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de:Der Terror der Seen
en:The Lakes Terror
es:El Terror de los Lagos
fr:La Terreur des Lacs
ru:Ужас озер
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Lanstiril, 2020-11-07)

AW20 Kyriann 2020-11-01 21-28-41.png

This is the story of three Trykeri.

They met at Ba'Naer Liffan's while Anlor Winn blows.

In spite of the gusts, the Trykeri laugh at Anlor Winn as they relate their deeds.

 I, said the first, have just come from the Desert. Anlor had lifted the sawdust. The Fyros were lost. They couldn't see two meters away. So I went among them with my sawdust goggles and, for some reason, my bag filled with dappers. 

And all laugh, mocking Anlor and the Fyros.

 As for me, I was with the Matis. Anlor wanted me to believe that the pale shadows were ghosts but I kicked them in the shins and they howled like Matis do. 

Laughs redouble over the half-dead Matis and the failures of Anlor Winn.

 Wait for the best! said the last one. I was passing at the big blue ones land. I came across a group gathered around some logs. One of them was trying to light the fire, but Anlor put it out each time. It was already very funny but I asked them why they were trying to make fire with all that wind. And they wanted fire to make chai because they were dying of thirst. So I took out my bottle of byrh and I drank it, laughing at them and Anlor who couldn't do anything against my bottle! 

And everyone is laughing heartily as the gusts intensify and the Anlor Winn seems to be getting angry for good.

 Speaking of bottles of byrh, I absolutely must fill mine, which I emptied while watching the zoraïs.
— I too, said the first one, the sawdust dried me out.
— Ah but I'm at the same point: there was nothing to drink among the pale ones...
— Ba'Naer, bring us a barrel!
— I'm coming, but be warned, that's the last one. Everyone seemed to be dying of thirst! I don't have any more! 

Ba'Naer arrives painfully carrying the keg.

It is at that moment Anlor Winn goes wild and knocks down Ba'Naer who spills the contents of the barrel on the pontoon and into the lake.

 Oh no! 

And the three Trykeri faint with fear as Anlor's laughter bursts out: MOUAH AH AH AH

Moral: The Trykeri are making fun of Anlor Winn but not of the lack of byrh! !

This tale has been told by Kyriann Ba'Zephy on 2610 Anlor Winn Convention. (OOC : Halloween 2020)