From EncyclopAtys
- 1 Issue 25: Back in Black
- 2 Issue 24: On Water and Mektoubs
- 3 Issue 23: Frahar Hunting Season
- 4 Special Issue: Underwater Mysteries
- 5 Issue 22: Streets on Fire
- 6 Issue 21: Interview with a Frahar Hunter
- 7 Issue 20: Is the Drought the new Kitin Invasion?!
- 8 Special Issue: Job Ads
- 9 Issue 19: Homins are still Occupied
- 10 Issue 18: Animals have instincts, homins have taxes
- 11 Issue 17: KP Incoming!!
- 12 Issue 16: Who was Dexus Lyron?!
Issue 25: Back in Black
The Akenak is back with a vengeance!
Well, not really with a vengeance – more like refined diplomacy and advanced negotiation techniques (sometimes known in street lingo as bribery). But the bottom line is: they’re fulfilling every single one of their promises and then some.
Akenak Trykerguy claimed he wanted a peaceful resolution to the conflict with the tribes and this is exactly what has been achieving along with his partner Thedon Garus. They have gone on a diplomatic journey across the Burning Desert to contact the various tribes. So far they have successfully negotiated the withdrawal of most, if not all tribes that had been camping by Pyr and Dyron.

Akenak members negotiate with the Frahar Hunters.
It would appear that new shipments of water have been arriving from the Lakelands as well, which certainly helps ease the situation. The main problem that remains to be solved by the new Akenak is the matter of the rapidly multiplying Frahar (see issue 23 for more on this). Investigations are underway and it seems like there’s more to this mystery than simply a case of Frahar mating season gone a bit too far.
Contaminated water, giant flying Frahar, Goo infections, shady Scorcher magicians, mad hermits - you name it. This story has it all. And of course everyone’s favorite tabloid will be following its developments to the very end. Stay tuned for more!

Trykerguy studies the water in Oflovak’s Oasis. The verdict: the smell is unbearable.
Issue 24: On Water and Mektoubs
The Eye of the Tyrancha was honored with the opportunity to cover the new Akenak inauguration ceremony. And what an inauguration it was! Aside from the usual Fyros high ups and officials, we had Fyros Patriots, Matis Nobles, a Zoraï reporter (yours truly) and a pair of thirsty protesters.

To make a long story short: the protesters protested, the Matis Nobles looked suspicious, the politicians talked, the reporter asked inconvenient questions and everyone agreed a solution had to be found for the drought immediately.
New Akenak Trykerguy stated he was beginning to devise a plan that would involve a peaceful resolution to the conflict with the tribes. Thedon Garus said the water caravans had failed and it was time to come up with an immediate solution that tackled the root of the problem itself. Their first course of action would be talking to the various tribe leaders to try to glean more information from them. Moreover, they also decided they would investigate the situation with the Frahars and their strange totems.
In the meantime, homins are starting to get distracted by the new mektoub races being hosted by the Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani. There are rumors of many wonderful prizes awaiting the winners. However, the thirsty Fyros protesters didn’t seem too impressed by the glamour of the race season. They complained about all the water that would be wasted on the mektoubs.
We do have to ask ourselves who is sponsoring the Fortunate Gubani and the races… if homins get distracted with fun games and prizes they might forget all about the drought. Hmmm.

Issue 23: Frahar Hunting Season
The situation in the Burning Desert has gone from bad to worse and this doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone.
First, the good news. As you may have heard, Lawless, Scorchers and Dune Riders have lifted their siege of Thesos. All the desert tribes received an invitation from the Matis Nobles to camp by Virginia Falls where the water is abundant and those three decided to make the trip to Hidden Source.
Well, those are good news for the Matis and the tribes in question at least. And definitely to the Thesos residents as well. We’re not entirely sure if the Fyros government is thrilled with this idea, however. After all Lawless, Scorchers and Dune Riders are all sworn enemies of the Fyros Empire and they are now peacefully camping in the territory of the Matis, Fyros’ greatest enemies.

Scorchers settled in an abandoned outpost.
But Matis compassion aside, let’s move on to the bad news, the core and profit of any journalistic enterprise. The Frahars have crawled out of whatever hole they used to call home and have completely taken over Frahar Towers and surroundings. It’s Frahar hunting season!

Mutated Frahars invade Dyron! Lock your doors!
A concerned homin has been hanging out in Pyr and warning homins that there’s something strange about these Frahar. Apparently they have been building wooden totems, something totally unheard of among primitive races such as the Frahar. I say we kill them all before they have the chance to fully develop a culture and civilization of their own. Fyrosfreddy seems to agree with me:

A Frahar Extermination Team led by Fyrosfreddy in a joint effort with the Frahar Hunters Tribe manages to destroy one of the Frahar totems in a carnificine of epic proportions.
But we know how entrepreneur the homin spirit can be, and even in a time of great difficulties such as this some Dyron merchants found a way to earn some extra dappers:

Merchants sell Frahar meat in the Dyron market claiming it has aphrodisiac properties.
Is this the end of the once great Fyros Empire? Are the Frahars going to overtake the Burning Desert?
Well, there might still be hope for the Fyros people. His name is Trykerguy and he is the newest Akenak. Lately he has been quite busy fending off angry tribesmen rioting near the Pyr gates.

The new Akenak means business.
The Akenak inauguration ceremony will be held soon and the Eye will continue to follow the developments of this great crisis. Stay tuned for more!
Special Issue: Underwater Mysteries
It all started when Zhola pointed out to me that there was a new species of fish swimming in the ponds by Dyron. We were able to capture an amber cube image of them:

Of course questions were raised. Is this truly a new species of fish, never seen before? Is Fishing going to be the new Occupation? Could there be any relation between the colourful Dyron fishes and the drought in the Desert? My informant's best friend's cousin's wife in Dyron swore to me these were mutated goo fishes planted there by the Marauders in order to start the drought and weaken the Fyros. But juicy gossip aside, the Eye of the Tyrancha decided to establish a partnership with Altaenae di Cherae to study the underwater mysteries of Atys!
In her own words, Marrietta describes a couple of her favorite underwater locations:
“I've recently spent some time in Aedan Aqueous and while I was wary of the water at first, am now comfortable with not having firm terrain under my feet. When I finally found the courage to open my eyes under water, I was stunned at the beauty of the lake bed. Being the avid photographer I am, of course there's pictures! This is one of my favourite underwater places taken from the middle of Muse Watch Lake. Some of the plants are the size of the forest trees I am so familiar with.”

“On a recent excursion further into the Lakelands, I was pondering the reasons for the being so few creatures in these waters. The waters are crystal clear and clean, sweet tasting and yet there are no creatures that I've yet encountered there. With these thoughts so recently in my mind, it was with some trepidation that I circled an unusual formation I found on the beach at Resting Waters. It appears to be the fossilised tail and partial body of an enormous fishlike creature. I include a picture here for your own interpretation, I know the thought of the size of that ancient creature having come from the waters of our homeland makes me feel abysmally afraid to go back into any of the great lakes for fear of what I might encounter there.”

The Eye did its own share of research and found out that in ancient times there may have been gigantic aquatic creatures swimming the waters of Atys. One such species was the Baldusa, a type of giant fish that could emit a powerful electric charge. It is said the Karavan harnessed this creature to power their machines and the Baldusa’s meat was also a delicacy to the ancestors of the Trykers. Maybe Tryker gluttony led to the species’ eventual extinction?
At any rate, here is one final underwater mystery for you to ponder on. The other day a friend and I went for a swim at Saplake Major in Sunken City, Prime Roots. We were enjoying a really pleasant sap storm and after a friendly race with the local Kitin Patrol we decided to take advantage of the weather to get one of those Prime Roots albino tans. But lo and behold, this is what we found in Saplake Major:

As you can see, it shows an underwater cave leading to unknown depths. Could this one of the fabled entrances to the Deep Roots?! My informant's friend’s aunt’s cousin swore to me he once saw a Vorkoo-sized underwater creature full of slimy tendrils swimming in that lake. One can only wonder.
Issue 22: Streets on Fire
On issue 20 we cautioned desert dwellers to be careful because the tribes were coming. Well, it seems like they arrived now.
Hostile tribesmen marched to the very gates of Pyr, the Fyros Capital, and started causing trouble there. Barkers camped at the South Gate while Leviers surrounded the entrance through the North Gate. Some Frahar Hunters were scattered around Imperial Dunes as well.
As a very well prepared tabloid reporter I immediately headed to Pyr in full focus gear to assess the situation. Zhola, ever so friendly, suggested that I take my press pass with me since the Barkers appeared to be very angry. Even though I followed the advice, it didn't seem like the tribesmen were very impressed by my reporter ID:

Eye of the Tyrancha reporter is another victim of tribal brutality.
Oneofone, with the wisdom of a true veteran, suggested that maybe the Barkers wanted to make sure that I would spell their names correctly in the news article.
In any case, the situation in Pyr is dire dear readers! Local residents have taken it upon themselves to fight the thirsty tribesmen, but there's no doubt they will be back. Strangely, the Pyr Guards will not move a finger to protect homins being attacked by the tribes. Do they have orders from the Senate to not lay a finger on the tribesfolk? And perhaps more importantly, why did the Senate refuse the Akenak's request to employ the Fyros Army in order to stop the tribes? Could all this be a devious plot devised by insane Senators who secretly hope to see Pyr literally burned to the ground in some sort of final tribute to the power of Fire?
There are many unanswered questions. For now we caution young homins to use the Eastern Gate to go in and out of Pyr. At least for now it is safe. And in the meantime weapon crafters and news reporters everywhere rejoice with the prospect of a civil war.

A brawl between Marelli and thirsty Frahar Hunters breaks out right in front of the Pyr Academy.
Issue 21: Interview with a Frahar Hunter
I happen to like the Frahar Hunters. I mean, with a name like that, what’s not to like? Anyone who might be out there to hunt and exterminate one of the despicable primitive races can only be a nice fella, far as I’m concerned. So with that in mind I thought to myself, “Hey, these guys can’t be so bad. Maybe one of them will give me their point of view on this whole drought business.”
And with that I made my way to Dyron, where the Hunters have been terrorizing local diggers. After being shot and stabbed multiple times, I was finally able to persuade a Frahar Hunter to give me an interview by giving him my water canteen. His name is Bocus Secus.

Mr. Secus poses for an amber cube picture.
- Eye: Mr. Secus, what do you think is the cause of this drought?
- Bocus Secus: By Ma-Duk’s beard, how would I know!! But one thing I can tell ya. Just look at those mektoub packers in the water. That’s nasty! I don’t know what caused the drought, but these packers turning the few water sources we still have all yellow with their pee is not helping much!

- Eye: Right, I see. Then tell me something… why don’t you and the other tribesmen simply teleport to Fairhaven and drink all the water you can have there?
- Bocus Secus: We don’t have no teleport pacts. No one ever trekked us out of the Desert. Do you think tribesmen have the same easy life as types like you?!
- Eye: Good point. At any rate, will the Frahar Hunters stop attacking innocent homins if they get the water they’ve been asking for?
- Bocus Secus: I’ll tell ya one thing, we’re mighty pissed! As far as I’m concerned, water won’t be enough anymore. I want some stinga beer too!
- Eye: Alright, thank you for your time, Mr. Secus. I hope this conflict can be resolved soon.
- Bocus Secus: You’re welcome. Now how about that Dyron-Fairhaven trek we were talking about…?
Issue 20: Is the Drought the new Kitin Invasion?!
Desert dwellers, you had better lock your doors, close your windows and hide your children. The tribes are coming.
The terrible drought punishing the Burning Desert still goes on and shows no sign of relent (see issues 18 and 19 for more on this). Thirsty tribesmen everywhere are very angry and tensions have escalated to violence and mayhem. The tribes have been camping around water sources and attacking unwary and innocent homins trying to go through Dyron or Thesos for example. It seems like Kamists are experiencing the worst of it, as the Kami altar in Thesos is no longer safe and overriden by hostile tribesmen.
The Akenak has made several brave attempts to placate this drought and no one has the right to claim they are not working really hard. However it seems like nature - and perhaps a bit of homin laziness - is conspiring against them. Two water caravans have been dispatched from the Lakelands to the Desert, but the second one fell short on fulfilling the needed quota of packers and water barrels. It was reported elsewhere that the Akenak has even considered using the Fyros Army in order to put an end to the chaos, but it seems like the Senate did not approve this measure.
In the meantime, some homins have taken it upon themselves to play the role of vigilantes and form teams to fight the tribes. But despite their short lived victories, the tribesmen keep on coming.
The tribes are angry, the Burning Desert is in a state of disarray and we're in the midst of elections for new Akenak members. To complicate matters even further a suspicious letter was found in Hidden Source. Its contents seem to imply that the Matis may have plans to use the situation in their favor, in order to gain the trust of the angry tribes and impose their influence on the Burning Desert. Are the Matis Nobles scheming again? Or is this a plot hatched by Sirgio the Marauder in order to confuse homins and put them against each other (as if devilish plots were needed for that)?
All we know for sure is that we have a heated situation in the Burning Desert!

Thirsty tribesmen chase a traveller near Thesos.
And in the meantime, we heard rumors that Windermeer authorities are planning to build a new beach resort in Liberty Lakes...

Special Issue: Job Ads
Are you hyperactive? Or just plain bored? Hunting, foraging, crafting and the new occupations are not enough for you? Well, the Eye of the Tyrancha may have just the solution you were looking for! Take up one of the various temporary jobs being offered in your nearest Ring Terminal. Here's a sample of what you may find:
- Grove of Sedation: Did you ever want to pet a Jugula? Your daddy never let you have that Ragus puppy you always wanted? Well, it is time to fulfill those dreams! Something's wrong with the Grove of Sedation. Carnivores and predators have lost their agressive instincts and are now as docile as a baby Yubo. Herbivores spend their days in torpor. Kamis are going crazy. Even homins may be affected by this strange place. Join one of the various groups and tribes and set out to explore the Grove of Sedation!

A Ragus sleeps peacefully next to his tamer.
- The Laughing Gubani: Rumor has it that a mysterious Tryker called Fifth has been hanging out at the Thesos bar recruiting homins for a job in the Prime Roots. With the number '5' tattooed on his right hand and a large mug of stinga beer in his left, Fifth explains: "The Laughing Gubani is equal parts tavern, inn, community and lunatic asylum. A group of Prime Roots Foragers who are either crazy or desperate enough call it home. Recently they've been attacked by hordes of Cutes. But there's something strange about these Cutes - some have no shadows and it is said the water offers no protection against them. The Laughing Gubani needs your help!"

The mysterious Tryker Fifth awaits for adventurers at the Thesos bar.
- Joining the Shadow Hunters: Are you tired of killing Kitins and Shalahs? Looking to unleash your Dark Side? Then why not join the Shadow Hunters and become a Master Atys Assassin?! The job comes with many benefits and one day you might be another proud bearer of the Super Sneak, Hit and Run and other Certificates.

Shady dealings with the Shadow Hunters.
(( OOC: These and several other Ring Scenarios can be downloaded at the Ryzom Wiki ))
Issue 19: Homins are still Occupied
A Zoraï wiseman once said all homins can be divided into two groups: those who whine and those who act. Of course, this Zoraï wiseman is now a raving lunatic living amongst Gibbaï in Goo infested lands. But I digress.
One thing is certain though, sisters Kalyndra and Marrietta from neutral guild Altaenae di Cherae are homins of action. They write and publish a variety of articles on subjects that range from the unusual benefits of crafting in Heavy Armor – yes, you heard me right, they found an use for HA in crafting – to their quest to find Kitin resistant jewels. Their public bulletin board also includes a bazaar section and a lavishly illustrated Atys calendar.
I had the distinct pleasure of spending some time with them talking about their ongoing projects as well as their cutting edge research on the new Occupations. They have recently published a primer on Occupations that will surely dispel some myths and misconceptions as well as serve as a valuable aide to young homins getting started (or sometimes getting stuck) at them.
Unfortunaly it seems like Altaenae di Cherae was the target of Industrial Espionage! In their ongoing search for better recipes, they were fed incorrect and misleading information by one of their sources. According to the sisters, it is likely this was indeed done on purpose to damper their progress, since the incorrect recipes provided actually steered them away from the right path in a way that was almost meticulous.
However after being on the wrong track for a few days, the Matis sisters are back on the forefront of Occupation research.

From Altaenae gallery: Kalyndra and Marrietta pose next to a dead Quadon.
In other news, the drought in the Burning Desert still goes on (see issue 18 for more on this). The Akenak and their Taliari allies are still requesting the help of Water Carriers to collect water from the Lakelands. Another caravan is being planned. In the meantime, tribal conflict has begun in the Desert. Intrepid explorer and researcher Bitttymacod reported that various desert tribes have gathered around oasis and water sources in the desert. Many of these tribes have been attacked by unknown forces and several homins went missing.
What is the real cause behind this drought in the Desert? Is it just bad luck with the weather (the kind that tends to drive foragers crazy)? Or have the Fyros been throwing too many parties at the Pyr Baths? Will homins with the Water Carrier occupation be able to save the desert tribes from thirst? Or does a more permanent solution need to be found somehow, like the discovery of new water sources in the desert?
A Zoraï wiseman once said all homins could be divided into two groups: those who read until the end of an article, and those who don’t. Which one are you?
(( Altaenae di Cherae Goodies: ))
Issue 18: Animals have instincts, homins have taxes
The past few days were brimming with scandalous quarrels, political intrigue, name calling and all sorts of fun stuff that make a news reporter happy to be part of such a chaotic society.
It all started when the Fyros Akenak requested the assistance of the Tryker Taliari in acquiring water for the desert tribes who were experiencing a major drought. The Taliari agreed to help and mobilized many Water-Carriers from the Tryker Water Company in order to collect the 255 barrels of water that were needed for the drought relief.
Political tension began to mount between the various governments when preparations for the caravan that would transport the water from the Lakelands to the Desert were underway. The original route was supposed to go through the Verdant Heights, but the meeting between Fyros Akenak, Tryker Taliari and Matis Nobles to discuss the details of the operation didn't go quite as planned.
The Matis Nobles requested a small token of appreciation to the Monarchy in exchange for the caravan to go through their lands - or in layman's terms, they wanted to tax the caravan. Apparently, members of the Akenak were outraged by the request. Both Akenak and Taliari refused those terms - they felt like it wasn't morally right to tax a humanitarian caravan.
The Matis Nobles report that members of the Akenak were disrespectful and offensive towards the Matis and the Monarchy and in the way they voiced their disagreements afterwards. As a result, the Nobles announced that they would blockade Herectic's Hovel Portal by a small dettachment of troops in order to prevent the caravan to go through the Verdant Heights.
Cries of war and impending apocalypse were heard - some accused the Nobles of being cruel towards their old enemies, the Fyros. Others suggested that maybe the Matis were just in need of extra dappers to support their decadent life style.

Matis troops were dispatched to blockade Herectic's Hovel Portal.
Fortunaly neither war nor apocalypse befell Atys. The Taliari decided to lead the caravan through an alternative route in the Prime Roots. We accompanied the caravan and here follows our retelling of the event:

The caravan started in Fairhaven and stopped in Fount just as the sun began to set in order to pick up the cargo from the Water Company.

While the packers were loaded, homins socialized and danced. Here we see Nitrouss showing us some groovy moves.

And the caravan departs into the Prime Roots...

... where it was faced with many perils...

... and a quick stop for Armkoo barbecue as well.

At last, the caravan emerges in the Scorched Corridor...

... and makes its way to the Imperial Dunes.
The water was safely delivered and the Matis troops returned to Yrkanis. However the feeling of political tension still lingers in the air. Is this the beginning of a new age of taxation? Is Tax-Collector going to become the latest occupation? And if it is, will they be free for all red targets? Let's wait and find out.
(Images by Rikutatis and Jayce).
Issue 17: KP Incoming!!
Wastelands, the Prime Roots. You're all by yourself, wearing full focus gear and armed with nothing but your trusted Egiros pick. You've been here in this obscure corner for the past two or three hours, back pressed against the cold wall. It's very dark and you keep looking back and forth, anticipating a Kitin attack.
Luck is definitely not by your side - you really need those supreme materials but so far the weather conditions haven't been the correct ones. And then, all of a sudden, the right weather comes! Adrenalin rushes through your body and you run towards the foraging spot. Kneeling down you start the process of harvesting the rare and elusive material.
But obviously, this is exactly when that nasty Kitin Patrol decides to wander by and catch you by surprise! They jump on you out of the nowhere - you lose your life, the materials you had been digging and this narrow window of opportunity called 'the right weather'.
Ahh, the Kitin Patrol...

Surrounded by a Kitin Patrol.
If you like to forage, hunt or trek through the Prime Roots, you may have gone through a similar situation. And it is exactly with that in mind that we decided to publish this special issue of the Eye. So without further delay...
The 3 Most Effective Ways to Evade Kitin Patrols:
3) Live Bait: You know that annoying homin that just won't leave you alone? He follows you everywhere dragging aggro wherever he goes, he crashes your parties and makes the most obnoxious comments. Yeah, that's the one. Invite him along with you to the Prime Roots. When the Kitin Patrol comes, cast a Root spell on him in order to freeze him in place and run away! The Kirostas will be too busy chewing his limbs to even notice your strategical retreat.
2) Blend Into the Crowd: The Kitin Patrol can't get what it can't see. When you notice a patrol coming your way, run to the nearest Kitin nest you find! There will be so many Kitins all around you, that the patrol will be hard pressed to spot you. Pretty simple.
1) Wear Red: The most effective way to evade Kitin Patrols is by evading the Prime Roots all together. Forget all about the bleak blacks and whites of Prime Roots materials and start wearing red. Not only will you look more cheerful and fashionable, but you'll also avoid those pesky Kitin Patrols.

Rikutatis proves that red = sexy.
Ahh, the Kitin Patrol... star of the underground party. How boring life in the Prime Roots would be without you. Long live the Kitin Patrol!
(Images by Jayce).
Issue 16: Who was Dexus Lyron?!
With the recent boom in Atys’ professional market, the demand for many new occupations to be filled by homins from all walks of life has emerged. Due to this situation, the Kitin’s Lair has seen more homins coming and going than it probably ever has, as they move about to harvest larvae, butcher animals and fight the Kitins.
If you’re one of those homins, you may have noticed in the last few days a forsaken corpse lying right at the entrance of the Lair. Perhaps you even stepped on it in your rush to collect larvae. His name was Dexus Lyron. But who among you have actually stopped to consider who that person was? Where did he come from? What were his dreams, his hopes and his fears? What dire circumstances led him to his death? Why hasn’t anyone claimed his body or resurrected his life seed so far?
In short, who was Dexus Lyron?!

Lyron lies dead next to a fellow Ranger.
We have conducted a thorough investigation to unveil the mystery behind Dexus Lyron’s past. Dear readers, prepare your hearts for the tale I am about to tell you! For his is a story of love, betrayal and perseverance capable of moving even the most stoic Fyros!
It all started in Maiden Grove, Witherings. Dexus Lyron was a capable hunter. It is said no torbak could escape his precise aim. His only mistake was to fall in love with a beautiful Matis woman from the Hamazans of the Dead Seed tribe. The Hamazans is a tribe composed entirely of female Matis who have a preference so to speak for male Trykers. In fact, before enslavement was forbidden, they even used to own several male Tryker slaves who would work for them both outside and inside their tents. Those slaves have since then been released and moved on to form the Shadow Runners tribe, who now coexist with the Hamazans peacefully in Maiden Grove.
The Matis woman who drew Lyron’s attention is indeed one of a kind. We will not reveal her name in order to protect her identity, but we can assure you that she is as beautiful as the setting sun and with a smile that can melt the heart of any man! Lyron was stricken with grief when he found out that he was a few dozen centimeters too tall for his beloved’s tastes. He had been rejected!

Hamazans of the Dead Seed looking sexy with their weapons.
Any homin would have been devastated by such a cruel twist of fate, but not Dexus Lyron! For he had the will of a Vorax! Lyron broke his rifle right then and there and vowed that he would find love again in different lands. And thus he packed his bag and moved to the Grove of Umbra.
In the Grove of Umbra Lyron found work as a caretaker at the Gu-Qin Workshop, an outpost currently owned by the Knights Leviers. This could have been a happy ending, but Fate had different plans for Dexus Lyron! As it turns out, Gu-Qin Workshop has a reputation as a haunted outpost.
Gu-Qin was a Zoraï craftsman who vowed to brave the threat of the Goo but ended up contaminated by the purple plague and eventually lapsed into madness. He disappeared one winter’s night but it is said his demented laughter can still be heard in the jungle.
While we could not verify the veracity of these rumors, one thing is certain. Living in Gu-Qin Workshop took its toll on poor Dexus Lyron. It is said he became a nervous wreck, afraid of his own shadow and avoiding the darkness as if it was the Goo itself. Eventually, he started to sniff cats – or catalysers – as some form of escape from reality.

Gu-Qin Workshop, the haunted Outpost. All images by Jayce.
Now this would have been the end of any other homin, but not Dexus Lyron, no sir! For he had the perseverance of a Yubo in heat! Lyron said farewell to Gu-Qin Workshop, quit cats and departed to carve a living for himself among the Atysian Rangers at Almati Wood. He became a martial artist and was assigned guard duty at the entrance of the Kitin’s Lair.
Now this could have been a prosperous and exciting career, but sadly Lyron’s story was not over yet. As it turns out, Lyron’s health began to deteriorate. Perhaps he was vulnerable to some sort of bacteria found only in the Kitin’s Lair. He could not fight the Kitins as well as he had expected, and often found himself badly wounded as a result. Lyron began to require constant medic attention. Medics from all over Atys would go tend to his wounds. Until one day… the worst happened. Dexus Lyron died in duty.
We are not sure how this happened, but most likely an unwary homin dragged a Terminator Kipucka or something of the sort on him and he could not defend himself. And that was that. To this day Lyron’s corpse still lies at the entrance of the Kitin’s Lair.
Is this the end of Lyron’s saga?! Only time shall tell. However, this article is a tribute to you, Dexus Lyron! May your courage inspire many generations of homins to come! May your love for life spread like wildfire and change this planet forever! Rest in peace, Dexus Lyron. The Eye of the Tyrancha wishes you well.