See the Emote page for a complete list of emotes.
Player information
- /where Displays your current location as a floating message at the top of the screen as well as in System Info.
- /who Displays the names of all the players in a region, sorted by account age. List is displayed in System Info.
- /who gm Displays all the CSR and GM presently online. Note that CSR and GM have a special flag they can activate to hide their online presence, even from this command. List is displayed in System Info.
Guild Commands
- /guildmotd <message> Updates the guild message of the day. Can only be used by officers, high officers and the guild leader.
- /guildinvite <playername> Invites a player to your guild. Can only be used by officers, high officers and the guild leader
- /afk <message> Activates the afk tag so that other players can see you are away from your terminal. The message is optional and is displayed when a player sends you a tell.
- /assist Targets the target of the targeted entity.
- /brutalQuit Instantaneously quits the game client.
- /chatLog Creates a chatlog in the save folder located in Ryzom's main directory.
- /follow Follows the targeted entity.
- /ignore <playername> Adds a player to your ignore list
- /invite <playername> Invites a player to your team. Can only be used by the team leader or by someone who is not teamed.
- /mount Mounts your mektoub mount. You must be near your mount and it must be outside of the stable.
- /random <number> [<number>] Draws a random number between the first and last provided. Result is displayed in System Info.
- /sleep <number> Puts the client to sleep for the specified amount of time.
- /supportChat Opens the support channel tab.
- /tar <name> Targets the nearest entity matching the given parameter. Use parentheses to when the entity name contains two or more words.
- /target <name> Same as /tar
- /unmount Dismounts your mektoub mount.
Chat commands
- /0 Talk in the player's 1st dynamic chat channel. The first dynamic channel is usually either the Kami/Karavan channel. Depending on events and allegiance this command might not work.
- /1 Talk in the player's 2nd dynamic chat channel. Depending on events and allegiance this command might not work.
Messages sent normally in the around channel have a 25m range.
These commands will make your messages have a 50m range and will appear red (by default) for you.
With these commands a message is sent to the guild channel, visible to all who are in the same guild as you.
These commands send a message visible to all who are in the same region as you at the time.
With these commands a message is sent to the Team channel and is visible to those currently in your party.
Universe channel
These send a message to the universe channel, which is heard by all of Atys.
Private messages
- /tell <playername> <message> Send a whisper to a player
- /tell <playername>(<server>) <message> Send a whisper to a player on another server.
Developer and GM Commands
Developers, GMs, CSR and the events team have special commands that they can use for debugging, support, and for hosting live events.
Obsolete Commands
- /a summonPet <number> Summons one of your pets to your current location. See Patch 27.
- /ah show inv_guild Shows guild inventory. Works outside guild hall. Can get or put dappers, but cannot take out or put in items.
- /ah show_hide inv_guild to toggle Hides guild inventory.
- /ah show inv_room Shows the inventory of your apartment. Works outside apartment. Cannot take out or put in items.
- /ah show_hide inv_room to toggle Hides the inventory of your apartment.
- /flush Manually saves your character.
See also