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(C. Rules of the Code of Conduct)
(II. Charte des Noms)
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::#. Advertising for websites and so forth with no link with Ryzom is prohibited.
::#. Advertising for websites and so forth with no link with Ryzom is prohibited.
===II. Charte des Noms===
===II. Naming Policy===
La charte des noms définit les règles qui régissent le choix du pseudonyme de votre personnage lorsqu'il est créé. Elle est établie par l'équipe de Support sous la direction de son responsable.
The naming policy defines the rules that govern the choice of the name of your character when it is created. It is established by the support team under the direction of its manager.
'''Name choice'''
:When creating your character, in the final phase you will have to choose a name for him/her. It is advisable to take inspiration from the the Lore to have a character that adheres better to the universe of Atys. If you have no ideas or the names you choose are already taken, you can use the random name generator available in this step. Nonetheless, a name less roleplay but in accordance with the charter below will be accepted.<br />
'''Name change'''
:At any time, a Support Team Member can contact you and ask you to choose another name if it does not comply with the rules below.
:You can request a name change from a Support Member for reasons such as roleplay, wish to abandon a name that is attracting other players' mockery, anonymity... (this list is not exhaustive). Your request must be reasoned and will be validated by the Support Team.
:The maximum number of pseudonym changes will depend on the type of your account:
::Free to Play account: 1 allowed name change for each character.
::Premium account: 1 change of name allowed every six months for each character.
====Choix du nom====
'''Naming Policy and penalties for violations'''
Lors de la création de votre personnage, vous devrez lui choisir un nom lors de la phase finale. Il est conseillé pour ce choix de s'inspirer de la Lore, afin que votre personnage s’intègre mieux à l'univers d'Atys. Si les idées vous manquent ou que les noms que vous choisissez sont déjà pris, vous pouvez aussi utiliser le générateur de noms aléatoires disponible lors de cette étape. Il reste qu'un nom moins roleplay mais conforme à la charte ci-dessous sera accepté.
:'''Note:''' If a player creates multiple characters with names that violate the naming policy in the "Very offensive names" section below, they may be subject to the sanctions provided in the Code of Conduct.
====Changement de nom====
#. '''Very offensive names''':<br />The character is immediately renamed with a default name and an email is sent to the player to inform them of the name change.
#:You may not use coarse, racist or ethnically offensive, obscene, sexual, drug or homonymous names, or names that include abusive common names, referring to a part of the anatomy and this covers any language used in the game.
À tout moment, un membre du Support peut vous contacter et vous demander de choisir un autre nom s'il ne se conforme pas à la règle ci-dessous.
#:You may not use a name chosen to harm, in any way, or impersonate another player, including Winch Gate Property Limited Employees or a Ryzom Team volunteers.
#. '''Offensive names''':<br />The character is renamed with 24h of delay to allow time for the the player to propose a new name. This for characters created after the publication of the present Naming Policy.
Vous pouvez demander un changement de nom à un membre du Support pour des raisons telles que le roleplay, le désir d’abandonner un nom attirant les moqueries d’autres joueurs, l'anonymat... (liste non exhaustive). Votre demande doit être motivée et sera validée (ou non) par le Support.
#:You may not use names that are phonetically offensive or would go against the Naming Policy.
#:You may not use names of religious, occult or significant historic origin (e.g.: Jesus, Lucifer, Nosferatu)
Le nombre maximum de changements de pseudonyme dépend du type de votre compte :
#:You may not use names containing titles such as: Master, King, Queen, Lord, Sir, Mother, God... (this list is not exhaustive).
Compte Free to Play : un changement de nom autorisé pour chaque personnage.
#. '''Forbidden names''':<br />The character is renamed with 3 days of delay to allow time for the the player to propose a new name. This for characters created after the publication of the present Naming Policy.
Compte Premium : un changement de nom autorisé tous les six mois pour chaque personnage.
#:You may not use names that are copyrighted, trademarks or names of materials or products (e.g.: Fujitsu, Whiskey, Tylenol, Toshiba).
#:You may not use names of famous people, politicians and popular fictional characters (e.g.: Angelina Jolie, Donald Trump, James Bond.).
#:You may not use proper nouns of Ryzom (e.g.: Jena, Tryton, Yrkanis, Mabreka).
====Charte des noms et sanctions en cas d’entorse====
#:You may not use a name which is the reverse spelling of a name in contradiction with the Naming Policy (e.g.: Anej, Notyrt, Sinakry, etc.).
#:You may not use easily recognized names that come from another universe such as medieval fantasy or science fiction or others, either fictional or non-fictional, even if hidden by a slightly different spelling (e.g.: Skywolker, Gondalf, Flintstains, Obywan) .
N.B. Si un joueur multiplie la création de personnages dont les pseudonymes enfreignent la charte des noms dans la catégorie « Noms très offensants » décrite ci-dessous, il est passible des sanctions prévues par le Code de Conduite.
#:You may not use common words or phrases not pertaining to the Ryzom universe, as names (e.g.: cell phone, microwave, truck).
#. Noms très offensants :
::Le personnage est renommé immédiatement avec un nom par défaut et le joueur en est averti par courriel.
::Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms grossiers, racistes ou ethniquement offensants, obscènes, sexuels, médicaux ou homonymes, ou des noms incluant des noms communs abusifs, faisant référence à une partie de l'anatomie, et ceci dans n'importe quelle langue utilisée en jeu.
::Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser un nom choisi pour vous faire passer pour un autre joueur, un employé de Winch Gate Property Limited ou un membre de l'équipe de bénévoles de Ryzom, ni pour leur nuire de quelque manière que ce soit.
#. Noms offensants :
::Le personnage est renommé avec 24h de délai pour laisser le temps au joueur de proposer un nouveau nom. Ceci ne concerne que les personnages créés après la publication de la présente charte des noms.
::Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms qui sont offensants phonétiquement ou iraient à l'encontre de la charte des noms.
::Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms d'origine historique, religieuse, occulte ou assimilé (exemples : Jésus, Lucifer, Nosferatu, crucifixion, exorcisme).
::Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms contenant des titres tels que Maître, Roi, Reine, Seigneur, Monsieur, Mère, Dieu… (liste non exhaustive).
3. Noms interdits :
Le personnage est renommé avec trois jours de délai pour laisser le temps au joueur de proposer un nouveau pseudonyme. Ceci ne concerne que les personnages créés après la publication de la présente charte des noms.
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms protégés par un droit d'auteur ou des noms de marque, de matériaux ou de produits (exemples : Fujiansu, Whisky, Tylenol, Toshiba).
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms de personnes célèbres, politiciens et personnages de fiction populaires (exemples : Angelina Jolie, Donald Trump, James Bond).
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les noms propres de l’univers de Ryzom (exemples : Jena, Tryton, Yrkanis, Mabreka).
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser un nom orthographié à l’inverse d’un nom contrevenant à la charte des noms (exemples : Anej, Notyrt, Sinakry).
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms aisément reconnaissables provenant d’autres univers comme la fantasy médiévale, la science-fiction ou autres, qu'ils soient fictifs ou non et ce même s’ils sont travestis par un léger changement d’orthographe (exemples : Skiwalker, Gandolf, Fluntstones, Obiwon).
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des noms communs (ou des chaînes de noms communs) ne correspondant pas à l'univers de Ryzom (exemples : smartphone, microonde, camion).
Particularité des noms de guilde
'''Characteristics of Guild Names'''
Pour l’essentiel, les noms de guilde reprennent l’ensemble des règles des noms et sont soumis au même règles que les noms de personnage en terme de renommage, suivant que les éléments qui constituent le nom de la guilde sont très offensants, offensants ou simplement interdits.
For the most part, guild names must comply with all the rules of names and are subject to the same rules as character names in terms of renaming, depending on whether the elements that make up the name of the guild are very offensive, offensive or just forbidden.
Il y a cependant plusieurs exceptions :
There are, however, several exceptions:
Le nom d’une guilde peut utiliser le nom propre de lieux d’Atys afin de faciliter le jeu de rôle (Les Protecteurs de Fairheaven, par exemple).
*The name of a guild can use the proper noun of places on Atys in order to facilitate the role play (e.g.: The Protectors of Fairhaven).
Le nom d’une guilde peut avoir dans son intitulé, à des fins roleplay, le nom d’un personnage de la Lore si l’ensemble n’enfreint aucun point de la charte des noms et est cohérent avec la Lore. Ainsi « Les enfants d’Elias » et « Les disciples de Mabreka », par exemple, sont conformes à la charte des noms, mais « Le Bocal de Tryton » ne l’est pas.
*The name of a guild can have in its title, for roleplay purposes, the name of a character of the Lore if the whole does not break any point of the Naming Policy and is consistent with the Lore. So, "The children of Elias", "The disciples of Mabreka" conform to the charter of names, but "The Jar of Tryton" does not.
Si vous trouvez que le nom d'un joueur est inapproprié, dérangeant ou incompatible avec le jeu, vous pouvez le signaler par ticket ou directement en jeu en contactant un membre du Support (la liste des CSR présents en jeu en même temps que vous s'affiche sous l’onglet SYS. INFOS de la fenêtre de chat lorsque vous tapez /who gm).
If you think that a player's name is inappropriate, disturbing, or incompatible with the game, you can report it to us by ticket or directly in game by contacting a member of the [[:category:Support Team|Support Team]] (the list of CSRs in-game at the moment is displayed under the SYSTEM INFO tab of the chat window when you type /who gm).
Si vous souhaitez contester une demande de renommage, vous pouvez contacter le chef de l’équipe de Support via courriel (support@ryzom.com).
If you want to challenge a rename request (any abuse will be sanctioned), you can contact the head of support via e-mail to [http://mailto:support@ryzom.com support@ryzom.com].
Toute demande sera étudiée très attentivement, tout abus sera recensé sur le profil du joueur et le cas échéant, sanctionné.
Any request will be studied very carefully, any abuse will be recorded on the player’s profile and, if necessary, sanctioned.

Revision as of 17:01, 28 November 2019

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de:Ryzom Verhaltenskodex
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fr:Code de Conduite de Ryzom
ru:Кодекс поведения де Ryzom
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2019-11-28)

Ryzom Code of Conduct [1]

Ryzom Team Manager

The following rules cover the most common situations but they are not exhaustive. The Customer Support team has the right to amend these rules if a new situation should arise which needs further clarification.

If a case is too specific to appear in the rules but nevertheless requires the intervention of the Support team, they can act and promulgate, at any time, warnings or sanctions without being required to inform the whole community.

If you witness a rule violation or infringement, please inform Customer Support by using one of the following means:

The Support Team
A. Disagreement with a player
B. Warnings and Sanctions
C. Code of Conduct's Rules:
I. Courtesy Rules
II. Naming Policy
III. Game Integrity Infringement
IV. Inappropriate Advertising
V. General Fraud

The Support Team

Its members are volunteers under non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and are not allowed to reveal their identity neither to other players nor to other members of the Ryzom teams. If a player thinks he knows the identity of the player behind the CSR (or any NDA members of a Ryzom team), he is prohibited from disclosing the information to others and doing so would be cause for sanctions to be applied. (major offense, see B. Warnings and sanctions)

Members of Support are in charge of solving the various problem related to the game (technical, disciplinary, etc.). They must behave with politeness and courtesy at all times. If you have a disagreement with a member, you can address a complaint, duly documented, to support@ryzom.com which will be forwarded to the head of Support. Any unfair complaint against a member of Support may be subject to a sanction.

When a member of Support contacts you, you must follow their instructions and reply with courtesy and politeness. Any breach will be sanctioned according to our procedures for sanctions and escalation policy. (See B. Warnings and sanctions)

We remind you that members of Support dedicate their time (both game and real life time) to ensure that everyone can play in a peaceful environment: try to have this in mind when you contact a Team member. This is of course the same for all teams: CSR, dev, event, etc.

The Support Team is subject to strict rules that prohibit them from teaming, exchanging with, dueling with any player, or resurrecting them. These rules also forbid them from using their powers for any purpose other than those defined within the context of their function, under risk of removal of their CSR account, or even their player account. In addition, CSRs are not allowed to process tickets involving their own player guilds or characters. In accordance with these rules, control tools record all critical commands used by CSRs (as well as members of other teams) and display them internally for real-time control by all. Each connection of a member of Support (and of other teams) is also visible so that everyone can verify that no one has usurped their account.

All decisions taken are collective ones and therefore you may be contacted by several members of Support about the same issue depending on its nature.

A. Disagreement with another player

In the case of a disagreement with another player, you are expected to try to find to an amicable settlement yourselves. A ticket should be a recourse of last resort; it should only be sent if you are not able to resolve the situation and a third party needs to become involved.

If you have to resort to sending the above-mentioned ticket, it is important to take screenshot(s), depending on the situation, for further reference. It is essential that the screenshot(s) show(s) the entire in-game screen and has not been changed in any way (censorship or anything else) in order to be considered acceptable. It has to show clearly the violation that you want to point out. Note that a screenshot showing the open map allows us to see the Atysian date, which is easily transposable to a real date. We also accept videos. For any other questions, you can contact us directly in game through a /tell if a CSR is online, through Rocket Chat, or through an e-mail sent to support@ryzom.com.

Note: Any abuse of the ticket system will be documented and sanctioned.

B. Warnings and sanctions

The Customer Support Team has the right to issue warnings or sanctions depending on the seriousness of an infraction, the reaction of the implicated player towards the Support team, and their in-game history (sanctions and previous warnings). A player might thus be given a reprimand, a warning, a suspension period ranging between 24h and several days, or a permanent ban.

Penalty scale

Minor offence

The penalty scale for a minor offence starts with an official warning followed by a 24h suspension, then three days, then one week and up to two weeks. It can be followed or preceded by a mute of increasing duration at the place of the infraction (channels of the game, or Rocket Chat, or forum etc.). This penalty scale is reset after one year without sanctions.

Major offence

The scale of penalties for a major offence starts with a week of suspension, then one month and then permanent banning of the account. It can be followed by a kick off the server if necessary. This penalty scale is reset after three years without sanctions (except for permanent ban).

Critical offence

Critical offence results in final ban of the account after a warning has been notified to the player by e-mail.

Note: In the case of a heavy and immediate sanction (suspension or permanent banning of an account), as the player in question can no longer be contacted in-game, he or she will be contacted only through e-mail to the e-mail address filed in his/her personal account. This is why it is important to enter a valid e-mail address when registering. If the player in question does not receive the e-mail, or if they wish to dispute the sanction, they can contact the Customer Support team at support@ryzom.com.


The sanctions provided in the Ryzom Code of Conduct shall be assigned as follows:

  • Mutes and verbal warnings may be applied by all CSRs.
  • Official warnings (by email) may be applied by all CSRs from the GM grade upwards.
  • Suspensions may only be applied by CSRs at the SGM level.
  • Account bans may only be decided and enforced by Winch Gate Limited.

C. Rules of the Code of Conduct

I. Courtesy Rules

I.1. Harassment of a player or of a member of a Ryzom Team (Major/Minor Offence: depending on the degree, the Support Team will decide on each case)

Provocation and harassment, whether verbal or through gameplay actions, are prohibited in-game as well as on Ryzom's chat channels: insults, threats of all kinds (under cover of roleplay or not), provocation via emotes or other, but also the chain kill of a character, its campfires or its mektoubs (except during outpost battles), repeated or regular pullovers of mobs on the same character... This list is not exhaustive. The Support team reserves the right to prepare a file if it deems a case to be proven harassment, as well as to take the decisions that are necessary based on the seriousness of the facts.

I.2. Slander or rumour about a Ryzom Team member or Winch Gate (Major/Minor offence: depending on the degree, the Support Team will decide on each case)
Spreading rumours, false accusations or lies against a member of the Ryzom Team or against Winch Gate, in order to harm them or their reputation or honour, is strictly prohibited.

The Support team reserves the right to make appropriate decisions based on the seriousness of the facts.

I.3. Insults, rudeness, disrespect towards a player or a Ryzom Team member (Minor Offence)
It is strictly prohibited to insult, be rude to, or show lack of respect towards other players, either directly or indirectly, under cover of roleplay or not, and/or in a language that they may or may not understand. Support team has the right to define the seriousness of the exchanged insults and to punish them at its own discretion.

I.4. Disobedience of Support member's instructions (Minor Offence)
When a member of Support contacts you, you must respond as quickly as possible and follow his or her instructions carefully, otherwise you will incur a penalty.

I.5. Disturbance of an in-game event (Minor Offence)
As respect towards the players participating in an event and towards the Event Team that prepared it, players not concerned with this event are asked not to come and disturb the event by using words or actions that are inappropriate or irrelevant. Any abuse may be punished.

If you would like to interact with a scheduled event, please contact the Event Team (events@ryzom.com), which will judge the admissibility of your request.

I.6. Account sharing (No Offence)
Player account sharing is strongly discouraged. The Support Team will disengage itself completely from any problems resulting from such a sharing (theft of items, appropriation of the account by another player, etc.).

I.7. Bad behaviour on a chat channel of the game (Game server, IRC, forums and Rocket chat included) (Minor Offence)
Universe channels are primarily channels of mutual help (questions-answers about the game, request for help, rez ...). They are also open to any discussion of interest to most of the community. If not, please use the /tell or a private channel. Flooding is therefore moderated there and trolling, spamming (action of repeating or publishing several messages in a row within a few minutes) and flaming are prohibited.
  1. . Any harassment, threat, or other embarrassing and disquieting act towards another player or member of a Ryzom team is prohibited.
  2. . Rude, abusive, defamatory, obscene, xenophobic and anti-semitic language is prohibited. Similarly, any sexually explicit statement is banned.
  3. . You may not impersonate any employee of Winch Gate, CSR or any other member of Ryzom teams.
  4. . You must not violate any laws, whether local, national, European or international.
  5. . The illegal transfer of documents, files or the like is prohibited via Winch Gate's network of sites.
  6. . When, in-game or through any other Ryzom service, a CSR member contacts you, you must answer and follow their instructions.
  7. . You may not use Winch Gate's services for activities other than those permitted in the gaming world.
  8. . If the information on your profile is false, incomplete or incorrect, you will not be able, in some cases, to benefit from the support provided, because the CSRs could not identify you correctly.
  9. . You must not communicate any personal data of other players, whether in-game, on the forums of Winch Gate, through IRC or on Rocket Chat.

Courtesy in game

  1. . You must not violate the Code of Conduct.
  2. . Any harassment, whatever its form, is prohibited.
  3. . You must not obstruct another player during their game phases.
  4. . You must behave respectfully towards other players and the members of Ryzom Team.
  5. . You must not hide behind a "role" to transgress the rules of Courtesy.

Forum Rules

  1. . You must not violate the Code of Conduct.
  2. . You must express yourself clearly, act civilly and politely.
  3. . You must not harass or insult other players, neither any member of a Ryzom Team.
  4. . Cross-posting (posting the same message several times to attract attention) is prohibited.
  5. . You are required to report any message that is illegal or violates these rules.
  6. . Advertising for websites and so forth with no link with Ryzom is prohibited.

II. Naming Policy

The naming policy defines the rules that govern the choice of the name of your character when it is created. It is established by the support team under the direction of its manager.

Name choice

When creating your character, in the final phase you will have to choose a name for him/her. It is advisable to take inspiration from the the Lore to have a character that adheres better to the universe of Atys. If you have no ideas or the names you choose are already taken, you can use the random name generator available in this step. Nonetheless, a name less roleplay but in accordance with the charter below will be accepted.

Name change

At any time, a Support Team Member can contact you and ask you to choose another name if it does not comply with the rules below.
You can request a name change from a Support Member for reasons such as roleplay, wish to abandon a name that is attracting other players' mockery, anonymity... (this list is not exhaustive). Your request must be reasoned and will be validated by the Support Team.
The maximum number of pseudonym changes will depend on the type of your account:
Free to Play account: 1 allowed name change for each character.
Premium account: 1 change of name allowed every six months for each character.

Naming Policy and penalties for violations

Note: If a player creates multiple characters with names that violate the naming policy in the "Very offensive names" section below, they may be subject to the sanctions provided in the Code of Conduct.

  1. . Very offensive names:
    The character is immediately renamed with a default name and an email is sent to the player to inform them of the name change.
    You may not use coarse, racist or ethnically offensive, obscene, sexual, drug or homonymous names, or names that include abusive common names, referring to a part of the anatomy and this covers any language used in the game.
    You may not use a name chosen to harm, in any way, or impersonate another player, including Winch Gate Property Limited Employees or a Ryzom Team volunteers.
  2. . Offensive names:
    The character is renamed with 24h of delay to allow time for the the player to propose a new name. This for characters created after the publication of the present Naming Policy.
    You may not use names that are phonetically offensive or would go against the Naming Policy.
    You may not use names of religious, occult or significant historic origin (e.g.: Jesus, Lucifer, Nosferatu)
    You may not use names containing titles such as: Master, King, Queen, Lord, Sir, Mother, God... (this list is not exhaustive).
  3. . Forbidden names:
    The character is renamed with 3 days of delay to allow time for the the player to propose a new name. This for characters created after the publication of the present Naming Policy.
    You may not use names that are copyrighted, trademarks or names of materials or products (e.g.: Fujitsu, Whiskey, Tylenol, Toshiba).
    You may not use names of famous people, politicians and popular fictional characters (e.g.: Angelina Jolie, Donald Trump, James Bond.).
    You may not use proper nouns of Ryzom (e.g.: Jena, Tryton, Yrkanis, Mabreka).
    You may not use a name which is the reverse spelling of a name in contradiction with the Naming Policy (e.g.: Anej, Notyrt, Sinakry, etc.).
    You may not use easily recognized names that come from another universe such as medieval fantasy or science fiction or others, either fictional or non-fictional, even if hidden by a slightly different spelling (e.g.: Skywolker, Gondalf, Flintstains, Obywan) .
    You may not use common words or phrases not pertaining to the Ryzom universe, as names (e.g.: cell phone, microwave, truck).

Characteristics of Guild Names

For the most part, guild names must comply with all the rules of names and are subject to the same rules as character names in terms of renaming, depending on whether the elements that make up the name of the guild are very offensive, offensive or just forbidden. There are, however, several exceptions:

  • The name of a guild can use the proper noun of places on Atys in order to facilitate the role play (e.g.: The Protectors of Fairhaven).
  • The name of a guild can have in its title, for roleplay purposes, the name of a character of the Lore if the whole does not break any point of the Naming Policy and is consistent with the Lore. So, "The children of Elias", "The disciples of Mabreka" conform to the charter of names, but "The Jar of Tryton" does not.

If you think that a player's name is inappropriate, disturbing, or incompatible with the game, you can report it to us by ticket or directly in game by contacting a member of the Support Team (the list of CSRs in-game at the moment is displayed under the SYSTEM INFO tab of the chat window when you type /who gm).

If you want to challenge a rename request (any abuse will be sanctioned), you can contact the head of support via e-mail to support@ryzom.com.

Any request will be studied very carefully, any abuse will be recorded on the player’s profile and, if necessary, sanctioned.