de:Die Empfänger der Städte/Zora/Actors & places
en:The Cities' Welcomers/Zora/Actors & places
es:Los recibidores de las ciudades/Zora/Actors & places
fr:Les Hôtes des cités/Zora/Actors & places
ru:Глашатаи городов/Zora/Actors & places
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-02-07)

$player$ = Vous
$givervar$ = Sai-Ju Fuangi,

$bijoutier$ = Pei-Jeng Fuan, Jewel Merchant, West Hollow District, Zora;
$chef$ = Shuai-Chon Vao, Zora Guard Chief, Temple Hall District, Zora;
$intendant$ = La-Po Len, Zora Intendant, Highmart, Zora;
$jardinier$ = Su Fung Chiang, gardener, Zora;
$stableboy$ = Vao Pa-Sang, Stable Boy, Goo Chase District, Zora Stables, Zora;
$supplier$ = Qui-Le Bian, Local Supplier, Temple Hall District, Zora;
$vieux$ = Tao Xin Chuan, Zora;

$tribu$ = Icon Worshippers
$icon_welcomer$ = La-Viang Biani, Tribe Welcomer

= Pei-Ziao Pingi, Tribe Chief;

$chutes$ = Mystic Falls
$cite$ = Cities of Intuition
$city$ = Zora
$eaux$ = Still Waters
$escarpement$ = Mossy Scarp
$mare$ = Mektoub Waterhole

$slaveni$ = Minor Slavenis

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