Treaty four nations

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en:Treaty four nations
fr:Le Traité des Quatre Peuples (ou Édit de Still Wyler)
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2020-07-03)

Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Craftjenn, 03.07.2020

The Treaty Four Nations

(or Edict of Still Wyler)

We, the representatives of the governments of the four peoples gathered this first seven germinally of the fourth Atysian cycle of the year two thousand five hundred and thirty-two at the Gusty Gorge Workshop, declare that henceforth :

We the undersigned being the chief representatives of our races gathered here together, declare that in perpetuity,


All Homins of whatever race or religious persuasion owe initial allegiance to their Faith. Two Faiths are recognized; The Faith of the Kami with Ma-Duk as the Head of the Faith. The Faith of the Karavan with Jena as the Head of the Faith Homin Faith accordingly comes above all else, but may not be used as an excuse to break the other tenets of this treaty.


Homins' secondary allegiance is owed to their Nation, determined by citizenship. Homins who have not attained citizenship owe allegiance to the Nation of their race. Four Nations are recognized; The Fyros Nation whose head of state is the Emperor. The Matis Nation whose head of state is the King. The Tryker Nation whose head of state is the Governor. The Zorai Nation whose head of state is the Grand Sage. Homins are expected to behave with loyalty and decorum to their Nation and their head of state at all times, only turning to the higher power should there ever be a conflict of issue. Homins must obey the laws of their Nation without question and be willing to defend their country in times of war and strife. Homins who are resident or visiting a nation that is not theirs, must obey the laws of that Nation, but are not obliged to defend that Nation unless an emergency is called. In a state of conflict between Nations, a Homin will obey their Nations laws in territories of conflict, until the cessation of hostilities.


We recognize the advantage of outposts being held by Homin Guilds in this time of expansion and growth, but have decided that the secular powers will not be responsible for keeping the peace in any disputed ownership suits. We hereby state that no ruling power will intervene in any way in any disagreement or fight relating to outpost ownership unless it should represent a major threat to National security or the stability of a Nation’s political system.


When a Homin Nation is threatened by Kitin, The Head of State (or acting Head of State) can call for the aid of the other nations...When such is the case, all Homin will assist the attacked nations as if their own. Other threats such as Goo, marauders or unforseen enemies can also be considered in this category when such significantly threatens a Homin Nation,the same criteria apply. Nations who call for aid when none is require may be found in breach of the Treaty.


This treaty supersedes previous treaties in regard to the above articles.

Signed this day by;

  • On behalf of the Tryker Nation: Wyler
  • On behalf of the Fyros Nation: Dexton
  • On behalf of the Matis Nation: Yrkanis
  • On behalf of the Zorai Nation: Mabreka