IG Test March 2020

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Revision as of 19:18, 13 March 2020 by Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Mob pages)
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Under Construction Panel.png !!!! WIP !!!! Under Construction Panel.png
There are currently still 79 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Craftjenn on 13.03.2020.

To test some stuff IG

Basic wiki format

Comment The tag name "ingame" is not supported for <htmltag>.

nettoyeur: all inside this tags will be shown in game (code <htmltag tagname="ingame"> blablabla </htmltag>) The tag name "ingame" is not supported for <htmltag>.

Span stuffs

A normal link on Clopper, interwiki link Clopper and to my notes with é fr:Guide de rédaction/Wiki IG

Italics texts using the toolbar is with the i balise. A normal link on Clopper, interwiki link Clopper and to my notes with é fr:Guide de rédaction/Wiki IG

Italics texts using the toolbar is with the em balise. A normal link on Clopper, interwiki link Clopper and to my notes with é fr:Guide de rédaction/Wiki IG

bold text with links Clopper, Clopper, fr:Guide de rédaction/Wiki IG

Test superscript and Subscript (should be up and below normal text line)

div stufs

With toolbar:

  • puce 1
  • puce2

With number and REF [1]

  1. numbered lines 1
  2. numbered lines 2
    1. numbered lines 2.1
    2. numbered lines 2.2
    • puce

For tabs, see mobs

Mob pages


Gingo (avec tableau), Vorax tab trié, Frahars (image mal placée) + Liste complète des Kitins (lore, couleur fond tab)

Notes and ref

  1. As in the Writing Guide