From EncyclopAtys
'Eye of the Tyrancha' is the latest news pamphlet being distributed on all the major capitals and towns on Atys. It uses the finest materials that a novice forager can gather in its creation - just be sure to keep it away from water, sand, dust, dampness and strong winds and your copy should last quite a few hours!
The news agency itself is based in Zora and the owner gives his word that this will likely be the most biased, misinformed and incomplete news coverage you'll ever come across! It is all written from the perspective of a newly arrived refugee from Silan. Read at your own risk.
If you have any news worthy event to report (outpost battles, official or player events or just general craziness) please contact Rikutatis in Zora by Izam courier.
'Eye of the Tyrancha' is a tribute to the old Nexus News as well as to Sxarlet, the most charming trykerette to ever grace Atys News Channel 01!
Rikutatis, Gibbai Hunter Extraordinaire and part-time Atysian Reporter.
Newest Article
Volume 2, Issue 05: Dressed to Kill
It seems like the Matis Nobles have taken an interest in the Witherings. With all the grandiosity that is characteristic of the Matis, they have announced the preparations for a magnificent gift of fragrant flowers to be delivered to the new Zoraï Awakened.
Yrkanis based guild Altaenae di Cherae is the main contributor in the collection of the flowers and maintenance certificates, but the Nobles are also rolling up their sleeves and getting to work. According to our sources, Matis Noble Jayce took a break from his manly job as a fashionable Yrkanis jeweler to pick up the even more manly occupation of Apprentice Florist. The Zoraï’ï are thankful indeed for his noble efforts!
The flowers will be delivered by caravan. Yes, caravan. Kind of like a water caravan, except this one is a flower caravan. Some think it’s amusing that after all the polemic involving the Matis blockading their borders to prevent the passage of the Tryker-Fyros water caravan, they have now appeared at the Tryker Taliari meeting to request passage for their fragrant convoy.
Perhaps even more amusing is the fact that after heated discussions the Trykers finally agreed to grant them permission. Ah, ever the fun and free loving shortlings. It was decided that no one would benefit from this continued tension and impediment of free travel between neighboring nations. And the Matis Nobles did admit their previous decision to blockade their borders was a poor one.
But the interest of the Matis Nobles on Zora and its residents seem to go beyond mere diplomatic relations. At this point I should warn those under legal age to stop reading this rag. Now.
Ok, now that only the adults are left we can continue. Our highly skilled paparazzi caught Matis Noble Marelli out and about in Zora in the dead of night. Using hidden amber spheres to record the shocking images, we can now show the provocative way in which she was dressed:
Apparently these revealing clothes are called ‘Fyros mektoubman dress’ in the streets. Pfft. Kids these days.
Not only that, but lately Marelli has been spending an awful lot of time with Kia Bo-Boo, Zoraï Master Medic. We do wonder what’s going on. To complicate matters, Marelli is at least a decade older than Mr. Bo-Boo. Do you smell a scandal yet? Our paparazzi will be on the lookout for more juicy gossip, so stay tuned!
The culprit: Kia Bo-Boo.
Older Articles
Volume 2, Issue 04: Power to the Blue People!, Part II
The Zoraï Initiates have recently decided to organize themselves and petition the creation of a more participative government in the Witherings (see Volume 2, Issue 01 for more on this). After the loud silent protest organized by the Zoraï Coalition, Zora authorities agreed to meet with the Initiates to explain to the protesters that a participative government had always been in place in the Witherings. The Sages were just waiting for the time of Awakening, the moment when the Initiates were ready to take the next step towards Enlightenment.
And what an Awakening it was, dear readers! Several Zoraï Initiates, both young and seasoned, embarked on a spiritual journey through the Witherings as they learned about the various Circles and Mysteries from Zoraï Sages and Guards from the Guild of Cho.
A moment of contemplation and learning by Still Waters.
Knights of Jen Lai, Inflatable Friends and Atys Souls - All of these Zoraï guilds were in attendance. But it seems like there were more homins scurrying across the Jungle that day! Every now and again one could notice milky white shadows moving in the distance. Some of us had the feeling we were being watched by a hidden presence.
Some believe these hidden watchers were ancestral spirits of Nature that were stirred by the Awakening. Others swear that they saw a bald and grumpy looking Matis Noble watching them from afar, which would imply the Nobles were spying on the Zoraï'ï. Perhaps the Matis want to know which way this new Zoraï government is headed? Or maybe some of them grew tired of their hedonistic ways and decided to finally look for Wisdom and Enlightenment. We cannot be sure. One more of Atys' mysteries.
Zoraï Sage Sorrow imparts words of wisdom to the Initiates. They contemplate the meaning of being one with the Planet and Ma-Duk while hiding from torbaks in the water.
After exercising some of that Zoraï zen patience and walking (not running, walking) across all of Cities of Intuition and Maiden Grove, the wise Zoraï Initiates finally remembered that they had running at their disposal as well, as a valid method of travel. So in the last leg of their spiritual journey the Initiates ran to meet with the mysterious sages Sorrow and Season.
In a climax worthy of Drakfot's beautiful stories the Zoraï'ï met with Grand Sage Mabreka Cho in a holy site deep in the Jungle. Aeralin, initially confused with a very short and pale Zoraï, but later on revealed to be a Tryker, was deemed ready for Awakening. In a tear jerking ceremony she was Awakened and entrusted with the task of guiding the other Initiates. The Zoraï Circles will now begin to meet regularly in order to discuss the business of governing the Witherings. Both Awakened and Initiates will participate and collaborate in these meetings. In short, power to the Blue People!
The Awakening of a Zoraï Initiate.
Volume 2, Issue 03: It’s sad saying goodbye
Someone recently found an exhausted Fyros woman in front of the Pyr bar. She wasn’t wearing many clothes at all, and kept mumbling something about a giant flying Frahar. Many folks were quick to blame Fyrosfreddy, claiming he was guilty of exhausting that poor woman. Well, now we know that was nothing but idle gossip. Poor Freddy. Fact is, that giant Frahar truly does exist. And he is indeed gigantic.
That little bugger’s name is Pratarr and he was the cause behind the disturbances in the bark observed by the Barkers tribe. The latest investigations led the Akenak and their allies to the epicenter of the disturbances, in the heart of the Flaming Forest.
The Eye of the Tyrancha is a tabloid ahead of its time, and we already reported breaking news on Pratarr and his origins (see our last issue for more on him). While everyone was tense and fearing a battle of epic proportions, it turns out the big guy was all bark and no bite.
Pratarr was indeed the leader of the combined Frahar/Fraider Army terrorizing the Burning Desert, but he turned out to be just a hurt little orphan seeking revenge on hominkind for the death of his family.
Pratarr’s story touched the hearts of assembled homins. Binarabi even offered him a bite of her yubo sandwich, although the big guy wasn’t hungry at the time. He had probably eaten too many homins in Flaming Forest already, the savage.
In the end, the Akenak decided to negotiate a peaceful resolution with Pratarr. And this peaceful resolution involved slaughtering an entire group of the notorious bandits known as Underground Slicers, the real culprits behind Pratarr’s family’s death.
Pratarr was pleased with the carnage and the skulls that were delivered to him and agreed to go back home with his army. The Akenak successfully dealt with the invasion and all is well in the Burning Desert now. The stench left behind by Frahar droppings will probably linger in the air a while longer though, at least until the next rain season.
Volume 2, Issue 02: Bad Fraiderrr
If you think of the Fyros as a race composed mostly of warriors you had better think again. The Pyr scholars have managed to unveil the mystery behind the rapid rise in Frahar population.
Apparently there was an overabundance of material resources in Oflovak’s Oasis and its immediate surroundings, which affected the water in the region and triggered the abnormal proliferation of Frahar. This is what the desert dwellers get for digging only around Dyron and the Flaming Forest! Gone are the days in which Kami Tolerance was the only thing foragers had to worry about.
An expedition was organized by the Akenak in conjunction with the Barkers tribe to diminish this excessive concentration of resources in Oflovak’s Oasis and Frahar Towers. Foragers of all levels and walks of life got together to dig to their hearts content. The usually yellowish sand of the Burning Desert turned green with all the material sources popped to the surface. Perhaps a Karavan vessel flying through outer space that day would have been able to see the glowing green dots scattered all over Frahar Towers.
The expedition was a success and the level of resources in the area went back to normal. While the Frahar won’t be able to multiply like they had been any longer, the ones that are already there won’t simply vanish. It’ll take some prodding, pushing, slashing and stabbing for them to leave once and for all.
But it seems like there’s yet another layer to this story. As already reported elsewhere, the Akenak had learned from the Fraiders tribe that the Frahar were been using stolen Fraider tools to build their alien totems in Frahar Towers.
Well, according to the Akenak, they have recently discovered that the Frahar seem to have an unusual chieftain leading them. A renegade and evil Fraider called Pratarr, who wishes nothing but harm to homins. The Fraiders have told the Akenak that perhaps by killing enough of the organized Frahars and destroying their totems, Pratarr might emerge from the underground tunnels where he dwells.
Conversing with the Fraiders.
At the time of writing (using the finest Yrkanis Scrollmaker parchments, nonetheless!) two massive Frahar spawns have already been exterminated near northern Oflovak’s Oasis, and three totems were destroyed. The Akenak is requesting the help of all homins to help rid the Desert of the remaining Frahars. Who knows, you might even get to meet Pratarr for a cup of tea.
Volume 2, Issue 01: Power to the Blue People!
Zoraï haters out there better beware. The sad days when only a couple of Zoraï Initiates could be found in the Witherings are long gone. Our power is growing exponentially and we are back with a vengeance. There are now practically a handful of us.
If you were in Zora this past night, chances are you heard our silent protest in front of the Zora Temple. That’s how loud our silent sit in was. Zoraï Initiates and Zora residents, along with their friends and allies, gathered around Temple Hall District to petition the creation of a more participative government in the Witherings – something akin to the Akenak, the Taliari or the Chamber of Nobles.
Silent protesters in front of Zora Temple.
The following Zoraï aligned and Zora based guilds participated in the event: Inflatable Friends, Monks of Polonius, Atys Souls and Whispers of Aria. Our friends Fluffy Bunnies were also present. Moreover, the following government representatives showed up to support our cause: Kilgoretrout from the Taliari and Marelli from Matis Nobles.
We interviewed Vang Cai-Ci, Zora’s Female Tattooer, to learn more about how the general population is reacting to these protests:
Eye: Vang Cai-Ci kito, what do you think about the idea of a participative government in Zora?
Vang: This is a theocracy, son. If you want a democracy, you can try Liberty Lakes. Moreover who do you suggest should represent us? I see Zoraï’ï who embraced the misguided Karavan, I see trykerettes all over the place, I see a bunch of naked people dancing in front of the stables, but I hardly ever see a respectful Zoraï Kami Disciple in your midst.
Eye: This is the point of a participative government, Vang Cai-Ci kito. Everyone should have a voice. However we understand this is a theocracy, it’s only natural that kamists would have more benefits and freedoms. By the way, what kind of respectful Zoraï Kami Disciple charges over 110 million dappers for a tattoo, I wonder?
Vang: Is this interview about the Coalition’s petition or tattoo prices?
As you can see dear readers, there’s been some controversy.
What we do know is that the Zoraï Initiates are clamoring for a participative government – add your voice to this noble cause so that our silence is heard across the Witherings! Say no to 110 million dappers tattoos! Erm… I mean, say yes to a participative government in Zora!