Once you are a subscribed player, your avatar may purchase an apartment.

They run 1 million dappers in a capital city and 500 thousand dappers in a town.

The apartment will hold your materials and supplies up to a bulk of 2000. When you enter your apartment a new tab will appear in your inventory: ROOM. When you leave your apartment it will disappear.

Pesky Closet!

That can be a problem when you are away from your apartment and cannot remember what items are there. To solve that try this "secret" trick. Go to your apartment and open the INVENTORY window. Be sure the window is unlocked (does not have a padlock in the upper right corner). Right-click the ROOM tab so it has it's own window on the desktop. Lock that window and the INVENTORY window. Now press <ctrl>+<shift>+F2 to freeze it in the F2 alternate desktop. Return to the default desktop F1 before you leave. That's it! Now wherever you are, just press F2 to see your apartment inventory.

You can use a Webapp to see it. More on Apartment (September 2018) - FR updated 29th may 2019 à 12:02‎

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