, they have recently discovered that the Frahar seem to have an unusual chieftain leading them. A renegade and evil Fraider called Pratarr, who wishes nothing but harm to homins. The Fraiders have told the Akenak that perhaps by killing enough of the organized Frahars and destroying their totems, Pratarr might emerge from the underground tunnels where he dwells.

Conversing with the Fraiders.

At the time of writing (using the finest Yrkanis Scrollmaker parchments, nonetheless!) two massive Frahar spawns have already been exterminated near northern Oflovak’s Oasis, and three totems were destroyed. The Akenak is requesting the help of all homins to help rid the Desert of the remaining Frahars. Who knows, you might even get to meet Pratarr for a cup of tea.

Volume 2, Issue 01: Power to the Blue People!

Zoraï haters out there better beware. The sad days when only a couple of Zoraï Initiates could be found in the Witherings are long gone. Our power is growing exponentially and we are back with a vengeance. There are now practically a handful of us.

If you were in Zora this past night, chances are you heard our silent protest in front of the Zora Temple. That’s how loud our silent sit in was. Zoraï Initiates and Zora residents, along with their friends and allies, gathered around Temple Hall District to petition the creation of a more participative government in the Witherings – something akin to the Akenak, the Taliari or the Chamber of Nobles.

Silent protesters in front of Zora Temple.

The following Zoraï aligned and Zora based guilds participated in the event: Inflatable Friends, Monks of Polonius, Atys Souls and Whispers of Aria. Our friends Fluffy Bunnies were also present. Moreover, the following government representatives showed up to support our cause: Kilgoretrout from the Taliari and Marelli from Matis Nobles.

We interviewed Vang Cai-Ci, Zora’s Female Tattooer, to learn more about how the general population is reacting to these protests:

Eye: Vang Cai-Ci kito, what do you think about the idea of a participative government in Zora?

Vang: This is a theocracy, son. If you want a democracy, you can try Liberty Lakes. Moreover who do you suggest should represent us? I see Zoraï’ï who embraced the misguided Karavan, I see trykerettes all over the place, I see a bunch of naked people dancing in front of the stables, but I hardly ever see a respectful Zoraï Kami Disciple in your midst.

Eye: This is the point of a participative government, Vang Cai-Ci kito. Everyone should have a voice. However we understand this is a theocracy, it’s only natural that kamists would have more benefits and freedoms. By the way, what kind of respectful Zoraï Kami Disciple charges over 110 million dappers for a tattoo, I wonder?

Vang: Is this interview about the Coalition’s petition or tattoo prices?

As you can see dear readers, there’s been some controversy.

What we do know is that the Zoraï Initiates are clamoring for a participative government – add your voice to this noble cause so that our silence is heard across the Witherings! Say no to 110 million dappers tattoos! Erm… I mean, say yes to a participative government in Zora!
